Forbidden To Be Tempted

CH 60

"Wait a moment, sister will go pour water." Jiang Yu gently touched the girl\'s face and got up to leave the ward.

Cheng Suran lowered her eyes and watched her sister\'s retreating figure, unconsciously merging with the blurry figure in her dream, feeling a faint sense of familiarity. Although she couldn\'t remember the dream clearly, it felt like she had seen her sister in the dream.

It is said that dreams are reflections of reality.

She must have missed her sister too much, right? From the separation a few days ago to the nervousness last night, her thoughts were consumed by her sister. So, her brain weaved a dream for her.

But why does she specifically remember the train, the platform, and the middle-aged man...

A slight tingling sensation emanated from her left thigh.

Cheng Suran furrowed her brow and moved her left hand, causing the intravenous tube to shift slightly. She then moved her right hand and quietly lifted a corner of the blanket.


At that moment, the door to the ward opened, and Jiang Yu came in carrying two cups of water. Seeing her lifting the blanket, she quickly intervened, saying, "Don\'t move!" She walked briskly over, placed the cups down, and grabbed her hand. "You have stitches on your leg, you can\'t move around. Do you need to use the bathroom?"

"It hurts..." Cheng Suran shook her head in agony and pointed to her left leg.


Just the thought of it sounded painful. She couldn\'t help but recall the images she had seen online, where wounds would become grotesque and unsightly like a centipede, possibly leaving scars even after healing.

At this moment, the anesthesia was probably wearing off. The pain grew in waves, becoming more and more intense, and tears welled up in her eyes.

It wasn\'t this painful last night.

Jiang Yu looked at the tears swirling in her eyes, feeling a pang of heartache. She released her hand, turned around, and took out a blister pack of medicine from a small bag. She peeled off a tablet and placed it in her palm, then adjusted the bed to about a 45-degree angle.

"This is a painkiller. Once you take it, the pain will go away soon. Be a good girl," Jiang Yu said softly, holding the medicine in one hand and the cup of water in the other.

Cheng Suran obediently took it and eagerly swallowed the medicine with the water, finishing the remaining liquid in the cup.

She drank slowly, her little face slightly puffed up, and her cheeks regained some color, but there was still a weary look between her eyebrows, a sign of fatigue.

"Are you hungry? It\'s almost noon. What would you like to eat? Sister will go buy it," Jiang Yu gently tucked away the stray hair by her temple, tucking it behind her ear, and took the empty cup from her hand, placing it aside.

Cheng Suran looked up, about to speak, but then she saw Jiang Yu\'s eyes were bloodshot.

Her heart twitched suddenly.

"I\'m not hungry," she shook her head, her two little dimples forming a shallow arc. "Sister, you\'re tired too. Go and rest on the next bed for a while."

She had only recently woken up, and her wound was causing intense pain. She didn\'t have the energy or appetite to eat.

But her stomach wouldn\'t listen.



Cheng Suran awkwardly covered her stomach.

"The body is always honest," Jiang Yu chuckled as she lightly flicked her nose, stood up, and put her phone, which was fully charged, into her pocket. "Be a good girl and wait here. I\'ll be back very soon."


But the person had already left.

Cheng Suran gazed at the door for a while, lowering her head in disappointment.

It was fortunate that she was able to lead her sister out of that mountain. Compared to her sister\'s safety and well-being, the physical discomfort she was experiencing was nothing. But now, she indirectly burdened her sister because of it. If only she had been more careful...

No, she couldn\'t do it. In such an urgent situation, she couldn\'t spare any extra attention for herself.


This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too

But this also proved that she was not mature or calm enough, wasn\'t it?

Perhaps her sister would think she was too impulsive.

Cheng Suran felt a bit disheartened.

The ward was empty and quiet. A ray of pale golden sunlight seeped in, casting shadows on the foot of the bed through the window.

A small sparrow perched on the windowsill, tilting its head left and right, curiously observing.

Then it flew away.

The painkiller seemed to gradually take effect, and the pain from the wound was easing. Cheng Suran lifted the blanket slightly and realized she was wearing a hospital gown.

She quietly pulled up the waistband of her pants and glanced down. Sure enough, her left leg was wrapped in thick bandages, resembling a mummy.

Stitches meant that the wound was not superficial, and it would take at least ten days to two weeks to heal. She hadn\'t attended her morning classes today, and if the teacher took attendance, she would be marked absent. She wouldn\'t be able to return to school in the short term and would have to take a long leave.

Cheng Suran looked around and saw her bag placed on the bedside table. She reached out and pulled it closer.

Her phone had a little bit of battery left.

She used WeChat to explain the situation to her academic advisor, informing them that she needed a two-week leave and required the department\'s signature. The advisor asked her a few concerned questions and then video-called her to confirm that she was indeed in the hospital. Perhaps her situation was too unusual, as the advisor insisted on informing her parents. Helpless, she could only send Tian Lin\'s phone number to the advisor.

Then she quickly made a phone call to Tian Lin as a cover.

After completing all of this, Jiang Yu returned with lunch.

"Did you wait long?" She held a plastic bag in each hand, placed them down, and took out the lunchbox from one of the bags. "The hospital cafeteria was a bit crowded. I had to wait in line for a while, but the food is quite plentiful."

"You need to eat more protein during the recovery period."

A strong aroma of food wafted through the air.

Cheng Suran stared at her, dazed.

Just now, when she was requesting the leave from the academic advisor, she felt a bit regretful for missing out on the coursework. However, at that moment when she saw Jiang Yu, when she saw her sister standing there unharmed, she suddenly felt that it was all worth it. Missed classes could be made up, injured flesh could heal, but life couldn\'t be rewound.

She only had one person she liked.

"Steamed sea bass, it\'s your favorite, and..." Jiang Yu opened the lunchbox and carefully arranged the food inside. It was all dishes that kids liked to eat and were beneficial for wound healing.

Cheng Suran snapped out of her daze and murmured, "Huh? How did you know, sister?"

It seemed like... she had never mentioned what she liked to eat. Her sister had never asked or paid attention to it. The number of times they ate together could be counted on one hand.

"Take a guess?" Jiang Yu raised an eyebrow playfully.

"Um, I can\'t guess." 

A soft chuckle reached her ears.

Jiang Yu squinted her eyes and ruffled Cheng Suran\'s hair gently. She spoke in a gentle tone, saying, "The detailed bill of your orders at the hotel is sent to me every week. I took a quick look and felt that your taste is relatively light, and you prefer fresh things. That\'s good, unlike me. I used to love spicy food since I was young, but when I had to quit, it was painful for a long time."


A smile tugged at Cheng Suran\'s lips, revealing a bashful expression.

Her sister actually pays attention to these things.

Cheng Suran rarely orders from the hotel. Most of the time, she eats at the school cafeteria for lunch and dinner, partly for convenience and partly to avoid spending Jiang Yu\'s money unnecessarily. Breakfast is the only meal she eats the most each week. But can one really tell much from breakfast? Others…would be harder to figure out.

Since when did Jiang Yu start paying attention? How could the benefactor care about the canary\'s taste? Does that mean her sister is slightly interested in her...?

She couldn\'t help but let her mind wander.

Observing the girl lost in thought, Jiang Yu couldn\'t help but smile. With one hand holding the lunchbox and the other gripping the chopsticks, she sat down and said, "Be good, finish your meal before daydreaming."


Cheng Suran halted her jumbled thoughts, only to find Jiang Yu in a posture as if she was about to feed her. This immediately made her flustered. "Sister, I can eat by myself. You can ask the nurse for a small table..."

"Why can\'t I feed you?" Jiang Yu frowned.

Cheng Suran was momentarily at a loss for words.

She could see the exhaustion on Jiang Yu\'s face, the redness in her eyes, and the way she looked disheveled yet forced herself to stay strong. Whenever she thought about how all of this was indirectly caused by her, she couldn\'t bring herself to accept Jiang Yu\'s care without feeling guilty.

Furthermore, her sister is the benefactor, so it didn\'t make sense for a benefactor to feed her.

But... part of her still wanted it.

Being young, Cheng Suran couldn\'t hide her emotions, and her tangled thoughts were written all over her face. Jiang Yu couldn\'t help but laugh at her, coaxing, "Ranran is a patient now, she needs to be obedient."


Did her sister just call her by her nickname?

Cheng Suran only realized that what she faintly heard last night wasn\'t a dream. She pursed her lips, her cheeks turning red all the way to her ears, and nodded gently, "Okay."

Jiang Yu scooped some fish soup onto the rice with a spoon and then offered a piece of fish meat first. Cheng Suran cautiously opened her mouth and ate the whole piece, chewing slowly with her cheeks slightly puffed up.

She looked like a little hamster nibbling on melon seeds.

江虞 fed her spoonful by spoonful, and she ate bite by bite. The hospital room was calm yet warm.

Feeling Jiang Yu\'s gaze on her, Cheng Suran couldn\'t help but lift her eyes and sneak a glance at her. Their eyes met, and she was struck by that gentle gaze. Her heart trembled, and a sense of happiness overflowed within her.

At that moment, she had a delusion, as if she wasn\'t Jiang Yu\'s canary anymore, but rather her girlfriend.

But she had to stay awake at all times.

There were only a few days left until the contract expired.

In the remaining days, which would probably be spent in the hospital, she felt a sense of regret that there were still many things she hadn\'t done with her sister, and many words left unsaid. But she didn\'t regret the decision she made last night.

Having these moments was enough.

Afraid that she couldn\'t withstand her gaze and reveal her thoughts, Cheng Suran silently averted her eyes, lowered her gaze, and hastened her chewing.

After finishing feeding her, Jiang Yu began to eat herself. She didn\'t have much appetite and quickly finished her meal. She tidied up and then accompanied the young girl to rest for a while before assisting her to the restroom.

"Sister, you should go back and rest. I can manage on my own..." Cheng Suran plugged in her phone to charge and looked at Jiang Yu, who appeared exhausted, feeling a pang of heartache.

Jiang Yu didn\'t say anything, but simply held her hand.

"Sister..." She grew anxious.

"I\'m really fine."

Jiang Yu raised her index finger and made a gesture of silence. Cheng Suran immediately obediently closed her mouth, but her eyes still revealed a sense of worry. As she looked at her sister, she recalled the words spoken by Pei Chutong.



"Tongtong told me about what happened, but I\'m a bit confused. Why?"

"I…" Cheng Suran was stunned.

She knew what she wanted to ask.

Jiang Yu\'s fingertips gently pressed into her palm, rubbing it a few times. She said, "Sister wants to hear the truth."

Her tone was gentle and delicate, but her gaze carried a sense of probing. Her eyes, bloodshot and cold, didn\'t indicate anger but rather a distant detachment.

"Because..." Cheng Suran\'s mind rang alarm bells. She knew she couldn\'t tell the truth; she couldn\'t risk losing the few days they had left. "I was worried that something might happen to you."

Jiang Yu\'s heart sank, but there was also a hint of unease. She couldn\'t quite describe the feeling, but if her suspicions were true, the overwhelming fear of losing control overshadowed any warmth.

She could only adhere to the instincts dictated by their relationship.


"Yes, if something happens to you, then there won\'t be anyone to give me money."

Cheng Suran pretended to look calm as she gazed at Jiang Yu, her hand clenched nervously on the edge of the bedsheet. After saying it, she realized there was a loophole in her statement. The money had already been given, and the contract was nearing its end. There was no such situation as she described.

Moreover, how could she be so blunt in front of her benefactor?

She was in a state of confusion.

She didn\'t know what to do.

"No, Sister, actually, I feel that... you have been taking care of me very well. As my benefactor, you are truly kind. It\'s important to repay kindness, and coincidentally, I am familiar with Lingbai Mountain. Also... this incident is somewhat related to me. If I hadn\'t mentioned the fairy flower, you wouldn\'t have gone to look for it and gotten lost. Um... you don\'t have to worry, it\'s all voluntary on my part, and it\'s not that complicated..."

As Cheng Suran spoke, her voice grew softer, and she turned her face away.

These were the only reasons she could come up with.

There was a brief silence.

The midday ward was quiet, occasionally interrupted by the soft footsteps in the corridor and the sound of wheels rolling on the floor.

Jiang Yu looked at her.

Suddenly, she let out a sigh of relief. It\'s good, just like this.

She could continue to keep her by her side.

Her relief masked a hint of disappointment, just as fear masked a touch of warmth.

"Mm." Jiang Yu tightened her grip on the girl\'s hand, and a smile returned to her eyes.

Cheng Suran felt as if she had been granted a pardon and let out a bitter smile.

"Thank you."

"Don\'t say that..."

"Is your phone still charged? Give your parents a call." Jiang Yu smoothly changed the subject.


"What\'s wrong?"

Cheng Suran hesitated, and her gaze darkened.

Jiang Yu seemed to understand something and gently rubbed her head, asking with a smile, "Is it because you don\'t want them to worry?"

"It\'s not..." She looked troubled.

Jiang Yu nodded in understanding and said, "It\'s okay. You\'re an adult now, and you have the right to make decisions about these matters. I respect your wishes."

Chen Suran wanted to say something but held back. It wasn\'t that she couldn\'t tell Jiang Yu, but she hadn\'t figured out how to say it yet. Besides, the canary\'s family affairs were not something the benefactor would be interested in knowing, and speaking about it would only bring negativity and bother.


"By the way," Jiang Yu grabbed her bag and pulled out a transparent bag, "Look, is this the Fairy Flower?"

Inside the bag were blue and white gradient petals, along with stems, leaves, and soil, all packed tightly.

Cheng Suran nodded sullenly.

She looked at the beautiful petals she used to like so much, but she couldn\'t feel happy about it. If she hadn\'t mentioned it, her sister wouldn\'t have thought of going to pick them, and if she hadn\'t gone to pick the flowers, she wouldn\'t have gotten lost, and—

"I\'ll preserve it as a specimen and make it into a bookmark for you when we go back," Jiang Yu said as she put it back in her bag like a baby.

Cheng Suran wanted to say it wasn\'t necessary, but when she saw how much Jiang Yu cherished it, she swallowed her words. After all, her sister had gone through a lot of effort to obtain it, so she should also cherish it.



In the afternoon, Xiao Zhou came.

The wound would take twelve days to heal before the stitches could be removed. Staying in the hospital was more convenient in this regard. Considering this, when Jiang Yu left, she went to buy some daily necessities and asked Xiao Zhou to bring them up, then she returned to the village alone.

The filming continued.

Upon learning that Jiang Yu had returned, the production team and other cast members came to visit one after another. The director suggested taking a few days off before resuming shooting, but Jiang Yu didn\'t agree. She requested to stick to the normal schedule.

She knew that the longer they delayed, the more likely it was for unexpected issues to arise.

The director didn\'t insist and had the medical team on standby while everyone continued shooting. Jiang Yu quickly took a shower, slept for two more hours, and then got up to shoot the scenes from the morning. Perhaps due to catching a chill while being out in the mountains last night, she had caught a slight cold.

So, catching a cold became part of her daily routine as well.

When the cameras were off, she rested, and Pei Chutong brought her tea and water. Pei Chutong even learned how to cook on a wood stove.

During the day, Jiang Yu filmed in the village, while Xiao Zhou took care of Cheng Suran at the hospital. At night, they switched roles, with Jiang Yu going to the hospital to keep Cheng Suran company, and Xiao Zhou returning to sleep. They continued this routine until the last day of filming when the entire crew wrapped up.

On the morning of the eighth day, when Jiang Yu returned from the hospital, Pei Chutong and Ruan Mu were packing their luggage, intending to help her with the task, but they were stopped.

"You two should go back to Jiangcheng first and not delay the upcoming work."

"Are you planning to stay here?"


Pei Chutong looked at her in disbelief.

"No matter what, it was for my sake that Ranran got injured. I can\'t leave her alone here," Jiang Yu smiled, her eyes filled with tenderness.

After a moment of silence, Pei Chutong spoke up, "She said she is a local, so it\'s convenient. We can have her parents come here to take care of her. You\'ve been running around for the past few days, doing your best. There\'s still work to be done, so you can\'t cancel everything for her, right?"

"Let\'s not worry about that for now. I have my own plans."

"Jiang Coco, you\'re really..."

"Alright, alright. I know you\'re concerned about me. Don\'t worry, I have everything under control." Jiang Yu hugged her and patted her back, coaxing her like a child.

Pei Chutong snorted lightly, "You say you have everything under control, but you just have a soft spot for the person."

"If you say so."


Jiang Yu didn\'t take Pei Chutong\'s joke to heart. After persuading them to leave, she and Xiao Zhou packed their belongings and took a taxi to the hospital. They booked a double room in a nearby hotel.

Jiang Yu called Tian Lin and briefly discussed work matters before eagerly heading to the hospital room.

A nurse was changing Cheng Suran\'s dressing.

Cheng Suran had been recovering well these past few days. Her complexion had improved significantly since the day she woke up, and she seemed more energetic. The wound had a faint itching sensation, but she dared not look at the ugly and centipede-like stitches whenever the dressing was changed.

"Thank you, nurse," Cheng Suran whispered her thanks to the nurse after the dressing was changed. As she lifted her head, she saw Jiang Yu.


Her eyes sparkled.

The nurse pushed the trolley out, and Jiang Yu sat by the bedside, holding one of her hands and leaning in to give her a gentle kiss. "Does it still hurt today?"

"A little bit, and it\'s a bit itchy too…" Cheng Suran answered truthfully.

"Itching means the wound is healing, so don\'t scratch it."


"Sister wants to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

Jiang Yu looked at her intently for a moment, then took out her phone from her pocket and opened a document. She handed it over. "Contract renewal, would you be willing?"

It was the electronic version of the original agreement.

Cheng Suran carefully read through it and noticed that the duration had been changed from three months to two months. So... it meant a two-month extension.

Today was the 25th, and there were five days left until the contract expired.

Renewing the contract meant she would still be the canary, never able to meet her sister\'s gaze, but she could continue to stay by her sister\'s side without having to take the risk of confessing her feelings.

Choosing dignity meant losing her sister, while choosing her sister meant losing her dignity.

She was caught in a dilemma.

"Don\'t want to?" Jiang Yu asked casually, but her grip on her hand tightened involuntarily.

"Well..." Cheng Suran raised her head, her lips quivered, "If I renew the contract, can I... not take any payment?"

In fact, she already had the answer in her heart.

The temptation to stay by her sister\'s side was too strong.

Seeing the girl\'s cautious and careful appearance, Jiang Yu\'s heart wavered, almost tempted to agree. But she quickly regained her clarity and shook her head. "No."


"What if we don\'t renew?" Cheng Suran asked nervously.

Jiang Yu\'s hand tightened again, pausing for a couple of seconds before she turned her face away and casually said, "Then we\'ll part on good terms."

She slowly released her hand.

Cheng Suran immediately changed her response, "I\'m willing!"

Author\'s Note:

Jiang Scum: *smirking*.jpg

Looks like the little one is still too naive (chuckles).

I didn\'t expect this chapter to be so long, tut. Today, I\'ll give out red envelopes. =3=