Forsaken By Love

Chapter 92 - Throwing a Tantrum

He Lixue was unaware of Mo Yunhuang's decision that if he could not get her, then she had to die.

This was quite a horrible thought process, but He Lixue was not surprised by it. Mo Yunhuang was quite childish. If he could not get something, then no one could get it.

Mo Yunhuang had the attitude of a strong expert who could control the wind and rain. He was the kind of person capable of commanding others and getting respect, but if things were not going his way, he would become like a child and throw a tantrum.

Since things had always been going his way, it was very rare for him to throw a tantrum, but when he did, it would make the heavens collapse, and the people surrounding him feel hopeless despair.

He Lixue had only seen him throw a tantrum once before. It had happened because his Organization had been declined by Lu Nanfeng, and she knew that he had always held a grudge because of this.

Now she, someone he had considered his own possession, had gotten close to Lu Nanfeng, a man he loathed; it was only natural that he would want to destroy them both.

But how was he going to do so? The bodyguards prepared by Wen Sihan were not there for decoration. They would not let anyone unknown get close to neither Lu Nanfeng nor He Lixue.

Mo Yunhuang was quite naive if he thought that killing Lu Nanfeng would be simple. Although he had some background, this country was not his home turf, and he was unable to control everything like he could in his home country.

This was Lu Nanfeng's homecourt; this was where he could do what he wished. Although Lu Nanfeng was an upright businessman, he had connections to the army and the political scene in the country, not just the business world. Moving against him would be the same as committing suicide.

Jiang Wu was very well aware of this. Usually, Mo Yunhuang would also be able to see clearly enough to know this. However, when his emotions blinded him, he could not see clearly at all, and felt that he should just cut off the people who had caused the problems. Killing Lu Nanfeng would cause him much more happiness than seeing him strutting around with He Lixue by his side.

The days slowly went by one after another. Lin Xiulan did not come to cause problems at the office any longer, and even his mother had started to behave herself.

Although she did not like He Lixue, and although she wanted her son to be with Lin Xiulan, she did not cause problems to him, nor did she call him to ask him to come home and make chance encounters between the two.

It proved that the words of Lu Nanfeng's father were still somewhat useful. Although he was not home, he could still control his wife, and ensure that she did not scare their daughter-in-law away.

Soon a month had passed, and Lu Nanfeng's father returned home from overseas. Although he had passed on the mantle of the CEO of the Fenghuang Group to Lu Nanfeng, he was still involved in the business, and often took care of business trips for his son.

He liked traveling, and he was good at socializing, so those things were often left to him.

But Lu Nanfeng was not at peace with his father returning home. Although he had not been in their country for a long time, one should not underestimate him. He had a good network of connections, and was likely to know already that the Organization had kidnapped He Lixue before.

If Lu Nanfeng could not come up with a good reason, it was likely that his father would be unhappy with this situation, as it had caused the Lu family and the Fenghuang Group to go against a top crime syndicate in the world.

Lu Nanfeng's father was an upright person. He had always stayed clear of the grey areas in business, and focused solely on the legal aspects.

This was also what had caused the Fenghuang Group to become so well renowned; everyone knew that they would never pull wool over the public's eyes.

But now Lu Nanfeng had teamed up with Wen Sihan, who was also a leader of a crime syndicate, how could his father possibly accept this?

It was already a wonder that he had not rushed home earlier than planned, but it did not cause Lu Nanfeng to relax. Instead, he just became more tense.

His father could not end up like his mother, telling him to leave He Lixue and to get together with Lin Xiulan?

If it were any other day, then he would have been fine with leaving the Lu family and starting on his own, but with the danger of the Organization luring at their back, he dared not let go of the power he already held.

He had to find a way to solve the problem with his father.

While Lu Nanfeng was busy thinking about his father and the problems that he signified, He Lixue was bathing. She was slowly washing up and getting ready to go to the office that day, like on any other day.

It was not before she exited the bathroom and went to the closet to look for clothes that she noticed that Lu Nanfeng was still seated on the bed, his eyes unfocused and sighing.

Seeing Lu Nanfeng looking like this, He Lixue's heart ached, and she could not help but blame herself. It was her fault that things had escalated to how they were now.

"Brother Nanfeng," she called out, and Lu Nanfeng raised his head, looking at her flushed face from the bath, and while smelling the tantalizing scent coming from her body, he felt his body tighten.

"Did I bring you too much trouble?" He Lixue asked anxiously, without noticing the queer expression on his face.

"Would you prefer it if I vanished? Should I leave you to live as you used to?"

Hearing her words, and knowing that she was suddenly very insecure, Lu Nanfeng reached out his arms and wrapped them around her waist.

"Silly girl," he said indulgently. "Nothing in this world is as important as you. I would rather lose everything else than you, so never say that you will leave me. I will not want to live without you."