Forbidden To Be Tempted

CH 109

C/T Warning: violence

Wrapped tightly in warm palms, Cheng Suran struggled inwardly but did not refuse, she followed her to the sofa and sat down.

Jiang Yu sat beside her, and her hand didn\'t let go for a while.

It was cold outside, and Cheng Suran was wearing a ginger-yellow short woolen coat. Her face was bare and light, without any makeup, giving a very warm and gentle feeling. It blended a light mature woman\'s charm with a delicate young girl\'s sense.

Jiang Yu stared at her deeply, with slight ripples in her eyes.

"This is for you." Cheng Suran\'s face was burning hot, and her steady heartbeat gradually became chaotic, and she couldn\'t control it at all. She lowered her gaze and put the things in her hand on the table.

A white carton.

"What is it?" Jiang Yu glanced.

Cheng Suran took out a small knife from her bag and cut open the outermost paper box, revealing the transparent acrylic box inside, and a brand new clay model appeared in front of her. She took off the transparent box and put it aside, and took a quick look at Jiang Yu:

"A birthday gift for you."

Jiang Yu was stunned.

A small catwalk, a small her, a small garden, everything familiar.

And beside it was another small house.

"I smashed the model on impulse that day. I promised I would fix it... So, I\'m sorry, I made a new one and added this house to the original scene. It represents home." 

Cheng Suran looked at the model, her voice was very low, and her fingertips tapped a little on the roof.

After speaking, she lifted her head.

"I hope that no matter where you are, your heart will have a harbor to rest in."

Like a small pebble, lightly thrown into her heart lake, creating layers of fine ripples. Jiang Yu gazed into those warm and sincere eyes, momentarily forgetting to breathe.

A phone rang suddenly.

It was the intercom.

"I\'ll pick it up." Jiang Yu was a little annoyed, she reluctantly let go of Cheng Suran\'s hand, got up, and walked to the desk. The assistant said that a man named Jiang Zhijun came again.

"I won\'t meet him."

"But he\'s been squatting for a week. Every time he sees someone, he talks nonsense about your family\'s private matters. If this continues, it might not be good for your image..." The assistant\'s voice grew quieter as she spoke.

Jiang Yu\'s good mood was instantly ruined, feeling a surge of anger burning within her. However, she couldn\'t express it. Her fingers gripping the phone turned slightly pale, and she gritted her teeth as she said, "Bring him up."


Putting down the phone, Jiang Yu put her hands on the edge of the table and lowered her head.

"Do you have any guests coming?" Cheng Suran stood up wisely, looked at the model, and seemed reluctant, Remember to keep your things safe."

She slowed down and passed Jiang Yu.


Jiang Yu held her back.

Cheng Suran paused, "What\'s wrong?"

"It\'s nothing..." Jiang Yu hesitated to speak and let go of her hand, "Go ahead."


Cheng Suran didn\'t say anything more and turned to leave.

The entire office fell into stagnant silence again.

Jiang Yu sighed, returned to the desk, and sat down. Not long after, there was another knock, and the assistant opened the door:

"Miss Jiang, Mr. Jiang..."

Before she could finish speaking, a burly man squeezed in. The assistant frowned and exited and closed the door.

Jiang Yu said with a sullen face, "If you want to fart, go ahead and do it*."

*say what you want to say

The man was looking around the office with curiosity plastered on his face. His thin cotton jacket and pale jeans seemed out of place in this setting. Upon hearing Jiang Yu\'s voice, he turned around, his gaze landing on Jiang Yu\'s face. After a few seconds of staring, he lowered his head and took out a stack of documents from his pocket, slamming them onto the table with a loud "thud."

"The hospital prescribed it for Mom, give me money."

Jiang Yu didn\'t bother to look at it, and threw it back like waste paper, "I don\'t have money."

Dozens of receipts were scattered on the edge of the table.

Jiang Zhijun\'s anger flared up, his rice-sized eyes narrowed into inverted triangles, he pointed at Jiang Yu\'s nose: "You have no money? Hey, if you have no money, pigs can climb trees! Who doesn\'t know that Jiang Yu is now a big star, You can’t get hundreds of thousands of dollars out? You\'re just fooling me!



This translation is originally posted on

please read it there. and check out other stories too 

Walking out of the building, Cheng Suran reached into her bag to get her mobile phone but found a thin piece of paper.

She pulled it out and looked.

It\'s the greeting card that should have been in the model box…

She forgot.

Cheng Suran patted her head, turned around, and walked back, the elevator was still on the first floor, she trotted in and pressed the floor of Jiang Yu\'s office.


She arrived.

The elevator door opened and she went out holding the greeting card, hurried to the office door, and raised her hand to knock on the door when she heard a man\'s roar from inside.

"Are you fucking giving it or not?!!!"

Then there was the sound of something heavy falling "bang".

Shocked, Cheng Suran opened the door and rushed in…

The office was in a mess, with books, documents, and computer screens scattered on the floor. The man\'s tall and burly body was pressing down on Jiang Yu, and his thick, dark, sinewy hands grabbed her neck forcefully, yelling hysterically:

"Are you giving it or not? If you don\'t, I\'ll strangle you to death!"

"At worst, I will go to jail, as long as you die, all the money will belong to my mother, hehe."

He burst into terrifying laughter.

Jiang Yu was pinned to the chair, weakly struggling, her face turning deep red.

"Jiang Yu—"

Cheng Suran exclaimed and rushed over, the man turned his head when he heard the sound, his eyes were fierce: "Who the hell are you? Get out!" He raised his leg and was about to kick her.

Cheng Suran narrowly dodged, not knowing where she found the courage and strength, she suddenly picked up the ornaments on the cabinet next to her and smashed it hard on the man\'s head, only to hear a "thud", the man lost his strength instantly, and reflexively covered his head.

The force wrapped around her throat suddenly disappeared, and Jiang Yu coughed uncontrollably, "Cough cough...cough..."

She bent her knees and pushed hard against the man\'s crotch.


The man covered his head and wailed, and sat slumped on the ground. The assistant who arrived shortly after was stunned at the door, then turned and ran out, shouting, "Security!"

"Cough...cough cough..." Jiang Yu fell from the chair.

"Jiang Yu!"

Cheng Suran threw down the ornaments and rushed over to support her.

As she glanced up, she saw the man grabbing a decorative object from the floor, glaring menacingly at Cheng Suran\'s back, who was facing away from him. "Be careful..." She rushed over and shielded Cheng Suran, pushing the swivel chair with a forceful slap.


The heavy metal ornaments slammed heavily on the back of the chair.

Cheng Suran flinched in shock and hugged Jiang Yu tightly.

There were chaotic footsteps outside the door, and several security guards rushed in one after another, rushed at the man, subdued him in two or three strokes, and dragged him out.

"Miss Jiang, Miss Cheng..." The little assistant looked at the two of them in horror, "Are you alright?"

Cheng Suran was still in shock and sat up holding Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu was coughing so badly that she couldn\'t speak. She shook her head while her chest heaved violently, and waved at her.

The little assistant was confused and scared, not knowing what to do for a while.

"It\'s okay, you go out first, tell the security guard to send that man to the hospital for a checkup, if there\'s any serious issue, come back and report. If he\'s okay, just kick him out. I\'ll take care of Miss Jiang here. Don\'t worry." Cheng Suran quickly regained her composure and calmly gave instructions.

"Okay." The little assistant nodded and left.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

The sound of coughing and panting reverberated in the huge office, making Cheng Suran\'s heart twitch. She unconsciously hugged Jiang Yu tightly, rubbing her cheek against the silky and soft hair.

"It\'s all right."

She murmured reassuringly.

Her eyes fell on Jiang Yu\'s neck, red marks appeared on her fair skin, and the outlines of fingers were vaguely shown, a shocking sight to see.

Coldness flash Cheng Suran\'s Eyes

The coughing gradually stopped, Jiang Yu leaned weakly in Cheng Suran\'s arms and buried her face against her neck, her messy hair covered her face, she was embarrassed and vulnerable - and she saw everything.

Her embarrassment, her helplessness, her unwillingness to show her scars.

Sooner or later, such a day was bound to come.


"Mm, I\'m here."

"I want to drink water." Jiang Yu\'s voice was hoarse, and she coughed again after speaking.

Cheng Suran patted her on the back, "Okay, let me help you to sit on the sofa first." With both hands, she hooked her arms under her armpit, then lifted her shakily, walked around the messy floor to the sofa, took the pillow, and positioned it for her before gently pressing her to sit. "I\'ll go get some water."

She filled two glasses with warm water from the dispenser; one for Jiang Yu and one for herself.

Jiang Yu gulped down the water, without any ripples in her eyes, she drank it all up in a short time, then she put down the glass heavily, leaned back, and closed her eyes.

Allowing her hair to cover her face, she slowly embraced herself, curling up with her arms around her shoulders.

Cheng Suran looked at her silently.

Her outstretched hand that was about to touch her, was withdrawn at the moment.

Cheng Suran\'s instinct told her that at this moment, it was best to remain quiet and still. It seemed like she could sense Jiang Yu\'s emotions—like the sturdiest shell had been broken, exposing the softest, most hidden aspects within: her embarrassment, her wounds.

Occasionally, the strong will be vulnerable, and this rare vulnerability is even more pitiful. But as proud as Jiang Yu, how could it be so easy for her to let others see her defeat?

She saw it.

And thus, the woman put her guard up.

Cheng Suran felt a little sad, whether it was in the past or now, she has never entered the depths of Jiang Yu\'s heart. But after thinking about it, they have never had any relationship. Whether it was sadness or resentment, any emotions were ultimately insignificant.

She turned around and looked at the model on the coffee table.

On the second floor of the newly added house, a mini Jiang Yu which is smaller than the original little Jiang Yu stands on the balcony, smiling, but alone. When she was making this part, she originally wanted to craft a version of herself and place it next to Jiang Yu, so that it would be a home for the two of them. However, she realized that she was about to fall into the same trap again, and she gave up the thought.

—She wanted to stand proudly beside Jiang Yu.

This desire was almost ingrained in her. Because back then, she was so young, like unformed clay that could be molded into any shape, bearing all impressions.

The person who determined her shape was Jiang Yu.

From the age of six to twenty-six, they met twice and met once again. It seemed as if they were destined to be drawn to each other, no matter how far apart they are, they will eventually return to each other.

Cheng Suran smiled slightly and touched the head of Mini Jiang Yu.

"Why did you come back all of a sudden?"

A hoarse voice reached her ear.

She blinked in surprise, turning her face to see Jiang Yu with her eyes still closed, her head slightly tilted back, as if speaking to herself. Cheng Suran then remembered the main reason she came, retrieving a card from her bag. "I forgot to give you this."

Jiang Yu slowly opened her eyes, without looking at her, her downcast eyes fell on the greeting card.

This is a self-made greeting card, off-white with wood tones, fresh and elegant, with a drawing of a long-eared rabbit in the middle, and beautiful and round handwriting on the side with a message:

——I hope that no matter where you are, there is a harbor for you to rest your heart in. Happy birthday.

Jiang Yu silently recited these words over and over again, without moving her eyes, as if she was about to lose sight of these words, mist gradually rose in her eyes, and she blinked quickly and raised her neck.

"Thank you."

She put down the greeting card, and took a deep breath, "Can I hug you?"

Cheng Suran gave a soft "hmm".

The smell of vetiver iris wafted, the warmth of two people was sealed in her warm ginger-yellow body. Heartbeats pressed against each other, and breaths intertwined. Subconsciously, Cheng Suran\'s hands held Jiang Yu\'s waist, feeling strange. She hadn\'t hugged like this for a long, long time.

Neither of them spoke.

Although Cheng Suran wanted to ask who that man was.

Time passed slowly in silence, the sun gradually moved to the west, a ray of fiery red light came in through the window, fell on Jiang Yu, and enveloped her gently, her thick black hair was dyed golden brown.


"I\'m here."

"I\'m hungry."

"Okay, let\'s go eat."


The sky darkened quickly.

Seated in a private room at the restaurant, Jiang Yu absentmindedly gazed at the street view outside the window. There was no light in her dim eyes, only a hint of weariness—a fatigue that came from pushing herself to her limits.

She picked up the wine glass and drank the scarlet liquid in one gulp.

Then grabbed the glass and refilled it.

"Drink less." Cheng Suran frowned and looked at her.

The meal was not even half-eaten, but the wine bottle was two-thirds empty. Jiang Yu ordered a lot of dishes but ate just a few mouthfuls. She didn\'t speak and just looked out the window, and poured herself wine one after another.

Her eyes were out of focus, empty and lonely, and her cheeks were gradually turning red from drinking too much. As if she didn\'t hear Cheng Suran\'s words, she picked up the glass and took another big gulp.


Cheng Suran felt bad, but she was helpless. Seeing that she almost drank the whole bottle of wine, her face became more and more red, and her ears, neck, and head were all red.

Suddenly she laughed alone.

"Jiang Yu..."

"Ranran, do you know who I am?

"You\'re Jiang Yu."

"No." Jiang Yu raised her index finger and shook it.

"I\'m Jiang Wanyin."

Hearing this name, Cheng Suran suddenly remembered the past, with a sound of slap echoing in her ears, she felt the left side of her face seemed to ache.

Jiang Wanyin...

The forbidden territory she had once touched.