Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 425

"Yes, boss."

Yan shiting hung up.

Cheng yingxuan leans against the wall outside the door, eavesdropping, and her heart beats.

I didn't expect Ting Ting to be serious and cold as hell, but her blood pressure soared when she was romantic!

For a week, she can afford to wait.

At the same time, she is a little sad. Is she going to get married in a week?

His overbearing words echoed in his ears: no rejection!

He made so much noise, so much effort, and spent so much time preparing his proposal, she didn't seem to want to refuse.

But she's not ready to be a bride.

Steady steps out of the study, Cheng yingxuan guilty, before he found himself, quietly back to the bedroom, bed in the quilt.

Yan shiting went directly back to the room, gently lifted up the quilt and lay beside her. He stretched out his iron arm and held her tender and boneless body in his arms.

Touching her cold skin, "Cheng yingxuan, are you awake, have you been up?"

She pretended to be sleepy. "I just got up and went to the bathroom. Where have you been?"

"I went to the study and dealt with "Business." If the ring has been designed, it should be kept secret for the time being. He has a premonition that she will like the wedding ring he designed for her.

"Oh." Her eyebrows and eyes were smiling, but she was lying in his arms. He could not see her sweet expression.

His big palms covered her chest, soft and full, and the good touch made his lower abdomen react instantly.

"Are you full of sleep?" His hoarse voice is a bit hoarse.

"Well." She nodded. Peeping at his wedding ring and listening to his phone call, she was so excited that her blood was boiling.

It turns out that

She is looking forward to marrying him.

He turned over and pressed on her, kissing her lips, opening her neat white teeth with his tongue, and extorting a kiss, "I'm hungry..."

She was so breathless by his kiss that she finally got a break. Knowing that he had stayed up late these days, it was not easy, "I'll prepare breakfast for you..."

"Hungry to want you." He patted her delicate white face with a big palm. Her skin was really good. It was tender than clotting fat, but also showed a faint pink.

She took the initiative to ring his neck, raised her head and put her lips together to show that she was willing to feed him.

He was a little stupefied for a moment. She seldom took the initiative. Now he was so enthusiastic that he was surprised.

He raised his hand and took off the mask on his left cheek and put it on the bedside table to reveal his scarred left face.

She painfully sucked out a wet mark on his left face.

He could feel her heartache for his deformity. A cold heart almost collapsed and melted by her.

Hold her tightly like a treasure, and lead her to the cloud and rain peak where the soul and the body blend together

Cheng yingxuan is trying to calculate the time of the day.

Every day, she expects more.

Maybe it's nothing to worry about. Yan shiting asks her hard every day. She tries her best to cooperate with her and makes him very comfortable in bed.

Sometimes he even said that he wanted to keep in touch with her and not go out!

Six long waiting days have passed.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the seventh morning.

As soon as the seventh day arrived, Cheng yingxuan felt that the time suddenly became faster.

I don't know when Yan shiting is going to propose to her?

Early in the morning, Yan shiting went out first.

Cheng yingxuan thinks that he must be busy with the specific process of marriage proposal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!