Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 434

I'm afraid the boss is not happy and will crack him off!

"It will be ready soon..." Wei Ximing answered in a trembling voice.

Yan shiting has just heard the printing of the inspection report. He strides into the laboratory and sees Wei Ximing tangled with a single face of the report.

"Yan General manager Yan... " Wei Ximing was surprised. "Why did you come in?"

"Here is the list of inspection results." Yan shiting stretched out his hand. Wei Ximing saw that he couldn't hide, so he said cautiously, "that General manager Yan, the situation is not very good, you Be prepared mentally. "

Yan shiting impatiently took the inspection form from his hand. It was written on it, name: Yan shiting, age 28 And a series of accurate data for sperm detection.

His eyes fell on the most cruel indicator: living sperm 0%.

His brow was cold, his face was cold, and his voice was like a death talisman coming from hell, "what is a living sperm zero percent?"

Wei Ximing glanced at his face as cold as a glacier for ten thousand years. His teeth could not stop fighting. "Yes The rate of dead sperm is 100%

Yan shiting's heart suddenly cold to the extreme, "hundreds of millions of sperm, not a living? Are you careful enough? "

Wei Ximing bowed his head. "I've tested it several times to make sure there's no live sperm in your sperm." In other words, Yan has no fertility.

"Could it be a mistake in inspection, improper diet or something Why is this happening? "

"Combined with other examination data, you should be born with sperm chromosome defects, so that all dead sperm." In other words, it's not a checking error.

Yan shiting's face was as stiff as a broken string. He seemed to be holding on to something. He clenched his fist, "is there any way to cure it?"

Weiximing shook his head. "It can't be cured. Sperm mortality is high, can cure is the kind of stay up late, or as you say, improper diet, the day after tomorrow. But you this situation, is the inborn chromosome flaw, cannot cure.

I can try to prescribe medicine for you, if there is Miracle, if your sperm can produce some live, normal, then, with the development of medicine, if the woman is willing to use your sperm as a test tube baby, maybe you still have a chance to obtain offspring. "

Yan shiting's heart was as cold as ashes. After listening to the doctor's words, he couldn't help but raise a glimmer of hope. "What's the cure rate of my condition, or in other words, what's the possibility of producing living sperm?"

"If it's before you're 23 years old, maybe you still have 0.01% chance of having normal living sperm. As long as there are live, a male ejaculation can be tens of millions to hundreds of millions, always pick out a few available.

However, even if your sperm is alive, the quality is certainly not good, which will lead to the poor quality of the embryo, because the quality of the embryo is poor, the proportion of sperm absolute factors is too large. In other words Even if a woman is willing to bear the pain to make a test tube baby for you, the possibility of embryo transfer for the successful pregnancy of the woman is extremely low. The probability is as low as 10% of the success rate of the test tube baby. " Wei Ximing analyzed it professionally.

"You're talking nonsense!" Yan shiting rebuked coldly, "I'm not under 23 now, I'm 28, I'm almost 29!"

"So The time has passed. " Wei Ximing's face flashed with regret and could not hide his sympathy. "I'm sorry, Mr. Yan, your condition, treatment rate Zero percent. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!