Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 402

Lying in his arms, she felt very relieved.

She fainted last night at the thought of the man's need.

The beast has no energy!

She remembered that she didn't eat dinner yesterday. The servant knocked at the door and said that the dinner was ready. Then she was yelled "get out of here"!

As soon as his appointment with the customer was approaching, his mobile phone kept ringing. He directly released one hand and pressed the power off button.

The world is so quiet that she and he are the only ones fighting in bed.

Now it's light again. She and he went to work once yesterday morning. He went back to work at noon. He came back once. He got out of the hospital and "she went up and down with him" on the reclining chair in the courtyard. In the evening, they went back to their room. They almost did it in the latter half of the night before he was fully satisfied.

It was all his efforts, and she was forced to cooperate.

She had a delusion that he was like a beast that had been hungry for five or six years.

She is such a beautiful woman that she can't afford to provoke wild animals!

Thinking that he didn't touch any other woman, she only strengthened him once more than five and a half years ago. I have been hungry for five or six years.

It's compensation.

Even if he is really about to die, he does not touch other women, she can not blame him.

She raised her hand and tried to touch his thick eyelashes. Before she touched them, he opened his sharp black eyes.

His eyes are as deep as a bottomless pool, unfathomable, and have a fatal attraction. They are enchanting and wild, attracting people to sink involuntarily.

She never thought she would fall in love with a man.

But her heart did beat for him.

Even if love is not deep, like It's shallow love.

A woman like her who crawled out of hell never thought that she would like a man, too?

Don't say deep love, shallow love has been incredible.

He took her little hand, which she wanted to touch his face, and put her hand on the edge of her thin and cold lips to make a kiss. "Where do you want to touch me, huh?"

His cold voice has a gentle, slightly raised ending, which is very emotional.

It's said that men love because of sex.

She met him again, and within a few days, she was half intimidated and seduced by him, and began to talk to him. Although he was the second master she had taken care of with a blank card.

In fact, this man always uses his charm to attract and seduce her.

Even if we go to bed, we are adult men and women. You love me. She has been hungry for five or six years

Two hungry The body is good, but it's not just a gun fire, plus firewood!

She pulled back her hand. "I can't touch it."

I went to bed in the middle of the night last night. I drank water before going to bed. My voice is not very hoarse.

She wanted to get up, and he held her in a tyrannical way, "where are you going?"

"Take a shower and get ready for work."

"Don't go!"

"You haven't figured it out yet?" "If you don't want me to go to work, I'll just follow you..." Break up two words dare not spit out.

Because his tiny squint eyes are full of warning, as if she dare to say those two words, she will kill her!

She has no doubt that he has the ability to kill her in bed!

Seeing that she didn't dare to continue, Yan shiting coldly cast his lips, "if you dare to say it easily..." Break up two words, he also did not vomit out, "I a thousand ways to kill you, see in our friendship, I will choose to let you die."

“……” She had three black lines on her forehead.

Pondering, if you have a hard time with this man, it is the egg to hit the stone.

In fact, he did not know that she was also a stone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!