Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 421

"Cheng Gong, it's me, Wang Youlin, the project manager of lanyue Plaza."

"What's the matter with manager Wang?"

"The concrete in building 3 can't be broken out, and the pump is always blocked today..." Wang Youlin's voice is a little urgent.

"Make a video call and I'll see the scene."

Wang Youlin said embarrassed, "Cheng Gong, that, my mobile phone function is not good, can't make a phone link to video."

"Then you send a video of pumping concrete on site to my wechat. My micro signal is my mobile phone."


Wang Youlin quickly sent a wechat verification. After Cheng yingxuan passed the verification of his friends, he sent a video of on-site concrete construction.

After Cheng yingxuan's analysis, she replied with a voice message: the material is too dry, so the operator of the concrete machine building in the mixing plant will increase the slump by 50.

"OK." Voice.

"Contact me if you have any questions." She closed wechat and saw Yan shiting's deep eyes staring at her face, "I have to deal with the temporary situation and the company's affairs."

Yan shiting did not say anything, but felt that a woman as beautiful as her was not a straw bag and could keep pace with men.

Capable women are not without, can let him Yan shiting appreciate, Cheng yingxuan is really the first.

"Li Ze is waiting for me with the information. I'll go to the study on the second floor." He got up calmly and stepped up the second floor.

After a while, Li Ze left first, and Yan shiting was still upstairs.

Seeing that the kitchen was almost ready for dinner, Cheng yingxuan went to the study to call him.

Yan shiting is looking through several materials in his hands. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he looks up from behind his desk and looks at her.

Her eyes fell on the data map on the desktop, all kinds of rings of various styles

What is he doing with the ring?

Her heart all of a sudden, missed a beat, he should not want to propose to himself?

Does Ting Ting let her turn her upside down? He forced her to marry, but he saw that there was no end to it.

He wants to take the initiative to take the initiative to marry her?

My heart suddenly bumped like a fawn.

He closed the information book and said without expression, "don't get me wrong. I'm not going to propose to you."

Just not now.

After two days, he found the best designer to make the best wedding ring, and then he opened his mouth to surprise her.

Therefore, we can't admit it now, otherwise we won't have a sense of surprise.

Her face stiffened for a moment. She walked to him with a smile, and leaned over his handsome right face and gave him a kiss. Her voice was ambiguous. "Ting Ting Ting, I didn't say you wanted to propose to me. Why don't you have 300 taels of silver here?"

His ear root son a red, may be the skin is not white, also did not show immediately, "cough!"

Sharp eye light swept her one eye, with a sharp blade to cover up the heart, "what do you come up to do?"

"Will you go down and eat?"

He put his iron arm across her slender waist and forced her to sit on her lap and suck her lips. The male voice was hoarse and hoarse, "you are better to eat."

Put the big palm into her thigh and touch the root of her leg

Her whole body was touched by him for a while numb, seized his hand, "don't commit adultery, eat!"

Take the lead to stand up, step on high heels out of the study, he followed.

Her eyes glanced at a pile of information on the desk, the computer display screen is also full of the current popular wedding ring styles

Water moistening eyes glared at him, and the thoughtful eyes were witty, as if to say: Yan shiting, you lied, but you said you didn't want to propose! , the fastest update of the webnovel!