Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 350

"You are too busy to move in space, change radically into women in my hands, feel great ups and downs, be played by a cheap goods, shouldn't you? Romona didn't let me down. As soon as she went to Yan's house, she made a lot of noise. She made the old master agree not to force me to marry Yang Xi. It really saved me a lot of things. "

CEN Sufen suddenly said, "I understand that you let Luo Mengna enter the old house. You are using the knife to kill people. It is the purpose that you let Luo Mengna not force you to marry Yang Xi!"

"Mom, you'd better take a little head." Yan shiting freely admitted.

"Hoo Whoa I'm so angry CEN Sufen could hardly stand on her feet. She seemed to faint. "What kind of a day is it today? My two big grandsons are gone. I was teased by a resourceful Luo Jian. My son is watching jokes behind his back Yang Xi, a good daughter-in-law who was supposed to marry, was also ruined Ouch, ouch, I can't... "

Cheng yingxuan saw her wobbling body and asked Yan shiting, "your mother is going to faint. Don't you go and help her?"

"She is a lady all day long. She is very happy and angry. Sometimes she is angry and helps to excrete adrenal hormones. I'm so dizzy. Some servants take her directly to the hospital. "

As soon as his voice fell, it was like a magic elixir. Cen Sufen instantly regained his stability and stood upright. His old face was ruddy. I didn't know whether he was angry or good-looking. "Don't worry about my son. I'm still young. I'm not so angry."

Yan shiting ignored her and took a sip of the tea that Cheng yingxuan had drunk.

CEN Sufen suddenly opened her eyes and pointed to the cup of tea with a ghost like expression on her face.

"Ms. Cen, what's the matter?" Cheng yingxuan doubts, "I just drank that cup of tea. There is no poison in it."

"I know it's not poisoned. You've drunk it. There's your saliva in it." CEN Sufen couldn't believe it. He turned to Yan shiting and said, "son, how about your cleanliness habit? You have to wear gloves to carry dishes when you eat. Others can't even touch your plate. You actually drink the tea she has drunk!"

"She's my woman." Yan shiting's tone was as normal as announcing a meal.

"Then I'm still your mother!" She came up to grab the glass in his hand, took a sip of the water, and handed it back to him.

His deep eyes flashed doubt, "what are you doing?"

"You can't hate the water I've drunk. I want you to drink it!"

"Can you be less childish?" The handsome face flashed impatiently, "go and ask my dad to drink."

"No, I want you to drink it."

"I'm disgusted by the food and drink that others have touched."

"Disgusting, then you still drink Cheng yingxuan's saliva..." CEN Sufen is extremely dissatisfied, is ready to make trouble!

"Don't be stubborn." Yan shiting's face was black, and his eyes burst out with a cold and fierce look. "Cheng yingxuan is a special case."

CEN Sufen's liver was hurt by his eye knife, and his heart blood flowed out

She covered her heart bitterly. Several crow's feet were lying in the corner of her eyes, and her eyes were full of non injuries.

Painstakingly sour hair vinegar ah, depressed, "why she is a special case, I gave birth to you, I can't be a special case?"

"Because you are not my woman."

“……” CEN Sufen hate to put the cup back to the coffee table, resentment transfer.

For a moment, she felt that even the sparrows flying through the window could feel the huge fermentation of her blood vinegar heart, and the sparrows could not fly.

Look, the bird's flight speed has obviously slowed down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!