Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1016

She screamed in an instant, her eyes bursting with indignation.

As soon as hen Guang touched Yan shiting's face, he was scared to take back his sight and glared at Cheng yingxuan. "It's all you. It's you who got me beaten!"

Cheng yingxuan Meng forced, "Yan shiting hit you, you account to my head?"

"Isn't he because of your hand?" Yang Xi covered her face with five fingerprints.

It seems to be. Cheng yingxuan pursed her lips, "OK, I don't hit Bo Ren, but Bo Ren is beaten because of me. You can count it on me

Originally very solemn atmosphere, because of Cheng yingxuan's words and many people burst into laughter.

"If I remember correctly, the original sentence of the classic should be" I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. "I didn't expect that chief engineer Cheng was so humorous that he could replace the allusion with Yang Xi's beating." Lu Ke's eyes full of appreciation, "worthy of Yan Zong's woman!"

Cheng yingxuan really wants to say no

She didn't want to admit her relationship with Yan shiting on such an occasion.

It was not sure who Yan shiting married. In front of so many senior officials and dignitaries, it was not easy to disgrace him.

So shut up.

Yan shiting Bing Sen's eyes disdainfully glanced at Yang Qian, "I beat you because you are cheap. You have to settle accounts, come to me, don't worry about others! "

How dare Yang Xi settle accounts with him?

He is the "President of Yan Luo", who is afraid of everyone. If you can't get along with him, you won't die!

"How can I be mean?" Yang Xi's eyes burst into tears. "It must be Cheng yingxuan who said a lot of bad things about me in front of you."

"On the contrary, she said nothing bad about you." Yan shiting wants yingxuan to say something about Yang Xi, which means she is jealous. Unfortunately, she doesn't.

Yang Xicai didn't believe it. She thought he was protecting Cheng yingxuan. She covered her face and cried, "Yan Shao, you will regret it if you do this to me!"

"Ha ha..." Yan shiting laughed coldly, "I have done something I regret in my life, only one, and the only one in this life."

"Shouldn't you hit me?" Yang Xi asked hopefully.

"Should not have hit you?" Yan shiting sneers and reaches out to Zheng Wei in the rear.

Zheng Wei followed him for many years. He immediately took out a packet of napkins and handed them to boss.

Yan shiting took the paper towel, disgusted to wipe the palm of the hand that had just swung Yang Xi's palms. "I think it's dirty to hit you."

Yang Qian's face completely lost her color, "how can you do this to me?"

"You are an impudent slut. It's light of you to insult my yingxuan if you don't behave properly or abandon you." Yan shiting lengsen's face didn't have any expression. "If it wasn't for the reception held by Mrs. Moore tonight and give Mrs. Moore face, it would be so easy to let you go."

After all, if Yang Xi had an accident at the reception, the Moore family, the owner who invited her, should give the Yang family an account.

When the guests heard him say so, they all looked at Yang Xi with a puzzled look.

Someone whispered, "Miss Yang looks very decent. Is her private life chaotic?"

"Yan Shao's news is not general, there is almost nothing he doesn't know, maybe there are other secrets..." Someone whispered.

Yang Xi wanted to yell at her. She didn't mean anything. She heard the whispers of people nearby, saying that there was nothing Yan Shao didn't know. , the fastest update of the webnovel!