Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 244 - A Beautiful Stranger On His Bed

Alexa decided to wait for Renz to finish his meeting. She checked her wristwatch. The meeting had been ongoing for two hours now.

She assumed they would wrap up the meeting soon. While trying to kill time, she decided to assess Renz\'s office. She could tell that Renz was a minimalist based on the color and arrangement of his entire office.

She could see the color of black and white around. The furniture inside was arranged and organized, making a simple and uncluttered space.

It did not take long when her eyes found a secret door. She believed it was Renz\'s private room wherein he could take a nap anytime.

Out of her curiosity, Alexa entered the room. She saw a spacious room with a bathroom. There was a soft cushion bed at the center.

"Ahh, why do I feel like the bed is calling me. I suddenly feel sleepy," Alexa mumbled, yawning.

She tried to sit down on the bed. It was indeed soft. She was tempted to lay down since she realized she hadn\'t gotten enough sleep last night as she finalized her investigation report.

"I think there is nothing wrong if I will take a nap for a while. This bed is very tempting," Alexa mumbled, rubbing the bedsheet.

Soon, she gave in and laid her tired body on the soft cushion of the bed.

"Ah, this feels so soft…" Alexa mumbled as she rolled on the bed. She stopped when she was satisfied. She removed her cap and her mask as she comfortably lay down on the bed.

Alexa just found herself slowly drifting off to sleep. She was not able to fight her sleepiness.


Meanwhile, Renz and the management team of Star Corp just finished their meeting. He and his assistant returned to his office.

Renz\'s assistant was a little bit worried about him. He looked so tired and gloomy. He was spacing out during the meeting. He had to tap his shoulder several times to catch his attention when the team members asked his suggestion for the new projects.

He wondered what happened to his Boss. He had been acting like this since yesterday.

"Sir, are you okay? Is there something troubling you?" His assistant, Roy, asked him worriedly.

Renz sat down on his executive chair before shaking his head. "Nothing is troubling me. Everything is fine," Renz lied.

"You can leave now, Roy. Just do the task I gave you," he ordered.

Roy politely said goodbye as he left the room to follow Renz\'s order. His assistant had a table just outside his office.

When he was left alone inside his room, Renz leaned on the backrest of his seat. He took a deep sigh. His mind was wandering the whole day, just thinking about Selene.

Renz looked around at the quiet space of his office. A memory flashed in his mind. In the past, Selene was always visiting him in his office after her school. He would often see her on the sofa, preparing a snack for him.

Renz\'s eyes suddenly became teary as he felt a pang of pain inside his heart. He missed her. He missed the old times when Selene was always sticking by his side. Selene would never do it again.

Before, he found it troublesome, but now, he just wished that Selene would do it again. However, that thing would never happen again since Selene already had a change of heart.

Renz clenched his fists and his lips curled up into a sad smile.

"I took her for granted before. And now, I feel so lonely without her by my side. I never expect that our relationship will just end up like that."

Renz just realized how Selene spent most of her time with him in the past. Now, she became distant and she found someone else to love.

Renz was in the middle of reminiscing about the past with Selene when his phone rang. Arthur was calling him.

Renz frowned as he recalled how Arthur hated Selene. He never once hid his displeasure about her. He was always urging Renz to break the engagement with Selene but he refused since he didn\'t want to break the promise between the elders.

He had to admit that he even once thought of breaking up with Selene since he could only see her as his sister. But who would have thought that things would change and he would suddenly fall for her?

Renz shook his head trying to push the negative thoughts at the back of his mind. Then he answered the call.

Arthur: "Renz, are you available tonight? Come and join us! Let\'s unwind!"

Renz knew that Arthur wanted to go to a bar tonight and do partying. Before he could not join them because Selene was in his office accompanying him.

Renz: "Alright. Just tell me the place and I will come and join you."

Renz took a deep breath. He needed to divert his attention so he agreed on hanging out tonight with Arthur.

Arthur: "That\'s great! It\'s been a long time since the last time you joined us! See you later. I will send you the address of the bar."

Arthur hung up right away and sent him a message including the time of their meet-up.

Renz stood up and decided to take a nap. He needed to relax and clear his mind. He was still avoiding Selene that\'s why he was feeling so down today. Though he missed her, he didn\'t know how to face her.

Maybe going out with his friends would help him forget about the sadness even just for a while.

Renz entered his private room that was attached to his office. Upon entering the room, he was surprised to see a figure sleeping on his bed.

"Huh? Who is she? What is she doing here?"

Renz approached the bed to see who was the person sleeping on his bed. His frown deepened when he saw a beautiful woman lying on his bed. She was sound asleep.

Then his eyes moved on her clothes. "Utility? She\'s part of our utility staff?"