Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1004

It's so deep that it feels terrible!

Cheng Xiaobao's face was so cute, "I'm Cheng Xiaobao, don't always call me Yan Xiaobao!"

"Yes, yes Cheng Young master The store manager bowed.

"Mom, what kind of clothes do you want to buy? Just pick them and buy them at will!" Cheng Xiaobao looked up at his mother and flicked the check of one million yuan in his hand with his little finger, "my son has made money!"

"You are very good, son. I still earn the money of that bitch Yang. " Cheng yingxuan admiringly touched the baby's tender face.

"No matter how dirty her money is Money is something that everyone loves. " Cheng Xiaobao grinned and said, "Xuanxuan, or should I take care of you for one million yuan?"

"No problem." Cheng yingxuan was moved to death.

A group of shop assistants looked very envious and said, "Miss Cheng, you really have a good son..."

"Xuanxuan, I'll take care of you after I earn a lot of money. Now I'll buy you clothes first. After all In my eyes, a million dollars Cheng Xiaobao thought for a moment and said, "it's not enough to cover my mother for a day."

"Cough I'm so expensive. " Cheng yingxuan almost choked on her mouth.

"Yes, my mother is a priceless treasure." Cheng Xiaobao's tone is very positive.

Several female shop assistants saw that Cheng Xiaobao was so smart and cute that they all expected to have such an excellent son.

"Good son..." Cheng yingxuan's eyes float with moving mist of tears.

Xiaobao was afraid that she would cry, so she said quickly, "pick the dress for mom first!"

Xiao Fang, a sales assistant, came over and asked Cheng yingxuan, "Miss Cheng, the pink evening dress you like has been bought by Miss Yang. Do you need to change a dress?"

"Of course." Cheng yingxuan restrained her moving expression and directly asked her son, "honey, which dress do you think your mother looks good on? I'll buy whatever my son says

Xiao Fang immediately compared another blue dress and said to Cheng Xiaobao, "young master, you like to take the most expensive one. This dress is the second most expensive in our shop, 1988888..."

"It's ugly." Cheng Xiaobao frowned.

The store manager took another green dress and said, "this one is only eighty-eight thousand..."

"It's too cheap for my mother."

"It's open back, very popular..."

Cheng Xiaobao cold hum, "this only a few pieces of cloth hanging, prostitutes think it is too exposed, my mother just don't wear."

The salesmen of the whole store were all over the shop for recommendation.

Cheng Xiaobao's sharp and bright eyes swept around the shop, compared with five short little fingers, "come on, this young master has a unique vision. I like ten pieces of clothes. I don't need your recommendation!"

"OK, OK!" The store manager immediately flattered, "young master, which ten pieces do you like? I'll pack them for you right away."

Cheng Xiaobao takes Cheng yingxuan's hand and is leaving.

"Young master, what ten pieces have you not said yet?" The store manager is in a hurry, so large customers can't just slip away.

Cheng yingxuan also felt puzzled and asked, "son?"

"Ten from the next store." Cheng Xiaobao glanced back at the shop assistants, especially Xiaofang. "The German brand in the next store is newer than you, and the price is higher than you. Let you think my mother can't afford expensive clothes, who let you not let my mother try on the dress before! My money was originally scattered on you, but now it is scattered in the next shop! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!