Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 474

"Are you sure?" When the dog and the woman didn't sleep together, Yan shiting's face was a little better.

"I'm sure." The bodyguard immediately said, "I didn't leave the telescope for a moment. I could see clearly. I saw the people in the two rooms before the curtains were closed

Yan shiting turned and went downstairs. He sat on the European sofa in the hall on the first floor. He took a cigar from the box on the coffee table and took a sip.

Curl of smoke ring can not swing away the loneliness of the night.

The cool night wind blew in through the open window.

He became more conscious.

Half of the smoke was put out in the ashtray.

He went to the third floor room to sleep and lay on the luxurious bed. He was full of thoughts about holding Cheng yingxuan's tender and boneless body every night before. He was extremely comfortable when he was sleeping.

He lay, missing her body.

It's hard.

She wasn't there.

Physiology needs venting.

He didn't believe in Cheng yingxuan.

He took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. "Lize, arrange for a beautiful young woman to come to the villa in the suburb. He will arrive in an hour!"

"Yes." Li Ze's phone is full of sleepiness.

I haven't heard what boss said clearly, so I responded reflexively first.

When I recall the boss's order, I sit up from the bed and look at the time in the upper right corner of the mobile phone

At two o'clock in the morning, he is not a fairy. Where to find a woman to send to boss's villa, you can get it in an hour!

I don't know if he misunderstood it or if the boss really wants to have sex with another woman?

He quickly dressed to go out. Passing the living room, Li Yajing came out of the living room in her pajamas. She looked at him suspiciously, "brother, do you want to go out so late?"

"Help general manager Yan do something." He said casually.

"What's the matter?" As long as it's about Yan shiting, Li Yajing is particularly interested.

Li Ze glanced at her sister's young and beautiful face It meets the requirements of boss

If you take my sister, it's ready-made.


According to his man's intuition, boss is definitely looking for a woman to vent his desire. He can't push his sister into the fire pit.

"Nothing." Li Ze hurried out of the door and drove to the direction of "never night sky", the biggest entertainment city in Chenxia. On the way, he called the boss of the entertainment city, "boss Hua, I'd like to ask you for help in an emergency."

Huaxi is the boss's classmate, and boss has some friendship.

From the other party's phone came the loud and powerful KTV dance song, "Hello, hello? Is it Li Ze? What's the matter, Li tezhu... "

Li Ze roared at the mobile phone once, "I want to find a young and beautiful girl, I want it in half an hour!"

"I'll arrange it for you right away!" The other side candidly said, "come and see me all night. As long as you have the energy and money, some girls will let you take them."

Li Ze breathed a little.

When you are in the lake, you have to contact all kinds of people. It's not easy for him to be a special assistant. Otherwise, you can't fulfill the boss's order and be laid off at any time.


An hour later, Li Ze led a 25-year-old woman with heavy make-up, protruding in front and backward, into a private villa in the suburbs.

Click, click, click!

N photos in the dark.

Li Ze was in a hurry and didn't notice.

Asked the servant boss where, he took the young woman directly to the second floor.

From the moment the young woman entered the living room, the luxurious furnishings in the hall on the first floor, the spiral stairs in the high-rise building, and even the carpet were all amazingly exquisite. , the fastest update of the webnovel!