Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 408

He picked up Xiaobao's small body, the big one, the big one, and the small one, "don't ask adults about children." A word is enough.

"It's the same as not saying it." The little guy complained discontentedly.

Exquisite extremely small face, small mouth son toot a bit.

Yan shiting looks at Cheng Xiaobao in his arms. How can he be so cute? Kiss Xiao Bao's face.

Xiaobao once again raised his hand to wipe his face. "Uncle Yan, how can you kiss me?"

Yan shiting was surprised when he finished kissing. He was just a pure conditioned reflex. Didn't he hate children the most? Always feel Xiaobao inexplicably make him feel close, maybe this is congenial.

He was calm and did not answer.

Xiaobao was used to his black carbon face, but he was not afraid of him. "Forget it, your adult behavior is always beyond children's understanding." Little arm around his neck to climb up, the little guy also "Bo" on his face, "kiss you, lest you say I only kiss my mother, not you, more women than men. Although it is true. "

"Poof!" Cheng yingxuan was amused.

Yan shiting also slightly hooked the corner of the mouth, is holding Xiaobao steadily downstairs, thinking that Cheng yingxuan's child is really good.

After breakfast, Yan shiting orders Zheng Wei to send Xiaobao to school.

He personally drove Cheng yingxuan to the Lanshi group where she worked.

The speed is very slow.

She looked at the time. It was ten minutes to eight, and she couldn't help urging, "Hey, hurry up, I'm going to be late."

Yan shiting is still driving slowly.

"I said," can't you drive faster? " She frowned.

"Have you forgotten something?" There was a chill on his cold face.

Of course, she knows that after breakfast, he is still waiting for her to force her to marry. Therefore, she is not really afraid of being late, but is hiding from this

Originally, he wanted to drive by himself, but he was too overbearing to refuse to ask for "Eighteen send off". She couldn't help it.

"What?" She had to play dumb.

He was angry with his foot on the gas pedal, and the speed of the car suddenly soared. He was so skillful that he didn't crash in a busy street.

She exclaimed excitedly, "ah! You're crazy, driving so fast He thought that if she could get to the company as soon as possible, she could run away. He couldn't follow her to work.

He glanced at her excited face and knew what she was up to.

As soon as the brake was applied, the car pulled over and stopped.

She looked around the high-rise buildings suspiciously, "not to the company."

"There's still a little way to go. I'll take a taxi." Touch the door handle to open the door.

He quickly pressed the lock key on the door, his face gloomy and frightening.

She couldn't get out and said, "no taxi? Anyway, it's not far away. I'll just walk there... " The "11" bus is an eternal convenience. At that time, the ancestors of the Chinese nation used to rely on two legs for transportation thousands of years ago.

"Cheng yingxuan, don't play silly for me!" There was a low growl of impatience in his chest.

"When I pretend to be stupid, I will..." Looking at his more and more gloomy face, "it is It's a little bit of a shock. "

Put out the shell of the little finger and flick it with the fingernail of the thumb.

His cold face was black and had a three-dimensional feeling. His whole body was even colder than the iceberg. "What you promised, I will fulfill it immediately! I want you to force my marriage now, immediately and immediately! "

She gazed at his livid face in disbelief, as if staring at a strange monster. , the fastest update of the webnovel!