Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 417

One hundred million is a small thing Romona was so excited that she knew it would cost a billion!

The blood was boiling, but before he got on his chest, Yan Song took a newspaper and said coldly, "although I have a look at the general ledger at home occasionally, the old man is retired and at leisure. He likes to read and manage accounts. One hundred million non investment project funds need to be reported to him. "

Then, Luo Mengna excitedly went to the study to find old master Yan. The old adamant who was quick to enter the coffin said, "one hundred million is a big sum. No matter how rich the Yan family is, I'm a person from the revolutionary era. I'm used to saving. All the assets of the Yan family are to be left to Yan shiting. Go and find the heir, and shiting will give it to you."

If she asked Yan shiting for money, she would stick her hot face on the cold buttocks of these old guys?

After all, she didn't get any money. Instead, she was preached by old master Yan, who told her to save money and not to expose her clothes

Almost didn't make her mad!

Indignantly returned to the room, she picked up her mobile phone to call Yan Kai, "Kai, I was bullied by several old Yan family members!"

After telling the story again, Yan Kaiwei narrowed his eyes, "you just asked for 10 million yuan. It seems that It was Yan shiting who told him to guard against you. "

"What now?"

"I think Yan shiting doesn't move you now. It's true that because he had sex with you and you were pregnant, his blood was precious and he didn't dare to kill you by mistake." Yan Kai doesn't know that it's not Yan shiting who has sex with Mona. "It's impossible for Yan shiting to marry you. I can only send someone to do it in advance... "

She lost her voice, "do you really want to kill Yan shiting?"

"He won't die. The property of the Yan family will never come to me! As soon as he dies, all the property belongs to the child in your stomach. "

"What if the child in my stomach is born, not his, but yours?" She couldn't help worrying.

"Don't worry. If Yan shiting dies, first of all, old master Yan will die. If Yan Song and his wife send the white haired man to the black hair man, he will lose half of his life, so he can't control so much. At that time, the child was born, and Yan shiting died, and there was no way to do paternity testing. Yan Song and his child would do paternity testing. I had a way to tamper with the results. "

"Well What if the child is really Yan shiting's? " The consequence occurred to her.

"Then we'll use it up and" deal with it. " Yan Kai said it mercilessly.

Romona could not help shivering

"Mona, do you blame me for being cruel?" Yan Kai comforted, "you think, Cheng yingxuan had a child, she was with Yan shiting every day, Cheng yingxuan was not pregnant. How could you have been pregnant with him once? It's extremely difficult for a man of Yan family to bear children. The child can't be his, it's only mine. "

"So it is." She was relieved by his analysis, and suddenly she was afraid, "Kay, will our phone be monitored?"

"No, I've got an anti sniffer. No one will hear us. "

"That's good." She asked eagerly, "Yan shiting is on guard against us. When are you going to start? Come on, he's afraid to kill me

"Honey, you can live in the Yan Family's old house with peace of mind. The meat in your stomach may belong to the Yan family. Even if the relationship between us is exposed, the Yan family will take children as their priority. They are too eager for a child. People, the less you get, the more you want. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!