Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 150

"Well, I'll leave you alone." He warmly invited, "I'll treat you to dinner in the evening. I'll treat you to the restaurant on the fourth floor of Mingda hotel. I'll see you later."

Without waiting for her to answer, he turned and walked out of the office.

"Ah..." She wanted to say that she would not go, but the boss walked fast and disappeared.

Several colleagues had been listening to the news with curiosity. As soon as LAN Jinchen left, Ma Rong, the manager of public relations department, came over immediately. "Oh, I thought Cheng Gong had climbed to a high branch and would be the boss's wife of thunder group. The newspapers all published it. General Manager Lan said that you were finished with Yan shiting, and Cheng Gong was dumped so quickly?"

"Ma Rong, your mouth is really cheap." Cheng yingxuan glanced at her, "which ear heard Yan shiting dump me?"

"Ha ha? Listen to me... " Ma Rong said to several colleagues around, "it's not Yan shiting who dumped Cheng yingxuan. Is she qualified to dump each other?"

“……” No one dares to answer my colleagues.

In the whole city of Chenxia, the Yan family has absolute power. LAN Jinchen, the mayor's son, dares not fart in front of the Yan family. They can't flatter Cheng Gong to offend president Yan.

Although Mr. Yan didn't know it, there were many people and many people who said that his girlfriend was Cheng yingxuan in the news. It's not good for anyone to say that Mr. Yan's girlfriend is Cheng yingxuan.

Ma Rong stares at the milk box on Cheng yingxuan's table with jealousy, "hum, the tattered shoes that Yan shiting has thrown away. LAN always chases you. What do you want Joe?"

"Broken shoes?" Cheng yingxuan listened, and her face even didn't get angry. "Ma Rong, how many men's guns have you licked with your big mouth? You're not as cheap as you are."

Ma Rong's face turned green. "Cheng yingxuan, please tell me what you want to say!"

"Make it clear." Cheng yingxuan is also honest, "how did you get into the blue group, a vase that can't do anything?"? They are not sleeping with the leaders, performing well and being promoted. "

"Wow Several colleagues cheered.

Zhang Jing of the personnel department had a fight with Ma Rong before, and immediately said, "I'll tell you, Ma Rong can't fart. How can she squeeze other people's master's degree and overseas returnees from other people's universities and mix in. It turns out she's sleeping."

"You..." Ma Rong glared at Zhang Jing angrily, pointing to Cheng yingxuan and shaking with anger, "if you insult me, I will sue you for slander."

"Well, go and Sue." Cheng yingxuan did not care, "what is slander? Fabricating facts is slander. This kind of private secret should not be told. Ma Rong is cheap. I don't want to help her hide it. What's more, the company executive who gave her the green light after sleeping with Ma Rong still wants to hide the rules to me, saying that Ma Rong always serves his gun with his mouth, and I refuse to climb his bed with affectation. What's the strength? "

He glanced at Yu Tao, the deputy general manager who pretended to pass by outside. "Some men think that women always climb up the bed and don't take care of themselves. They are so young that they are not afraid to die early. Do you think so, Mr. Yu? "

Yu Tao is in her fifties. She sleeps with many female employees in the company. She often shows off with Ma Rong in private.

It was none of her business.

If Yu Tao hits her Cheng yingxuan, there is no need to save face for him.

Looking at Cheng yingxuan's eyes, all of her colleagues suddenly realize that Ma Rong used her mouth to serve deputy general manager Yu, and vice president Yu also wanted to sleep with Cheng yingxuan. As a result, she refused, and Ma Rong turned to be mean. Cheng Gong shook this matter out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!