Forbidden To Be Tempted

CH 70

She indeed found out.

Cheng Suran\'s face turned slightly pale. She couldn\'t determine her intentions at that moment, but she was determined not to back down. She clenched her fist and said, "So what?"


"So what do you want to say?"

"Oh, I don\'t want to say anything. I\'m just stating the facts," Bai Lu shrugged her shoulders.

Cheng Suran gazed at her intently.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Bai Lu couldn\'t help but chuckle at her serious expression. "Don\'t worry, little sister, I won\'t say anything. After all, it was a consensual matter. You can relax."

"Since Sister Yu isn\'t here, I\'ll come back later."

After saying that, she lifted her hand to cover her mouth, mimicking the action of zipping up a zipper, and turned to leave.

"Is it because you overheard what I said in the office last time?" Cheng Suran\'s voice was low, and her tightly clenched fingers slowly loosened.

Bai Lu paused in her tracks, her hand hovering in the air near the door handle. After a moment of silence, she still kept her back turned to Cheng Suran, and a hint of disdain flickered in her lowered gaze.

"It\'s not just because of that."


"I\'ve sensed that something was off with you two for a while now."

"How did you figure it out?" Cheng Suran urgently asked.

Bai Lu turned around calmly, a faint smile playing on her lips. "The way you look at Sister Yu reveals too much. I have a sister, and I know the look between sisters isn\'t like that. When you like someone, no matter how much you restrain yourself, your eyes and subtle actions give you away. I\'m afraid you\'re the only one who thinks you\'re hiding it well."

Those narrow, sharp eyes seemed to pierce through her heart.

Cheng Suran couldn\'t avoid it. Her entire soul was laid bare under the sunlight, as if struck by a thunderbolt.

Eyes cannot deceive.

She could say she didn\'t like Jiang Yu out loud, she could convince herself that she didn\'t like her, she could control her actions, expressions, and even her attention. But she couldn\'t control her own eyes.

Perhaps many times she wasn\'t even aware of it herself...

What kind of look did she have when she looked at Jiang Yu? What emotions did she reveal? Were there others present? Did Jiang Yu herself notice? Then... Cheng Suran felt a bit flustered.

It didn\'t matter how others perceived her; she cared more about what Jiang Yu thought.

As long as it didn\'t cause trouble for her sister...

"You\'re so confused, little sister. I sympathize with you," Bai Lu shook her head with a hint of regret, not revealing anything but her meaningful gaze.

Cheng Suran met her gaze, her breath catching, as the most fragile part of her heart was brutally struck.

Where lies she had told herself resided, as well as her own imprisoned self-esteem.

"You also like Jiang Yu, don\'t you?" Cheng Suran sneered, her eyes slightly red. "You\'re the same, liking her but not wanting her to know, yet always wanting to be close to her. So what right do you have to sympathize with me? Do I need your sympathy?"

She resembled a small creature whose tail had been stepped on, letting out an instinctive roar.

Sympathy, pity...

She despised those two words.

Bai Lu looked at her steadily, her gaze growing even more sympathetic. She sighed and said, "It\'s different."


"I have a cat at home that I really like. I sleep with it every night, but I would never consider dating it or having a deeper spiritual connection with it."


"Besides, do you think Sister Yu would like someone who\'s always dependent on her? If it were me, I definitely wouldn\'t. It\'s so boring," Bai Lu shrugged, spreading her hands.

Cheng Suran\'s expression froze.


Pets and humans are different.

The friends around Jiang Yu are humans. The fans who confess their love for her on Weibo are humans. Even the strangers who recognize Jiang Yu on the street are humans. Everyone has the right to openly understand Jiang Yu. Only she, as a pet, doesn\'t have that privilege.

Remaining by Jiang Yu\'s side in this position, no matter how much she fantasized, it was just her own one-sided play, forever looked down upon by the other party.

The string that had been tightly stretched in her heart snapped.

She woke up from her dream.

Like a traveler carrying a thousand pounds on a long journey, she thought that as long as she kept her head down and kept moving forward, she would reach the desired destination. But she gradually found it difficult to bear this weight. She was challenging her own limits, and the thought of giving up grew stronger with each passing day.

Her sister says she likes brave people, but she doesn\'t even have the courage to stand up and face her.

What qualifications does a coward have to stand shoulder to shoulder with sister?

Cheng Suran chuckled self-deprecatingly, a hint of gray clouding her eyes.


In the afternoon, everyone had free time to engage in various activities. Some people strolled around nearby, others played mahjong or video games. The atmosphere in the entire villa was lively and harmonious.

Cheng Suran used the excuse of not sleeping well last night and stayed in bed to rest. Jiang Yu didn\'t force her or think much of it and joined others in various activities, playing a few rounds of board games in the game room and singing a couple of songs in the KTV. She was enjoying herself.

For the evening indoor barbecue, Cheng Suran had been lying on the bed for a long time, adjusting her emotions. There was no reason for her not to go.

She was afraid that she wouldn\'t be able to control her emotions and would be seen through by Jiang Yu or others, so she tried her best to avoid making eye contact with Jiang Yu, pretending to be only interested in the food, pretending to be an innocent little girl who knew nothing about the world.

Fortunately, Jiang Yu was busy chatting and laughing with others, not paying much attention to her.

Cheng Suran felt both relieved and a little disappointed as she silently sat in a corner eating barbecue. She wanted to check her Weibo, only to realize that she had uninstalled it and had to download it again.

Every time she looked up, her gaze followed Jiang Yu.

She saw Jiang Yu holding a glass of water and toasting with others\' beer. She saw Jiang Yu only taking a few green leafy vegetables from the barbecue grill, not even touching the meat, let alone potatoes. She saw her smiling at everyone, being affable and kind in her words, without any pretense.

Although she appeared approachable and could joke around with anyone, that cold aura made people dare not offend her easily.

After finishing the barbecue, someone suggested playing "Truth or Dare."

Everyone divided into several groups, each group with a deck of cards. They spun the bottle and rolled the dice to choose between "truth" or "dare." If they refused to do the chosen task, they had to drink a glass of beer as punishment.

Cheng Suran dreaded playing this kind of game. She wanted to slip away, but seeing Jiang Yu looking so interested, she felt a bit reluctant and had no choice but to reluctantly join a group.

It was her, Jiang Yu, Bai Lu, and Tian Lin, sitting together in a circle with the other members of their group, both men and women, on the carpet.

"Here, pay attention, we\'ll use these for drinking." Bai Lu picked up several large cups and placed them on the table, patting them heavily with her palm.

The cups had measurement scales on them, holding a capacity of 300 milliliters.

A male colleague teased, "Xiao Bai, you\'re so fierce? Don\'t cry later when it\'s your turn to drink."

Bai Lu sneered, "I can drink well."


Cheng Suran stared at the cup, secretly feeling anxious. Subconsciously, she leaned towards Jiang Yu, who held her hand and gave her a reassuring look, smiling faintly.

The bottle spinning began, and everyone held their breath, waiting in anticipation, with the lingering aroma of barbecue in the air.

In the first four rounds, the bottle landed on three male colleagues and one female colleague. The dice were rolled, with even numbers as \'truth\' and odd numbers as \'dare.\' Only one person drew a \'dare\' card and had to run to the window and shout, "I am a pig."

Cheng Suran was silently relieved, but in the fifth round, the bottle pointed directly at her.


What you fear will come to you.

Everyone, including Jiang Yu, looked at her.

Cheng Suran nervously picked up the dice and threw it on the table. The dice spun twice and came to a stop, showing a three.


She let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, truth! Hurry up and draw." Bai Lu winked at her.

Cheng Suran reached out and drew a card from the middle. When she flipped it over, her face turned red in an instant.

"What is it?"

She slowly turned over the card and showed it to everyone.

Bai Lu read it out loud, "Which part of your body is the most sensitive…"

Others cleared their throats, waiting for her answer.

Jiang Yu subtly furrowed her brows.

This question could easily be misunderstood. Cheng Suran blushed and glanced at Jiang Yu, then thought for a moment and said, "Is the armpit considered? It gets itchy when tickled, very sensitive."

"Yes." Jiang Yu immediately took over, "Next round."

Cheng Suran calmly placed the card back, reshuffled the deck, and caught sight of Bai Lu looking at her from the corner of her eye. She felt a bit guilty, but then she realized that she was already at the end of the road and didn\'t care about being watched and mocked.

So she confidently raised her head and met Bai Lu\'s gaze.

Bai Lu was taken aback for a moment and turned her face away.

In this round, the bottle landed in front of Bai Lu. Without hesitation, she grabbed the dice and threw it, revealing a one. She then decisively drew a card and read it out loud:

—Who do you think is the sexiest among us?

"Of course, it\'s our Sister Yu." Bai Lu smirked, her eyes looking at Jiang Yu with a hint of ambiguity.

Others chimed in, applauding and cheering, Oh!—

Jiang Yu raised an eyebrow, "You have quite the sweet mouth."

She seemed quite relaxed about it.

Cheng Suran felt a bit uncomfortable watching Bai Lu\'s unabashed gaze. There was an urge to shield Jiang Yu from it, but at that moment, the game moved on to the next round.

It was now Tian Lin\'s turn and two female colleagues, and finally, the spinning bottle pointed at Jiang Yu.

"Wow, it\'s finally your turn," Bai Lu teased.

After playing a few rounds, Jiang Yu had grasped the essence of the game—it was all about embarrassment and stepping over boundaries, an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. She was slightly concerned about what would happen if she drew a question she couldn\'t answer or a daring command that crossed the line. Could she handle drinking that large glass of beer?

It doesn\'t taste good at all.

She held the dice and threw it, silently hoping for a low number. Unfortunately, it landed on five.

"Oh, dare!" Bai Lu joined in the commotion.

Cheng Suran pursed her lips.

Jiang Yu didn\'t hesitate. She directly picked the top card, flipped it over, and her expression momentarily froze before returning to normal.

She turned the card toward everyone to see.

—Kiss the forehead of the opposite gender closest to you.

Before the male colleague closest to her could react, Jiang Yu put down the card, grabbed a bottle opener, and casually said, "Let\'s drink."

"Right, right, Boss Jiang, you should drink," the male colleague chimed in, feeling awkward himself. He definitely didn\'t dare to do it.

Cheng Suran finally saw the daring command clearly.

Her heart, which had briefly lifted, gently sank back into her stomach. She wasn\'t surprised by Jiang Yu\'s choice; it seemed like she understood her very well. But that large glass of beer, would it really be okay for her to drink it all?

She vaguely remembered a time not long after they first met when Jiang Yu had fed her sweet red wine, like a beverage, unlike the usual sour and difficult-to-swallow taste of red wine. After just a couple of sips, her face turned red and she couldn\'t handle the alcohol.

She later learned that it wasn\'t the usual red wine; it was sweet red wine. For her, all kinds of alcohol were the same—whether it was a large glass or a small glass, it would make her drunk. If she couldn\'t drink it, then she couldn\'t.

Could Jiang Yu handle it?

Even if she couldn\'t, she had to. Cheng Suran thought to herself that her sister couldn\'t really go and kiss someone else. Especially a man.

Everyone\'s gaze was fixed on Jiang Yu as she drank the full glass in one breath.

Cheng Suran carefully observed her expression, but she didn\'t notice anything unusual. The game continued, and after a couple more rounds, almost everyone had taken their turn. Then, the bottle pointed to Jiang Yu again.

She hadn\'t had many turns throughout the dozen or so rounds, only twice, but luck wasn\'t on her side. She kept rolling high numbers and drawing daring commands—either embarrassing or crossing the line. The second time was "Rub the X of the same-sex person on your left and shout \'Nanny, I\'m hungry!\'" She refused and chose to drink instead.

With 600 milliliters of beer in her belly, Jiang Yu, who rarely drank heavily, was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Her hand unconsciously rested on her stomach. And for the third time she drew...

—Squat on the chair and act like you\'re constipated, then eat something and hold that pose for twenty seconds.

Everyone exchanged suppressed laughter.

But Cheng Suran couldn\'t laugh. Compared to crossing the line, embarrassing situations were more acceptable, but she had a gut feeling that Jiang Yu would still choose to drink. She didn\'t know why, but it always felt like it was because of her.

Or perhaps she was just being presumptuous.

As expected..." Jiang Yu put the card back and was about to pour the drink.

Bai Lu stopped her. "Sister Yu, this command isn\'t difficult. There\'s no need to drink anymore. You\'ve already had two large glasses. Can you handle drinking more?"

Jiang Yu smiled faintly and said, "You have to accept the punishment if you lose the bet."

She caught a glimpse of the kid looking at her, which only strengthened her choice.

She could handle it. If Cheng Suran wasn\'t here, maybe she would have followed the command. As Bai Lu said, it wasn\'t difficult. But Cheng Suran was here—

Would the kid feel jealous or upset if she saw her having physical contact with someone else? Acting like she was constipated for twenty seconds and eating at the same time was too embarrassing. What about her image in the kid\'s heart? As she thought about it, she had too many concerns and couldn\'t let loose.

She didn\'t want to make the kid sad, and she didn\'t want to show her ugly side...

"Sister, I\'ll drink it," Cheng Suran grabbed her wrist, and with her other hand, swiftly snatched the bottle and poured it into her empty glass in front of her.

A female colleague looked at Bai Lu, confused. "Can someone else drink on behalf of someone in the game?"

Without waiting for Bai Lu to speak, Cheng Suran immediately answered, "It doesn\'t say we can\'t, right?" After speaking, she casually glanced at Bai Lu.

The large glass was full.

"Ranran—" Jiang Yu frowned and held her.

Cheng Suran broke free and smiled foolishly. "Don\'t worry, sister, I can handle it." Her gaze swept over Jiang Yu\'s hand resting on her stomach, her determination growing stronger. She raised her head and drank.

The cold liquid slid down her throat, carrying a bit of bitterness. It had been many years since she had tasted the flavor of beer, and this moment awakened her memories—it still tasted just as bad.

Just consider it traditional Chinese medicine.

She hadn\'t drunk traditional Chinese medicine, but she had smelled it. Just the smell alone made it difficult to swallow. Compared to that, beer was still considered delicious.

Watching her throat gulping down the drink without stopping, Jiang Yu\'s brow furrowed deeper and deeper, a trace of worry in her eyes. What kind of alcohol tolerance did the little girl have? She had long tested her limits—a person who would get drunk and collapse in her arms after just a few sips of sweet red wine. How could she handle being forced to drink so much?

She felt both angry and helpless.

"Alright, onto the next round." Cheng Suran finished her drink, took a deep breath, put the glass heavily on the table, and wiped her mouth with a tissue. She then looked at Jiang Yu with a comforting gaze.

Her little face revealed a sweet smile.

Jiang Yu\'s expression darkened slightly, but she didn\'t say anything.

The game continued for about half an hour. Cheng Suran took two glasses for Jiang Yu and drank another large glass herself. At first, she was fine, but after a few minutes, her face turned red, and she felt dizzy and heavy-headed, as if she were on fire.

Her entire head turned red.

Jiang Yu kept a close eye on her condition and had already lost interest in the game. Seeing Cheng Suran\'s state, she quickly embraced her and helped her up. "Let\'s stop here for today. Ranran is drunk, and I\'ll take her back to rest. You guys can continue playing."

Tian Lin immediately stood up to help.

The girl\'s face flushed, her ears and neck turning red like rouge had been applied, and she half-hung on Jiang Yu. Her watery black eyes held a hint of confusion.

"Mm, sister, I\'m okay, I\'m fine..." Her slightly parted lips mumbled.


This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too

Back in the room, Jiang Yu supported her as she lay down, took off her shoes, washed her hands in the bathroom, and then sat by the bedside. "Ranran, is your stomach upset? Do you feel like vomiting?"

The palm of her hand landed on the girl\'s face, the temperature scorching.

Cheng Suran shook her head drowsily and smiled foolishly at her, whispering, "I don\'t want to vomit. I\'m just a bit full..."

The lighting was bright, a soft goose-yellow color, casting a gentle flow onto the girl\'s rosy cheeks. It was serene and warm, and her gentle breathing brought comfort.

"You drank so much, of course you\'re full, silly." Jiang Yu frowned with concern, leaning down to kiss her forehead, wanting to scold her but unable to bear it.

"Don\'t do this next time."

Cheng Suran stared at her absentmindedly, her eyelashes trembling, and a mist slowly rising in her eyes. "I want to help you. I don\'t want to feel like I can\'t do anything, I..."

I wanted to stand openly by your side.

She didn\'t say it out loud.

She didn\'t know if it was the effect of the alcohol, but even though her mind was clear, her reactions had become sluggish. Bai Lu\'s words echoed in her ears again, as if she had returned to the afternoon, hiding in her room, crying under the covers, overwhelmed by a sense of heartache and despair.

It was too difficult, she couldn\'t hold on. She was challenging her limits. She could endure it today, but what about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?

When a spring is stretched to its limit, it loses its ability to bounce back.

"Mm." Jiang Yu nodded gently. "Sister knows."

"But you have to take care of yourself and not hurt yourself, otherwise, I\'ll be sad too."

"Okay." Cheng Suran obediently responded, forcing out a drunken smile, the mist in her eyes gradually receding.

Jiang Yu kissed her cheek again, brushed away her messy hair, and pulled the blanket over her. "I\'ll go take a shower now. You be a good girl and sleep."


Tian Lin watched them from the side and sighed.

This is unbearable.


The night grew deep and silent, with the moon hanging high in the sky.

Everyone was asleep.

Jiang Yu tiptoed out of the room, closed the door behind her, and walked towards the balcony.

Inside the small building, a few wall lamps emitted a dim and heavy light, casting a hazy glow. Jiang Yu\'s hair was disheveled, and she wore a fluffy white robe, resembling a ghost walking through the darkness.

The late-night chill was heavy, and the cold wind brushed against the balcony.

Her insomnia made her increasingly alert.

The sky was dotted with sparse stars, their dim light having traveled for countless years in the universe before landing on Earth. Jiang Yu looked up at them, suddenly feeling a hollow sense of loneliness in her heart.

She averted her gaze and took a cigarette from the box. Pressing the lighter, a cluster of pale yellow and blue flames leaped up, igniting the cigarette.

The crimson tip of the cigarette resembled the eyes of the night.

Lost in thought, time flowed backward, and images appeared in her mind: a train station, a little girl, a rabbit. They became increasingly clear and vivid. This memory was like a quietly falling pebble, completely disrupting the tranquility of her heart.

She could deceive Cheng Suran, but she couldn\'t deceive herself. She remembered, she remembered deeply.

Like a dormant beast within her, once awakened, it constantly caused trouble, making her anxious and burdened with an unidentifiable emotion, suffocating her chest.

She hadn\'t slept well for several nights because of this, and the calming kid\'s medication had lost its effect.

Until tonight...

Jiang Yu realized that she actually cared about Cheng Suran\'s impression of her.

It felt as if she was riding a malfunctioning vehicle, swaying unsteadily. If she couldn\'t maintain her balance, both she and the vehicle would fall, plummeting into an endless abyss.

Was it only because of this awakened memory?

No, she knew it wasn\'t. Vaguely, another answer formed in her heart—an answer she didn\'t want to think about, an answer she didn\'t allow herself to touch. But she wasn\'t a naive, inexperienced little girl anymore...

"Sister Yu?"

A sudden voice came from behind.

Jiang Yu snapped back to her senses, turned around, and saw Bai Lu walking towards her, just like her, with disheveled hair and wearing a plush pajama.

"Why aren\'t you sleeping?" she asked lightly.

There was no trace of fatigue in Bai Lu\'s eyes and brows. She didn\'t seem like someone who had woken up in the middle of the night or been disturbed. She hugged Jiang Yu with a smile, "Shouldn\'t I be asking you that? Staying up so late, smoking on the balcony, it seems like you\'re craving a cigarette, hahaha..."

Her thin arms wrapped around Jiang Yu\'s waist, and she leaned in closely.

However, Jiang Yu didn\'t break free. She flicked the cigarette and took a gentle puff, her gaze shifting away. "I can\'t sleep."

"What about your sister? Is she okay after drinking so much?" Bai Lu rubbed her head against Jiang Yu\'s hair.

A faint puff of smoke exhaled silently, dispersing into the air.

Jiang Yu fell silent for a moment before saying, "She\'s not my sister."

Bai Lu was slightly taken aback. She hadn\'t expected Jiang Yu to be so straightforward and tell her directly. She had prepared herself to help conceal the truth. "Mm, I know. She\'s your lover."


Jiang Yu chuckled softly, and the cigarette ash fell from her fingertips.

"There\'s nothing to be surprised about. If I were as wealthy and influential as you, I could have ten of them." Bai Lu sneered, reaching out without hesitation. As she spoke, she took the cigarette from Jiang Yu\'s fingers and brought it to her own lips, leisurely taking a puff.

Her warm breath, mixed with the smoke, brushed against Jiang Yu\'s face.

"It tastes pretty good."

Her voice was low and husky, her gaze filled with ambiguity.

Jiang Yu furrowed her brow slightly and scolded softly, "Don\'t make trouble."

"Okay, goodnight," Bai Lu raised an eyebrow and chuckled playfully. She grabbed Jiang Yu\'s hand, returned the half-burned cigarette, and turned to leave.

Jiang Yu stood in place, lost in thought.

After a while, a cold breeze blew, causing her to shiver. She extinguished the half-smoked cigarette on the iron railing and threw it into the trash can...


The next morning, after completing the lottery event, Jiang Yu distributed red envelopes to everyone on behalf of the company.

She was flying to Europe tomorrow and needed to go back early to pack her luggage. She called Xiao Zhou in the morning and gave clear instructions. After lunch, she returned to the city with Cheng Suran and Tian Lin.

Cheng Suran, who had been hungover, woke up after ten in the morning. She ate lunch in a daze and only regained some clarity when she boarded the car back to the city.

She leaned weakly in Jiang Yu\'s arms, a heavy stone weighing on her chest, making it hard for her to breathe.

She hadn\'t had a good sleep at all.

She might never be okay.

The feeling of drowning, desperately trying to grasp onto something, the more she struggled, the faster she sank.

When they arrived at the hotel, Jiang Yu instructed the driver to take Tian Lin back and held Cheng Suran\'s hand as they went upstairs, returning to their shared "nest."

"Ranran, is your head still hurting? Go to the room and rest for a while. Sister will pack up our things. We\'ll go out for a nice dinner tonight."

"I can\'t sleep. I\'ll just sit here," Cheng Suran pursed her lips, mustering a weak smile, and walked over to the sofa, sitting down without saying another word.

Jiang Yu paused, sensing that something was off with Cheng Suran\'s emotions, but she couldn\'t quite put her finger on it. Without pressing further, she turned and entered the master bedroom.

In just ten minutes, she pushed the neatly packed large suitcase to the side of the door and walked out of the room. She saw Cheng Suran sitting motionless on the sofa, maintaining the same posture, like a wooden figure.



The girl raised her head, her eyes momentarily dazed, and in an instant, she regained clarity and flashed a smile. "Sister, what are we going to eat tonight?"

"We\'ll eat whatever you like." Jiang Yu sat down beside her, reached out her long arm, and pulled her into an embrace.

A gentle kiss landed on her lips.

"Should I take you to the airport tomorrow afternoon? Hm? If you have classes, forget it. Oh, no, wait, you\'re in the final review period, so you shouldn\'t have classes, right? Study well, take your exams well, and wait for Sister to come back." Jiang Yu spoke with a faint smile, murmuring softly. Her indulgent gaze was filled with tenderness.

Cheng Suran gazed at her longingly, once again lost in her thoughts.

"This time, we\'ll mainly be in Paris, Milan, and New York. Is there anything you want to buy? Any gifts you want? Sister will bring them for you."

"I don\'t want gifts..."

Upon hearing Cheng Suran\'s words, Jiang Yu raised an eyebrow with a smile.

Cheng Suran locked her gaze on Jiang Yu, biting her lip forcefully, and whispered, "I want you."

The air instantly grew tense.

Jiang Yu\'s smile froze as she looked into the girl\'s clear eyes, gradually filled with deep affection. Her expression darkened, and she became flustered.

"Can you say that again?"

"I said... I don\'t want gifts, I don\'t want money... I want you..." Cheng Suran took a breath, her eyes reddening, repeating each word slowly and deliberately.

The heavy stone in Jiang Yu\'s heart finally fell.

She had no way out.

And she had no strength to continue holding on.

"Sister... I know I shouldn\'t... I shouldn\'t be greedy, but I can\'t control myself... I\'m sorry... I\'m sorry..." There were so many words she wanted to say, but she couldn\'t articulate any of them. All those sentimental, overflowing, childish words.

Tears gushed out as she hugged Jiang Yu and cried uncontrollably.

Jiang Yu\'s eyes stared blankly ahead, a buzzing sound filled her mind, as if thousands of flies were buzzing and beating their wings, causing her temples to throb painfully.

Fragmented images flashed before her eyes...

She had lost control.

"Cheng Suran."

Jiang Yu took a deep breath, her trembling lips uttered cold words, "You\'re becoming more and more disobedient."

"I don\'t like you like this."

She abruptly pushed the person in her arms away.

Caught off guard, Cheng Suran lost her balance and tumbled off the sofa, landing on the floor. With tear-streaked cheeks, she looked up at Jiang Yu in despair.

The person\'s face turned ashen, her gaze cold and sinister as she looked down on her.


"Sister..." Cheng Suran got up, reaching out to grab her clothes.

Jiang Yu swiftly moved away, evading that hand as if avoiding a gust of wind. She walked briskly to the door, grabbed the suitcase, and left decisively.