Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 431

Yan shiting almost seconds back message: why only one line?

She threw the test paper into the basket and returned his message: it's very simple that not pregnant is a line.

He replied: time has not arrived, 15 minutes may appear two lines, that is pregnant!

Zhang Jing in the side to see two people's text messages, "the original Yan always sent you is really a pregnancy test box, look at his information, you are not pregnant, he is very disappointed."

Cheng yingxuan washed her hands and was ready to return to the office. Seeing Zhang Jing staring at the paper basket, "are you still going?"

Zhang Jing unexpectedly Pervertedly wrapped her lost pregnancy test paper with a napkin and picked it up. "I watched Yan for 15 minutes to see if there were two lines..."

Cheng yingxuan took a puff from the corner of her mouth. "If you jump to thunder group, Yan shiting will arrange a good position for you?"

"This is Cheng Gong. One day if I can't get along in the blue group, you can introduce me to thunder group, where the salary is higher! "

"I'm afraid Yan shiting didn't sell me that face."

"No, Mr. Yan has been paying a high price for three times your salary. In the past, you regarded money like dirt. Your face is greatly reduced. Even if you can't go to work in thunder group, you can serve Mr. Yan. The emperor of Chenxia City, we all have to bow and bow when we see him. I'm very honored. "

Cheng yingxuan first went back to the office. Fifteen minutes later, Zhang Jing followed in and shook her head and said, "Cheng Gong, I'm going to make a hole in your test paper. There's only one line. You're not pregnant yet."

Have you washed your hands

"Washed." Zhang Jing broke down and said, "Cheng Gong, what can you do if you are not pregnant? Yan will not marry you because of this? "

"He didn't say he would marry me." Although she knew that Yan shiting would choose the time to propose to her today

After watching the time in the lower right corner of the computer screen, it's 2:30 p.m., and she has to work during the day.

I think he'll propose in the evening.

She didn't want to be known too early until the established facts were established.

"Alas..." Zhang Jing looked at her pitifully, "Cheng Gong I've been waiting for you to be Mrs. Yan. How can I feel that there is only one line and it's like it's over. I have a bad premonition that Yan will always be furious... "

Cheng yingxuan's mobile phone message rang out in time. After a look, Yan shiting showed a very angry expression.

"Look General manager Yan is really angry. " Zhang Jing shuddered at the thought of Yan's ice face, "you can either hide from him these days, don't see him, or he is so cold that he will freeze you into ice lump!"

"Well, go and do your work." Cheng yingxuan didn't mind waving her hand. Zhang Jing this wench character is still good, in the company more get her edge.

"Cheng Gong, if you can't bear Mr. Yan's anger, call me when you can. I will comfort you... "

Cheng yingxuan seems to think of something, "by the way, Yan shiting sent me the pregnancy test paper. Don't say it to the public, or I will lose all my face." How can Ting Ting Ting do such a childish thing? It seems that he is crazy to want children.

"I won't tell you, Cheng Gong, about the confidentiality fee..." Zhang Jing glared at her and said, "are you going to have dinner today?"

Cheng yingxuan originally wanted to agree to come down, afraid that Yan shiting arranged to propose at dinner, she had to stagger the time, "well, I'll take a time in two days." , the fastest update of the webnovel!