Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 242 - Truth Revealed!

~ At the Netherworld ~

Azrael, Gray, and other elite grim reapers arrived in the Netherworld. Gray escorted him to the dungeon where the dark soul, Grandma Elysa, was being held.

Azrael was surprised upon seeing Grandma Elysa.

"The escaped soul is Selene\'s grandmother?!" Azrael mumbled in disbelief.

"Yes, she is. And the missing soul is Selene, her granddaughter," Gray informed Azrael.

"What? It\'s Selene?! How could that happen?" Azrael asked Gray exasperatedly. He couldn\'t believe it. How did things turn out like this?

Gray told Azrael everything that they learned from Grandma Elysa. It all started when she saw what was happening to Selene through the Tree of Truth.

Her strong love for Selene made her choose to escape the Netherworld than proceeding to the next gate towards heaven.

Grandma Elysa possessed a human body, the one who kidnapped Micaela and Selene. She wanted to avenge Selene and punished Micaela for her betrayal by killing her. But Selene ended up saving her and she was the one who died that day.

Grandma Elysa regretted what happened. She wished for Selene to be safe and alive. Mother Angel Sienna heard her plea as her love for Selene was overflowing.

Azrael now understood what happened. He didn\'t expect this turn of events.

"So what will happen to her soul now?" Azrael asked Gray while looking at Grandma Elysa.

"We don\'t know yet. Supreme Leader Zaki will be the one to decide on that. She might be punished of course. But we don\'t know what kind of punishment yet."

"How about Selene?" Azrael suddenly got worried about her.

Gray shrugged his shoulders. He couldn\'t tell Azrael that Zaki assigned him to fetch Selene\'s soul. He was not allowed to disclose this mission to Azrael.

"By the way, Zaki said you should go back to your task. Check the book of death to see your next assignment. You will be guiding souls again," Gray said, changing the topic.

Azrael just nodded again. They couldn\'t proceed further since Zaki built a barrier around the cell of Grandma Elysa. He wanted to talk to her but he couldn\'t.

In the end, Azrael and Gray left the dungeon.

Meanwhile, in the other part of the Netherworld, Zaki was meeting Sienna. This had something to do with their agreement. Zaki\'s first request from her was that Sienna should come to the Netherworld to see him once in a while.

They were in the book of death chambers right now.

Zaki was so glad to see Sienna. She really made it, fulfilling their agreement. He extended his hand, offering to Sienna. She accepted it.

As a courtesy, Zaki kneeled to greet her while kissing the back of her palm. Sienna was caught off guard when Zaki\'s lips touched her hand. She immediately retreated her hand with her blushing face.

Zaki was known for his coldness, but in front of her, he was so warm and gentle. They had known each other for a long time even before they became the leaders of two realms.

Sienna led the cupids while Zaki ruled the grim reapers.

Zaki stood up and moved closer to Sienna. He noticed that she was troubled by something.

"What happened? Why do you look so sad?" Zaki asked her worriedly, holding her chin as he assessed her expression.

Sienna looked away, removing his hand. She didn\'t want to tell him what was bothering her right now. This was her own problem. Zaki didn\'t need to know.

"Did Azrael come back?" Sienna asked him, diverting the topic. She smiled at him, trying to look cheerful.

But Sienna couldn\'t fool Zaki. He could see it in her eyes that she was sad and hurting right now.

"Sienna… tell me. Who made you sad and upset?" Zaki asked her again, ignoring Sienna\'s question.

"No one. I\'m just fine… lots of things to handle in the Angel\'s Agape Realm. That\'s why I look tired."

Zaki shook his head.

"Sienna, you are a bad liar. I can see through you. You can tell me anything. We are comrades," Zaki said, urging her to speak up about what\'s inside her heart.

Sienna let out a soft giggle. "Comrades? You call a friend a comrade? You never failed to amuse me, Zak…"

Zaki\'s expression softened because Sienna called him Zak. She\'s the only one who was calling him with that. It was heartwarming to hear her calling him.

Zaki moved closer to Sienna, holding her shoulders. He was now staring straight into her eyes. His gaze was so gentle.

"What\'s troubling you, Sienna? You can always share your burden with me…"

With his continuous coaxing, Sienna could no longer hide it anymore. Sienna gazed up with tears threatening to fall.

"Zak…" she mumbled his name softly.

Zaki felt like his heart was being pierced by a sharp object right now after seeing Sienna\'s sadness. He raised his hand to touch her face. Zaki started caressing her cheeks.

"It\'s okay to cry… I will lend you my shoulders…"

Sienna could no longer stop her tears from falling. She began shedding tears in front of Zaki while he was trying to wipe them with his fingers.

"I lost him… I lost my cupid general, Eros… He chose to be with her than to stay with us…" Sienna mumbled with her trembling voice.

A cold glint flashed through Zaki\'s eyes. \'So that cupid again. He is the one who makes Sienna cry.\'

"I did everything to convince him… I tried my best to protect him… but he still chose her."

Zaki gritted his teeth. He didn\'t want to see Sienna cry. But because of a stupid cupid, Sienna was hurting right now.

"What should I do now, Zak? What should I do?"

Zaki could no longer stand it. He pulled Sienna into a hug, engulfing her body into his arms. He wanted to console her and comfort her.

Sienna continued to cry in his chest while Zaki was stroking her hair. They were in that kind of position when Azrael entered the chambers.

He was surprised to see Zaki and Sienna hugging each other. He was supposed to check his assignment in the book of death. But he saw something he was not supposed to see.

\'Sienna? Zaki? Why is she crying? But why are they hugging each other? What\'s the meaning of this?\'

Azrael\'s heart clenched inside his chest seeing the woman he admired crying in the arms of the man he hated the most.

Azrael could no longer bear to watch them. With a heavy heart, he turned around and left the chambers. He was clenching his fists.


~ Human World: Anderson Family Mansion ~

Selene received a visitor. It was the agent she hired to do a background check on Micaela. She asked the agent to investigate Micaela\'s origin and her family.

"Alexa, what did you find this time?"

Selene\'s agent was a woman, a fierce lady. She was a capable private agent and a talented hacker. She\'s only 22 years old. She\'s beautiful and smart. Aside from that, she was good at fighting and holding weapons like guns and knives.

In her previous life, she met Alexa two months before the kidnapping incident happened. They became close to each other as Alexa became her drinking buddy.

Alexa told her about her secret job as an agent. So she decided to look for her in this new lifetime. She knew that when it came to investigating someone, Alexa would do a good job.

Of course, Alexa didn\'t know that Selene already met her before and they were friends. When Selene approached her in this new life, Alexa felt like she had known her already.

"These are the pieces of information I gathered for these past few days."

Alexa handed over a white folder along with a flash drive.

"Miss Selene, I think you should be careful with Micaela. She is not a simple lady as you think she is." Alexa warned her as Selene started to scan the document report about Micaela\'s background.

"Please continue, Alexa," Selene allowed her to speak further.

"Micaela is the daughter of the businessmen, Carla and Justine Go. Go was a wealthy family before. But their family business suddenly went bankrupt. They blamed the Anderson Family and the Chuo Family for this incident."

"They were competitors of your Family Business, Miss Selene."

Selene was dumbfounded when she heard that.

"According to my investigation, Carla and Justine Go committed suicide when they lost everything. Micaela was only ten years old when it happened."

"I think your speculation is right. Micaela intentionally approached you to get closer to you. She might be doing this for revenge. She will avenge them against your Family and the Chuo Family."

Selene already suspected Micaela but hearing this still affected her so much. All those times, she treated Micaela as her true friend. Everything made sense to her now.

\'Does it mean… Micaela didn\'t love Renz. She seduced him so that she could hold him on his neck. Renz fell for her and Micaela grabbed that opportunity to implement her revenge.\'

"Alexa… I will give you another task. Can you please protect Renz?"