Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1041

"I'm afraid I'm afraid that someone else wrote it. In order to be famous, your mother bought other people's music and wrote it herself."

Cheng Xiaobao cold hum, "my mother will not like you to plagiarize other people's works as their own."

"Who did you say was plagiarized?" Yang Xi is angry and has a fierce eye.

Dare to attack her son, Cheng yingxuan immediately blew his hair, "You Yang Xi copied master James's works. Don't you think it's too hypocritical not to admit that the evidence is solid and everyone knows it? "

"If you hold on to the past, this is what chief engineer Cheng calls magnanimity?" "I have never said that I am magnanimous, and others can not think so. What happened in the past can't happen, you think the Virgin Mary? If I remember correctly, it's you who said that you are going to win me in the elite design competition and kick me out of the position of chief engineer. How can you forget the pain when you kick the iron plate

"You..." Yang Xi said, but she said, "anyway, I don't think that's your song."

"I never despise plagiarism, I think, originality should be respected."

Mrs. Moore walked up from the guests and said, "I believe in chief engineer Cheng."

"Don't believe her, Mrs. Moore..." Yang Xi wants to offer her advice.

Moorsia made a silent gesture to her. "If you think that chief engineer Cheng's work was bought by her, then please show me the evidence."

"I I can't find it for the time being. "

"That means not." Thea decided directly.

Yan shiting slightly narrowed Sen Han's eyes, Yang cunt is really impatient to live.

If you let her jump for a while, the more "happy" he will make her die more miserable.

Cheng Xiaobao is very satisfied with Mrs. Moore's attitude, and his tender voice interjects, "Auntie, in fact, this piano piece was specially composed for you by my mother. The song has not been named yet."

Lucia was surprised. "For me?"

Cheng yingxuan smiles, "yes. As Yang Qian said, my background is indeed lacking, although I never think so, because I firmly believe that people depend on themselves. And my own today, I feel very good. However, in the eyes of some "outsiders", they will be gossiping. For example, someone who cares about the lintel like Miss Yang. Mrs. Moore can hold the door to invite me. I, Cheng yingxuan, are grateful people. People respect me a foot and I respect people ten feet. In your position, what valuable things have you never seen? Gifts may not be valuable or not. So, in order to thank you for inviting me to appreciate it, I wrote a piano music for you as a gift. I wonder if you like it? "

"Like it!" "It's the most satisfying gift I've ever received for more than 20 years," said morcia, with tears in her eyes

It's been more than 20 years since her daughter disappeared.

Seeing her sadness, Cheng yingxuan took out a notebook from her satchel and handed it to her, "this is what I wrote myself. From the draft to the integrity of the music, the whole process of composing music is absolutely original. I will not buy music to tarnish your appreciation. This song has no name yet. You can name it. "

Moorsia took the notebook and turned page by page. She was moved to tears when she saw how the song was finished. "No piano music has ever been written for me. It's so beautiful and more moving than the best music I've ever heard..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!