Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 202

Yan shiting's cold and hard face was as green as a knife, and his three hard face, like a glacier, was going to crack and smoke. "Do you have common sense? I don't even have a son. Where can I have a grandson?" What's more, the old man of grandfather generation is the charm level of such a 28 year old young man!

"Then you will not have a son." Xiao Bao added angrily, "you don't have a son, Yan!"

"ha ha!" Cheng yingxuan's exaggerated smile spurts, she has also cursed Yan shiting before. After giving birth to Xiaobao, it was hard for her mother to see if Xiaobao had PI eyes.

Yan shiting Sen opened his face and suddenly remembered that five and a half years ago, when he was forced by the unknown dead woman for the first time, the woman also said the same thing.

Speaking of, Xiaobao's character is really similar to that dead woman.

Staring at Baobao's delicate face as delicate as an enamel doll, he narrowed his eyes again.

Cheng yingxuan saw that he was staring at Xiaobao so much. She felt flustered and then put a smile on her face. "OK, get up. Cheng Xiaobao, you are also really, a good child, with adults what to worry about. Your uncle Yan is not sensible. Please forgive him. "

Yan shiting's eyes are straight. Is there a woman in the world who teaches her son like this?

"Xiaobao is a very obedient child. I will listen to whatever my mother says." Cheng Xiaobao took a deep breath and patted Yan shiting's thigh across the bed. It was hard and strong. "Uncle Yan, I won't see you all the same. I'll go back to my room to find clothes to wear. I'll wash my face, brush my teeth and have breakfast

Small figure wearing small slippers slipped out of the door of the master bedroom.

Yan shiting almost had a heart attack in the morning.

Fortunately, he didn't have heart disease, and his heart was strong enough, otherwise he would have to die of rage by this son of a bitch.

My heart is full of haze, and I can't cure the small one. I'm ready to take a big one and shoot Cheng yingxuan with a sharp knife eye.

He wanted to remind her that he was angry and needed her to make amends.

She didn't look at him at all, and went over him to get out of bed.

He took her directly into his arms with his long arm. As soon as his strong and powerful body turned over and pressed her, he gave her a domineering French kiss.

Her breath is quiet like fragrance, cherry tender's small mouth is really soft, and her tongue sticks into her shell teeth. Her taste is so sweet! Almost immediately, his lower body reacted.

The morning was the peak of desire, but now he is even harder.

"Well..." She pushed his flat and strong chest, and his strong body pressed her like a mountain, motionless.

He kisses her white neck and high breast

She just gasped, "Yan shiting, early in the morning, don't be a beast, let me go!"

The more she resisted, the more eagerly he wanted, "Cheng yingxuan, don't always refuse me."

"My mother is menstruating a lot..." She was very angry, "you press me again, wait for a moment to leak on the bed sheet, you specially help me wash the sheet?"

Many of them are superstitious and believe that helping women wash their menstrual clothes is bad luck.

He said with a wicked smile, "good..." The cold and lustful male voice was a bit hoarse, and the breath was sprayed on her white skin. "Do you want me to wash your underwear for you?"

I wanted to scare him off, but I didn't expect him to be so shameless. She was embarrassed, "the small BMW will come over, you don't do this in front of the children!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!