Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1000

Angrily, he said to the shop assistant, "it's the clothes I want first. You can only sell them to me."

Yang Xi cold hum, "she hasn't paid, the clothes can only be sold to me!"

Xiao Fang, a shop assistant, was embarrassed and tried to persuade Cheng yingxuan, "Miss Cheng, or, would you like to give the pink dress to Miss Yang?"

"Why should I let you Cheng yingxuan disagrees.

Yang's name in the company everywhere to do the right thing, buy a dress, but also with her grab, bet on a breath of special, also don't let!

"Well Miss Yang, it's just a piece of clothes. You can let... " Before Xiaofang finished, Yang Xi snapped, "I'll tell you, I'll buy this pink dress! If you don't sell it to me... " Moving out of her own background, "Cheng yingxuan is just an orphan girl. At most, she is a general manager of Yan. And I I am the daughter of a general. You can't afford to offend the Yang family! "

The assistant Xiao Fang weighed it over, leaning to Yang Xi, and advised Cheng yingxuan, "Miss Cheng, let's go. We can't afford to offend Miss Yang."

"Then you can afford to offend me Cheng Xiaoxuan hasn't spoken yet.

Although his voice is childish, his tone is not angry and self-confident, "I am the future successor of thunder group." Shuigulu's eyes glanced at the store and then to the outside shopping mall. "As far as I know, the whole shopping mall belongs to my father, and your boss has to pay rent to my father. If you don't sell clothes to my mother, you offend me. If you offend me, do you want to move out of the store, or will you be evicted tomorrow? "

Originally, a five-year-old boy was totally naive. Xiaobao's serious expression and his dignified attitude made people dare not believe it.

Cheng yingxuan thinks her son is really overbearing! The shop assistants were afraid to speak.

About a 30-year-old woman in overalls rushed over and said, "I'm the manager of this store. Young master Yan and Miss Yang, I can't afford to offend you."

"Store manager?" Cheng Xiaobao squinted slightly.

"I am." Cheng Xiaobao hooked her finger. "Let's go and talk."

When the store manager and Xiao Bao went ten steps away, she leaned down and listened to Xiao Bao's words. She looked at Yang Xi suspiciously and nodded again.

They went back to the counter.

Yang Xi doesn't know what they said. What kind of waves can they make?

Cheng Xiaobao must sell the dress to Cheng yingxuan.

She had to grab it. When she took off the pink dress, she exposed it to her circle of friends. She said that she had robbed Cheng yingxuan's original purchase. She thought that everything was shining. "Yan Xiaobao is still young. How could Yan not rent the store to you after listening to a child? I am the future Mrs. Yan Shao. I can speak in front of Mr. Yan! The dress must be sold to me! "

Cheng Xiaobao hummed, "my father doesn't have time for this kind of business. Good for the high price! Mom, you buy this dress at double price

Cheng yingxuan just saw her son pull the store manager aside and mutter. Now she listens to him again. She immediately knows what her son's abacus is and immediately agrees, "I'll give you double money!"

"Cut Double it? " Yang Xi said indifferently, "I'll pay four times as much."

With Cheng yingxuan's grade, she must choose the cheapest dress to buy.

It's estimated that this dress is about 20000 yuan, and four times it is only 80000 yuan.

"I'll pay five times." Cheng yingxuan did not rush to raise the price.

Yang Xi waved her hand boldly and exclaimed, "I'll pay ten times the price!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!