Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 454

"That doesn't matter." Mu Yu Feng's face floated with a smile, "Xiao Bao, you don't need to be under pressure. I've known your mother for many years, so it's the communication between good friends."

"That's what you said. If you can't catch up with my mother, don't blame me."


"Then I'll be relieved." Xiaobao stroked his full stomach. "Thank you for your breakfast. I'm going to school."

"I'll see you off." Mu Yufeng volunteered.

"Still can't, Aunt Wang just send me."

Mu Yu Feng picked up Xiao Bao's small body and said, "it's my pleasure to send you, little guy. Let me send you."

"Uncle mu, you are a real apple polisher."

"Ha ha!" Mu Yu Feng Le laughed, "you little guy is really bean."

Aunt Wang was very pleased to see them getting along. She felt that Mr. mu, who was warm and sunny, was much better than the cold Yan.


Cheng yingxuan parked her car in the underground parking lot of Lanshi group and got on the elevator. When she met several colleagues, they all looked at her strangely, and no one asked anything.

Passing the corridor, Yang Hao, the head of the administration department, asked mysteriously, "Cheng Gong, you broke up with Mr. Yan and changed to a boyfriend?"

She felt strange that she broke up with Yan shiting only yesterday. How could the whole company know?

"No She said, "why do you say that?"

Yang Hao said with a smile, "Cheng Gong, don't hide it. The whole city of Chenxia knows that Mu Yufeng, the eldest young master of Mu's group, wrote a huge sum of money to pay for the radio stations at 7 o'clock last night, and the appearance advertisement of the building proposed to you."

“……” This is what Yan shiting did, OK? She was silent for a moment, "what's the matter with Guan Muyu Feng?"

"Look at today's news paper." Yang Hao said discontentedly, "you and Mu family big young fast marriage matter all board fixed nail, also conceal colleague, too not interesting?"

Cheng yingxuan said nothing more. She went into the office, turned on her computer and watched the news.

At 7 o'clock last night, the mysterious man proposed to Mr. Cheng yingxuan, the director of LanChi group, under the advertisement of super large handbag!

The most shocking proposal of the century took place at seven o'clock last night

Mu Yufeng and Cheng yingxuan live together in jinghongyuan, and Mu Shao's big budget advertisement proposes marriage

Also attached are photos of Mu Yufeng hugging her.

News headlines like this are numerous.

Cheng yingxuan frowned.

Last night, she was in a bad mood. After getting off the bus in jinghongyuan, Mu Yufeng gave her a courtesy hug. Unexpectedly, she was photographed by a reporter!

Then at 7 o'clock last night, the man who proposed to her did not show up officially, so the media naturally counted him as Mu Yufeng.

What and what?


Obviously, it is Yan shiting's proposal. Mu Yufeng and her are just neighbors. Can these two things lead to her cohabitation with Mu Yufeng? Also, she is about to marry Mu Shida Shao. The media can really talk about it!

The phone rings on her desk. She glances at the caller ID, but it's Yan shiting.

What else did he call for?

She frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, or answered the phone, "what can I do for you?"

"Cheng yingxuan, you are so unwilling to be lonely, just rolled out of my villa, and turned to Mu Yu Feng's arms?" The man on the other end of the phone was angry, and his voice was filled with uncontrollable anger.

At the beginning, she was questioned by him, and her heart was full of fire, "we have broken up. Is it related to you?"

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