Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1031

Yan shiting aimed at the empty arms. Originally, he didn't want to let moorsia take his son away. The old woman pulled at him. He was afraid that he would hurt his son.

Besides, she didn't mean anything, so she went.

Although the son refused to recognize the grandmother, it could be seen that the child still liked morcia.

Otherwise, with the son's temperament, it is impossible for her to kiss her at all. Before that, she was also kissing her lips.

Her son was robbed, Cheng yingxuan had to follow moorsia to the Yazuo district.

Yan shiting naturally followed him.

Mu Yu Feng holding a red wine cup in a few steps away, has been paying attention to the trend of several people.

Mrs. Moore wants Xiaobao to be his grandson!

It's just

What a surprise to him!

If this goes on, Cheng yingxuan's life story will be exposed sooner or later.

But they were talking happily. He stood on the edge and didn't know how to cut in.

In case you don't speak well, or you miss something.

With Cheng yingxuan and Yan shiting and moorsia that old woman's shrewdness, it is easy to find out what.

There was a deep flash in his bright eyes. It was time to make a good plan.

"Mu Shao, alone?" A well-dressed young lady came up and said, "my name is Qin Yu. May I have a dance with you?"

In fact, a group of women are staring at Yan shiting and Mu Yufeng.

These are two of the richest men in Asia.

However, Yan Shaofang was holding Cheng Xiaobao, and they couldn't find a chance.

Mu Shao, as we all know, has been pursuing Cheng yingxuan, confessing at the airport, and making love by telephone recording

They are afraid of being rejected and ugly, after all, they are respectable.

So, a group of women watched for a while, and no one moved.

At this moment, Cheng yingxuan, Yan Shao and Mrs. Moore went to the elegant seats, leaving Mu Yufeng alone. Finally, a lady couldn't resist and took the initiative to attack.

Mu Yu Feng did not glance at her in the eyes, and walked away with a red wine cup.

The young lady, who introduced herself as Qin Yu, stood awkwardly in the same place and walked back dejectedly.

Another few covet Mu Yu Feng's mockery, "ha ha, you didn't even get a corner of the eye, it's really disgraceful."

"Zhao Jie, can you go?" Qin Yu turned to hiss.

"Go and go." Zhao Jie, known as the woman, stepped on high-heeled shoes and went to invite a dance. After half a minute, she came back dejectedly.

"Not to eat a turtle." Qin Yu exaggerated smile, "laugh at who."

"At least I got a look from Mu Shao and a word" no " Zhao Jie wants to show off.

Qin Yu burst out with a smile, "Zhao's name, you can really break it. I can see clearly that Mu Shao gave you a white eye and gave you a word of "roll". Change it to "no"? Look at the difference between "roll" and "no" in my mouth shape. I can't get it wrong. "

"Ha ha..." The other ladies were laughing.

Zhao Jie's face was not very good-looking, "you all don't laugh, anyway, no one can climb up to Mu Shao. The result is the same for anyone who goes. If anyone has the ability to hook up Mu Shao, he will bet 100000 yuan! "

"No gambling." Qin Yu looked at Mu Yu Feng over there, "another group of women made a move, all can't get close to Mu Shao's body, and were blocked by Mu Shao's bodyguard."

"That's just watching?"

"What else can you do, beat a bodyguard or run to lose face?"

A group of women stomped their feet and looked at Mu Yu Feng, and then looked at Yan shiting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!