Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 464

The old man has revealed his shortcomings, and Mu Yufeng can feel his concern, "thank you, Grandpa Yan. My situation is different. To be honest, my life was saved by Cheng yingxuan. Even if she wants to cheat me, I'm willing to. I knew her a long time ago, her children It's mine. "

Anyway, the picture of him hugging Cheng yingxuan has been published. Now everyone thinks that he is living with Cheng yingxuan and is about to get married.

He doesn't want Xiaobao to be described as wild again. He will also regard Xiaobao as his own. Now it's OK to have a name.

Besides, sometimes when I look at Xiao Bao, I always feel that his temperament, personality and even his appearance are more like Cheng yingxuan, and sometimes he is very similar to Yan shiting.

He didn't dare to dig into the secret

Afraid of the result that he can't accept.

He is selfish Want to hide the mother and son under their own wings, do not want to let the Yan family contact.

"Cheng Xiaobao is your child!" CEN Sufen stood up and was sent to Lei by the news.

Even the old man Yan's face flashed by an accident.

"What happened in those days was not enough for outsiders..." He wryly hooked his lips, "in short, I'm not good. In the future, I will give Cheng yingxuan's mother and son happiness. "

Old master Yan was silent for a moment. "Today, I was warning Cheng yingxuan not to pester shiting any more. It seems that... "

Mu Yufeng quickly waved his hand, "no, you can't be like this as an elder. In my own ears, Cheng yingxuan told Yan shiting that she and he were in the past, and they had nothing to do with them in the future. "

Jun Yan Ying was unhappy. "Besides, grandfather Yan and Cheng yingxuan are my fiancee. I have an obligation to protect her. I don't want you to disturb her with such false accusations. Just look at my face, Cheng yingxuan You'd better not disturb her

"Well." Old master Yan stamped his crutch and stood up. "Today is a great harvest. Since Cheng yingxuan has nothing to do with Shi Ting, I don't want to see her either! Come on, Sophie. "

CEN Sufen quickly helped up old master Yan, "Dad, please slow down."

After Mu Yufeng politely sent the two people out of the door, he put the black chicken stewed in the electric cooker before he went out. He quickly fried two small dishes, carried them on a tray, and knocked on the security door of the opposite door.

Cheng yingxuan opened the door and saw several bowls of vegetables in his tray. "What's the matter?"

He put all the dishes on the table of the restaurant before he invited him in. "Xuanxuan, you can see that the black chicken I cooked specially was cooked before I went out. Now it's just right to eat."

"You can eat it yourself, thank you."

He picked an eyebrow, "this way what thanks, I eat alone lonely, eat together only fragrant." He said, pulling her to a chair at the table.

As soft as a boneless hand, his skin is so smooth and tender that his heart waves. I really want to hold her hand forever until the end of time.

She pulled back her hand. "I'm talking about Lord Yan. I saw him go from the balcony. He and Ms. Cen came to trouble me and left like this. Obviously, it was you who said good things for me

"It should be." "Cheng yingxuan, later, I will take care of you."

"I don't need anyone to look after me!" She picked up the dishes on the table and put them back on the tray. "You'd better go back to your own home."

There was a trace of hurt in his lacquered eyes. "You all said that it's past style with Yan shiting. Can't you give me a chance?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!