Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1099

In short, after her life story is revealed, he wants to be a good man who just knows and wants to spend his life with her.

"What a pity?" Lucia gazed at him with a look of regret.

"I can't promise." Mu Yu Feng helplessly spread out his hand, "it must be three months before I can let your daughter see you."

"Why on earth?" Moorsia was very angry.

Mu Yu Feng's helpless expression is very deep sour, "you are not the first time to ask me this question, I have the hardship, inconvenient to answer!"

"Painstaking and painstaking!" Moorsia excitedly patted the tea table, and the cups on several cases all jumped up and fell down. "You are a great admirer of your family. I'll solve the problem for you!"

"You can't help me." Because the difficulty is to marry Cheng yingxuan's heart, is to let her marry him.

"You are not afraid that I will ask Han Ming to vote for Yan Song directly?" Moorsia was in a state of revolt.

"You will not." Mu Yu Feng is determined.

"Why not?"

"Unless you don't want to see your own daughter for the rest of your life."

"You're threatening me," she said! No one has ever threatened me, morcia

"With Commander Cheng's position and the power of your Moore family, no one dares to do this to you." Mu Yu Feng knew that this was the future mother-in-law, so he could not make a thorough apology, but could only compensate with a smile, "I am for your daughter's good. You will understand me then. "

It's for her good to kick Yan shiting out of the game for her good son-in-law.

"You're not threatening me yet!" Moorsia almost broke her silver teeth, but mu Yufeng was still smiling with grace.

Ignoring her anger, he said with a smile, "madam, the presidential election, commander Cheng's vote, and the follow-up vote are all for my father Mu Nian. The reason you know, in order to see your own daughter in the future. I'm pissed off. "

It was clear that his face was so handsome and dazzling that Lucia, in fact, broke his face and was annoyed and silent.

There's no way. He's got a soft spot in his hand.

With her character, she can't be threatened.

However, she is just a mother who has been looking forward to seeing her own daughter for more than 20 years!

For her, not to mention that vote, as long as she can see her own daughter, even if she is willing to change her life!

Mu Yu Feng also did not want to force her to be anxious, again put the tea to her in front of her, "the madam eliminates the breath son."

"I can't swallow that tone!"

"Mu Yufeng answered the wrong question," after I called my wife, she seemed to come out late from Cheng yingxuan's home. "

She angrily threw out a sharp eye knife, "you son of a bitch, you still send someone to follow me!" A positive tone.

"It's just that I happen to live in the opposite door of Cheng yingxuan's house, and there are monitoring in the corridor and elevator." She put the tea cup in her hand and said slowly, "did you tell me about my three-month appointment when you went back from the elevator to Cheng yingxuan's house?"

Murcia's heart thumped, and she felt that yingxuan was really expecting things. Mu Yufeng was really suspicious!

"What do you mean by that? Doubt my character She pretended to be greatly displeased. "Since I have promised you that I will not tell anyone about my daughter's whereabouts within three months, no one will say so! I went back to her bathroom to make up. I forgot the small make-up box and went to the bathroom by the way. I came out late , the fastest update of the webnovel!