Forbidden To Be Tempted

CH 63

In the darkness, Cheng Suran was momentarily stunned, finally realizing that Jiang Yu is angry.

Her hand, pushed aside, fell between them, separated by the thin silky fabric, closely touching Jiang Yu\'s back. She remained motionless. She wondered what she had said and done tonight.

Jiang Yu said she missed her, and she mentioned her homework. Jiang Yu wanted to accompany her, but she drove her away. She made Jiang Yu wait for hours, completely ignoring her...

How could a canary treat its benefactor with such an attitude?

The more Cheng Suran thought about it, the more regretful she became. Taking a shallow breath, she held onto Jiang Yu\'s waist again and softly pleaded, "Sister, I didn\'t mean to ignore you on purpose. The homework was urgent, and I didn\'t think about it at that moment. It wasn\'t what it seemed like..."

"I was wrong, sister."

"I\'ve finished all the missing assignments, and there will be plenty of time ahead. Except for classes, you can call me anytime, okay?"

"Don\'t be angry with me."

The person in her embrace remained still, neither moving nor speaking. Cheng Suran only felt the warm and soft touch of the skin beneath her palm. She could vaguely sense the abdominal muscles, and the closer they were, the more restless her heart became.

Suddenly, she had the illusion that she was coaxing her girlfriend.

Once a certain thought emerged, it would continue to run through her mind, impossible to pull back...

Knowing Jiang Yu\'s temperament, if she was truly upset about being neglected, she would have already pinned her down and "punished" her mercilessly. Cheng Suran still remembered the terrifying lesson she received on a stormy night a few months ago.

But Jiang Yu was just lying there silently sulking.

How adorable.

They were like a couple quarreling with each other.

Cheng Suran chuckled secretly, feeling both sweet and sour in her heart. She fantasized, wishing it were true. Oh no, if they were truly together, she wouldn\'t let Jiang Yu get angry...

The boundless darkness enveloped them, and silence surrounded them.

Both of them held their own thoughts.

Jiang Yu half-closed her eyelids, and her chaotic thoughts gradually calmed down as she listened to the clumsy and awkward comforting words of the little one. She felt like laughing and yet somewhat annoyed.

What\'s wrong with her? It was such a small, insignificant thing, but it managed to make her lose control of her emotions. It was a familiar environment, familiar person, yet something had become unfamiliar, unfathomable, and unbreakable.


This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too

The unknown fear made her uneasy.

It must be because the kid was disobedient. The canary should always comply unconditionally. She was the gold master, and she could throw tantrums anytime, anywhere, without any reason.

With this thought in mind, Jiang Yu felt a little relieved and closed her eyes, enjoying the gentle consolation from the person behind her.

"Sister, pay attention to me."

"If you don\'t pay attention to me, I\'ll cry to show you."


Cheng Suran choked back her tears, her voice trembling, but not a single tear fell. After waiting for a moment and still not getting any response from the person in her embrace, she instantly felt deflated. Her emotions sank low, and she truly felt like crying.

"Sister..." She called out pitifully, her voice soft, like the meow of a kitten.

Jiang Yu slowly opened her eyes, and her softest spot in her heart was poked. She held onto the hand in front of her waist and could sense the tension in the girl behind her.

She suddenly turned over and embraced Cheng Suran, pressing her lips against hers without hesitation.


Cheng Suran was dumbfounded.

The warm breath wrapped around them, like a spark falling into dry kindling, instantly igniting a fierce flame. Jiang Yu held the girl\'s face with one hand and firmly grasped her shoulder with the other, kissing her lips passionately.

The kid wasn\'t obedient, and she deserved to be taught a lesson.

But this fierceness hadn\'t reached its peak yet, and in an instant, it vanished without a trace. She touched the girl\'s fine and soft hair, her smooth cheeks, feeling the exuberant passion flowing in her embrace, and her heart suddenly softened.

She tenderly kissed her, sometimes like a gentle feather, sometimes like a dense drizzle. The darkness obstructed their sight, so she used her fingertips to trace every inch of her. 

Her fingertips gently glided along the contours of the girl\'s features, evoking shivers time and time again.

Cheng Suran arched her back, trembling. Her cheeks were flushed from the heat, and if there were any light, one could see a beautiful peach blossom gradually spreading.

She was no longer the inexperienced and clumsy little bird.

She tilted her head back, her hands clinging to Jiang Yu\'s back, holding on tightly. They breathed in each other\'s breath, tasted each other\'s essence, gradually transitioning from being passive to taking the initiative.

Jiang Yu leaned back, intending to retreat, but she persistently pursued, capturing her lips and eagerly pulling her back in.


"Don\'t hide, sister, I want to kiss you," she said.

A voice inside her heart screamed wildly, craving for Jiang Yu.

Their soft lips played with each other, becoming incredibly sensitive in the darkness without sight. Jiang Yu couldn\'t help but lose her train of thought, her eyes hazy and unaware that her grip had loosened. The air remained warm.


A hand came in contact.

Jiang Yu trembled violently, letting out a stifled groan as her arms, supporting her on either side, lost their strength.

In Cheng Suran\'s mind, fireworks exploded in a dazzling display.

She finally—

The center of her palm felt a semi-circular shape gradually hardening, pressing against the lines of her palm.

Her face grew hot, her mind dizzy. She couldn\'t help but imagine how it would look under the light and what it would ultimately become in her hand. Her eyes moistened, and tears of excitement flowed.

Could she do this?

"Ranran, let go..." Jiang Yu struggled to utter a few words.

Cheng Suran was immersed in excitement, unwilling to listen. Instead of letting go, she tightened her grip, as if sinking into a sponge soaked in warm water.

Blood rushed to her head, and she completely lost control.

Jiang Yu, on the other hand, was about to grind her teeth to pieces. Sensing Cheng Suran\'s intentions, she hurriedly reached out to grab that hand. However, the little girl seemed to anticipate her reaction and swiftly dodged to the side.

In the next second, Jiang Yu was firmly pinned down.

"Sister..." Cheng Suran buried her face in Jiang Yu\'s hair and coquettishly spoke in a soft voice, "Let me do it this time. I\'ll learn everything you know, even what you don\'t know. You\'ve \'worked hard\' so many times, now it\'s time to enjoy."

The warm palm enveloped her once again.

Jiang Yu bit her lip to prevent herself from making a sound.

She disliked the feeling of being restrained, but there was also a part of her that longed for it. However, she couldn\'t relax and truly enjoy. Besides herself, no one else could.

Unpleasant memories filled her mind.

She remembered when she was with her ex, she tried every trick to make the other half-dead, never willing to compromise once. Later, her ex got angry, and one night, she made her drink more alcohol which succeeded, but they had a big fight afterward, leading to a cold war and three whole months of not being able to let go.

No, this couldn\'t happen.

"Don\'t make me say it a second time..." Jiang Yu grabbed the girl\'s hand and suddenly exerted force, pulling her down.

Cheng Suran panicked, but her strength was too weak. Once Jiang Yu got serious, she was no match for her. After struggling for a moment, she was pinned down.

"Be good—" Jiang Yu lowered her head and kissed her.


The encounter ended in the early morning, and Cheng Suran was cleaned up badly, huddled in Jiang Yu\'s arms, pouting with tears still in the corners of her eyes.

"Will you still dare?" Jiang Yu lightly caressed the scar, teasing in her tone.

"Young in age, but bold in spirit."

Cheng Suran obediently admitted defeat, "I won\'t dare anymore."

But deep inside, she sneered.


Next time, she would dare again!

Jiang Yu pecked her lips and said, "Be good, go to sleep. You have classes tomorrow." Her fingers still lingered on the scar, unconsciously stroking it as if reluctant to leave.

Cheng Suran felt a sourness in her heart and nuzzled against Jiang Yu\'s neck, whispering softly, "Sister, I want... to see you every morning when I wake up..."

She wanted to wake up in her embrace, to open her eyes and see her, to have breakfast together and go out together.

Can we?

She held her breath.

"Okay," Jiang Yu readily agreed without hesitation.


She wanted it too.


During the days when Cheng Suran was busy catching up on classes and assignments, she completely isolated herself from the outside world. She didn\'t go online and had no idea what was happening. When she finally checked her Weibo account, she almost died from anger from the marketing accounts.

There was a political issue involving a foreign brand that somehow implicated Jiang Yu, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding. The official statement from "D&M" clarified that they had no association with "DM." It was just that the founder of the latter brand used to be a high-ranking executive in the former company but left to establish a similarly named jewelry brand, which often led to confusion.

Strictly speaking, the two brands were unrelated.

However, many marketing accounts were still fanning the flames, and the comment section of the related events was filled with toxic and offensive remarks aimed at Jiang Yu.

After the previous battle of public opinion, Cheng Suran despised these mindless internet users. As she looked at the comments filled with insults, she couldn\'t help but want to fire back. However, she learned from the previous lesson and knew that she was outnumbered and that engaging in arguments would be futile.

But besides lashing out, there was nothing else she could do...

The thought that Jiang Yu might have already seen those abusive words caused her heart to ache like a knife twisting, as if she herself was the one being scolded.

As a public figure, every action is magnified under the spotlight, subject to scrutiny and gossip. Those people don\'t care about the truth; they only want to unleash their hostility. They would rather see the truth perish than prioritize entertainment.

Even if one has a strong mental resilience, facing an overwhelming wave of insults would still be distressing, right?

The image of Jiang Yu\'s face floated in her mind, those profound eyes that always seemed impenetrable. Beneath the gentleness or coldness, there lay hidden experiences and hardships, like wearing a mask. Behind the carefree facade, could there be a heart riddled with wounds?

During the entire class, the teacher was speaking passionately on the podium, but Cheng Suran\'s mind was elsewhere.

Her phone was in her bag, and her hand rested on the edge of the backpack. She reached in, then pulled her hand back, forcing herself not to check Weibo, yet unable to resist the temptation.

Her emotions were like a kite soaring in the sky, with Jiang Yu holding the other end of the string.


Today was the day to check the C1 exam results.

After enduring until the afternoon, Cheng Suran resisted the urge to check Weibo and headed to the library with her laptop. She accessed the designated webpage and found her exam score - 92 out of 100.

It was as she expected. She knew she would pass and her score wouldn\'t be low.

In that moment of seeing her score, the overwhelming sense of powerlessness that occupied her heart dissipated, and she finally regained her confidence and composure. She immediately thought of Jiang Yu and wanted to share this good news with her.

[Sister, I have good news to tell you~]

Cheng Suran teased on WeChat, but she didn\'t expect Jiang Yu to reply immediately.

Add a spoonful of Coco: [Hm?]

She couldn\'t hide her joy and quickly typed a few words: [I checked the C1 exam results today, and I passed with a score of 92~], then she added: [Out of 100 ].

From childhood to now, her academic performance has always been at the top, praised by teachers and envied by classmates. But she never actively expected to receive praise from anyone, because she knew that she shouldn\'t hold hope for anyone other than herself.

But today, she wanted her sister\'s praise.

Cheng Suran stared at the screen, feeling her heartbeat gradually speeding up, fluttering like a secret crush.

Jiang Yu sent a red envelope.

[Thumbs Up.jpg]


Only a red envelope and an emoji?

Cheng Suran felt a bit disappointed. She didn\'t open the red envelope, and just as she was about to say something, Jiang Yu sent another message: [Shall we go watch a movie tonight?]


She was stunned for a moment, and in an instant, the joy swept away the disappointment. She happily replied, "Okay."

[Sister, where are you?]

Add a spoonful of Coco: [I\'ll be at the office soon.]

Cheng Suran pursed her lips and chuckled, not replying further. She packed up her phone and laptop, slung her bag over her shoulder, and hurriedly left the library.

Twenty minutes later, she arrived at the company.

It wasn\'t quitting time yet, and the building was quiet. Cheng Suran went upstairs familiarly and arrived in front of Jiang Yu\'s office. She knocked on the door and then pushed it open.


The office was empty.


Where is she?

Cheng Suran glanced around and caught sight of a black bag on the sofa, the one Jiang Yu often carried. At that moment, she heard the sound of flushing coming from the restroom.

So she\'s in the restroom.

Cheng Suran walked over stealthily and knocked on the door. Suppressing her laughter, she said, "Guess who I am? Surprise, right? You didn\'t expect it, did you?"

There was no response from inside.

"Sister, what movie do you want to watch?" Cheng Suran thought about the movie they were planning to watch that evening and didn\'t think much of it. As she spoke, she took out her phone, opened the app, and checked. "There\'s \'Chang\'an Road,\'Unsheathed Blade\' \'The Whistleblower\'..."

"It seems like \'Unsheathed Blade\' is quite interesting based on the synopsis."

"Oh, by the way, sister, I\'ll return that red envelope. You don\'t need to send it to me anymore. And about the card you gave me last time, I really can\'t use it. Actually... the monthly contract fee is too much, I... I don\'t want to spend so much of your money."

Cheng Suran\'s fingertips slid across the screen, feeling a bit nervous and uneasy. Finally, she mustered up the courage to say it, but she also felt like she was being a bit melodramatic.

She became sensitive whenever money was involved.

Does this make her the kind of person who is criticized online with the term "having it both ways"?

There was still no response from inside.

After a moment, the restroom door opened, and a tall figure walked out.

Cheng Suran looked up, her expression changing abruptly.

Bai Lu was looking at her.