Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 414

They either put out candles or rent luxury cars to form a circle of hearts, or even use condoms to make heart-shaped proposals

Thinking in my heart, it's really nothing new. I've got to put forward a proposal with a condom, which is just a mental handicap, on the news.

It's not blasphemous love to propose marriage with a suit and make it clear that there is only sex!

He lit a cigarette, took a puff, and the smoke curled away

I have to admit that for Cheng yingxuan.

He has love. He not only loves her body, but also wants to lock her up all her life and belong to himself alone!

If she had not given birth to Cheng Xiaobao with other men, everything would have been perfect.

Thinking of Xiaobao's cute and handsome face, he suddenly has the heart to classify the little guy as an obstacle to his marriage.


Li Ze walked out of the hall, and a beautiful young girl called to him sweetly, "brother."

"Yajing, why are you here?" Li Ze has doubts in his eyes.

She lifted a box in her hand and said, "Yan Bo's mother made cakes and asked me to bring them to brother Yan."

Li Ze frowned, "in the future, don't call your wife aunt Yan. Our family is for Yan's family. You should call your wife respectfully."

"Brother..." Li Yajing does not comply with, "Madame does not mind, what do you worry about." Take a look at him, "you rush out, where are you going?"

Li Ze thought of boss's command, his eyes fell on her sweet little face, close to her, "Yajing, you tell brother, you won't still like Yan Zong?"

She blushed, "brother, what do you say..."

"Mr. Yan is getting married soon. Don't think about it."

"It's you who are so thoughtful that I take him as my brother."


"Cheat you to do what, you go to busy you!" She gave a hasty cry.

Huang Qi, a colleague, just passed by and stopped laughing. "Hey, Li tezhu, who is this girl? How beautiful is your girlfriend?"

Li zeheng said, "manager Huang, don't talk nonsense. This is my sister."

Huang Qi said with a smile, "what kind of brother and sister are you doing now? They are a mess of relatives, and finally they have gone to the sea on the bed..."

"My sister!" Li Ze added three words, Huang Qi's informal smile immediately converged, "Li tezhu's sister, Hello, I'm Huang Qi, purchasing manager of thunder group."

"Hello, manager Huang." Li Yajing said hello gently.

Huang Qi immediately took out his business card and said, "this is my business card. Miss Li, I know your brother very well. If you have time, come to the company and play with me..."

"Who knows you well." Li Ze grabbed the business card and said to his sister, "don't pay attention to him, just a playboy."

Li Yajing smiles and doesn't speak. She goes in the direction of the elevator.

Huang Qi touched his chin, "Li tezhu, your sister got into the high-rise elevator. Where is she going?"

Li Ze didn't want her sister to be misunderstood. She simply said, "she brought some food and put it in the office for me." As it happens, his assistant office is on the same floor as the President's.

"Oh." Huang Qi didn't doubt anything, but lined up his shoulders with a good look of two brothers, "Li tezhu, when will you invite your sister to come out for dinner?"

"What's your idea?" Li Zehui looks at him.

"What can we do? Pull the harmony between you and my brothers. Your sister is my sister..."

"Come on, we're not friends. I have business. " Li Ze left without paying attention to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!