Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 436

There is no hope of cure Sperm is born with major chromosome defects

He Yan shiting will never have his own children, never!

Who will inherit the Yan family? What's the point of making more money without an heir?

He and Cheng yingxuan can't have children, how can life be perfect?

For a moment, his energy was almost drained.

The whole world, life Dark!

He hates children, thinks it's troublesome, doesn't understand, and can't like it.

After seeing such a lovely child as Cheng Xiaobao, he began to want a baby as good as Xiaobao.

He has been looking forward to making Cheng yingxuan pregnant. He wants to be a good husband for her and a good father for her and his children.

The expectation that she wanted to get pregnant for him became more and more strong, so strong that he hardly let her rest in bed and toss her body.

It turns out that No matter how many times I do it, this wish will never come true in a lifetime.

He didn't hear the cell phone ringing as if he had lost his ear.

I didn't look at my cell phone. I wasn't even interested. Who called.

A man sits like a dementia, allowing darkness to envelop him.

The mobile phone bell rings indefatigably, as if the death endlessly evocative.

I don't know how long he sat there. Yan shiting finally took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Thirty missed calls were all from his mother.

The thirty first phone call came in. He finally picked up the phone, but before he spoke, the other party bombarded him, "son, what's the matter with you? Why don't you even answer your mother's phone? I heard that you're going to propose to Cheng yingxuan tonight. I won't allow you to marry that wild woman. I'm not allowed to marry that wild woman

The other end of the phone Cen Sufen has not finished, Yan shiting deadpan hung up the phone.

The other party will call in, and he will directly set her number to block the call.

His mother's phone call reminded him that

He was ready to propose to Cheng yingxuan tonight!

From the pocket of his suit, he took out an exquisite high-grade flannel box, which contained his ring for proposal.

He didn't know whether to open the mouth

If she knew he was infertile, would she marry him?

He remembered that she had said that she and Xiaobao's father had once

At the beginning, other men made her pregnant so easily, but he asked her countless times. Moreover, he couldn't make her a mother

Raise your hand and unconsciously feel the mask on your left face.

He has destroyed his face, selfishly let her accept a incomplete him.

Do you want her to accept a sterile him?

A sense of inferiority, which was not worthy of her, filled his heart and almost choked him with pain.

Dr. Wei Ximing's sympathetic eyes came to mind.

When is it his turn for a little andrologist to laugh at Yan shiting? The truth is, he's really ridiculous.

Only he knew that when he saw the results of the sperm test, he felt as if the sky was falling apart and the pain was boundless.

He doesn't need anyone's sympathy, and he doesn't allow anyone to watch jokes.

Extreme forbearance, pretended to be nothing to support left, walked into the car, no one can see, only dare to show emotion.

Thinking of Cheng yingxuan's beautiful face

He didn't know whether to propose as planned

If you love her, you should set her free!

But at the thought of giving up her, his heart was as painful as being smashed with a hammer, and his chest was torn with blood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!