Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 423

The ring he designed for her makes a lot more sense.

Yes, if he does propose

She would agree.

He glared at her. "Now that you open this mouth, I promise."

"It's like designing a ring. You're asking me to marry you." She raised her lips with a smile.

He put out his hand and stroked her face. His voice was warm and cold. "What do you say?"

She saw the wild possessiveness in his dark eyes.

"Take a rest when you are finished. Don't be tired." He didn't know how many times he picked her up and walked in the direction of the big bed.

Gently put her on the bed, he pressed on her, "in case you have a baby in your stomach, tired of you, I will be distressed."

"Without a baby, you don't feel bad?" Her beautiful little face was filled with discontent.

"It hurts too." "Yan shiting, you told me to take a day off."

He took off his coat and went to bed. He only held her in his arms. From time to time, he touched her with his big palms. He made a slight noise. "Sleep at ease. I won't touch you tonight."

No, what's his hand doing? She was so excited by him that she wanted to cry without tears.

Fortunately, he really just touched, and did not possess her body.

Otherwise, these days, even by him, her legs still ache.

The next morning, Yan shiting wakes up and stares at Cheng yingxuan's delicate facial features for a while. His long, dense eyelashes, delicate eyebrows, high nose and small pink mouth make him want to kiss her, but he is afraid to wake her up in his sleep.

He found that he liked her more and more.

I would like to propose to her now, marry her home, and give her the status of Mrs. Yan all his life, and never let her be coveted by other men any more!

Originally, I wanted to laugh at those men who proposed romantic marriage, wasting time and doing nothing.

It's his turn

It turned out that he did not want to aggrieve his beloved woman.

He will give her a perfect wedding ring, a romantic proposal, a grand and luxurious wedding.

When he got out of bed, he took out his new suit shirt from the closet and put it on.

She opened her eyes slightly, took a look at him, yawned and said, "are you going out this weekend?"

"Something's going on in the company."

"Then you Pay attention to safety and arrange more bodyguards to protect your safety. " She told, "since there are movements in Yan Kai's side, you have to be careful, don't get hurt, and don't have anything."

He is wearing a tie gesture a stiff, dark deep pupil contains a trace of moving, deep eyes fixed on her, the tone is affirmative, "you care about me."

Instead of being obstinate with him, she admitted, "yes."

A warm current flashed through his cold heart like a glacier, and the ripples waved in circles and softened his heart. "OK, I'll pay attention."

He went to the edge of the bed and sat down. He leaned over and put a kiss on her face. "You go on sleeping. I'll be back when I'm done with the company."

"Well." She squeezed his big hand, and suddenly she was reluctant to leave.

Looking at her coquettish action, his cold and stern face flashed softly, "Cheng yingxuan, we have agreed that you will force me to marry in the next life, this life Then I'll have to come. You've got to be prepared. I don't accept rejection, okay

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