Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 230 - The Story Behind Selene's Death

"What do you mean you can\'t leave her behind? It\'s been five years since you passed away and had left her. You were supposed to go to paradise that day but you chose to escape and go back to your granddaughter."

Zaki couldn\'t help but scold Grandma Elysa. He couldn\'t believe her decision. Among the souls in the Netherworld, Grandma Elysa\'s soul was the purest and kindest in her batch.

She was guaranteed to enter heaven and rest in paradise. But her one decision changed everything. How did she end up killing a person and became a dark soul?

"Who is the person you killed upon going back? That soul is still missing right now!" Zaki asked her.

Grandma Elysa\'s tears continued to roll down her face. She clenched her fists and a look of regret was reflected in her eyes.

"It was a mistake. It was all my fault. The person I killed that day… ended up to be Selene, my granddaughter."

Zaki\'s eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing this revelation.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Don\'t you dare lie to me?!"

"I am not lying! I accidentally killed my granddaughter! She was not supposed to die. But I didn\'t expect… I didn\'t expect she would sacrifice her life to save Micaela! The woman who betrayed her! The woman who stole her happiness!"

Zaki shook his head as he couldn\'t understand any of this. He indeed learned what happened to Selene. She was not supposed to die that day. It was Renz. Azrael was assigned to fetch Renz\'s soul.

"Elysa… how did it turn out like this?! Tell me everything!!!" Zaki demanded some answers.

Grandma Elysa looked down. There\'s no point in lying so she decided to tell everything to Zaki, hoping that he would listen to her plea.

"You are right. I was supposed to go to heaven. But I changed my mind after seeing what was happening to my granddaughter."

Before going up, Grandma Elysa\'s soul was brought to the divine tree of truth. In there, she could see a flashback of what happened in her life on earth.

But since she missed Selene so much, instead of asking the Divine Tree of Truth to flash her life story and reminisce about her past life, Grandma Elysa chose to see Selene\'s life.

That was the time Grandma Elysa found out that Selene suffered too much when she died. She also saw the betrayal of Renz and Micaela.

Grandma Elysa saw how heartbroken Selene was. She got mad and sad seeing her granddaughter being miserable. How could she leave her just like that?

She promised that she would watch over her even in death. She promised that she would let her become happy. But it never happened.

She entrusted Selene to Renz and Micaela. But they were the ones who made Selene sad. Renz failed to fulfill his promise of taking good care of Selene and making her happy.

Grandma Elysa\'s heart was filled with rage. She blamed herself for what happened to Selene. She decided to go back to see Selene. She escaped from the Netherworld.

When she returned to the human world, Selene\'s life was in danger. She was kidnapped together with Micaela. Grandma Elysa was clouded by hatred. She hated Renz and Micaela for hurting Selene\'s feelings.

She possessed the body of the kidnapper and planned to shoot Micaela. It was all planned by Micaela to take everything from Renz.

But Grandma Elysa intervened. She wanted to kill Micaela. Renz was bound to die that day because he would be the one protecting Micaela.

However, no one anticipated that Selene would sacrifice herself to save Micaela for Renz\'s sake. She didn\'t think twice when she took the bullet for Micaela.

Even Grandma Elysa was surprised when it ended up like that. She didn\'t want to hurt or kill her granddaughter. But it seemed that aside from Selene\'s motive, she subconsciously didn\'t want her grandmother to kill someone.

She might not have known it. But everything between them was connected. Selene also wanted to protect her grandmother as much as her grandmother wanted to protect her.

Selene would never allow her grandmother to commit a sin just because of her so she stopped her by sacrificing her own life.

Grandma Elysa was devastated when Selene died. She didn\'t want her to die. Her love for Selene was so strong and powerful that heaven listened to her plea.

Mother Angel of cupids, Sienna had heard her wish… her wish of saving Selene. She wished Selene to be alive. That solemn wish of a grandmother\'s love was heard by Sienna and it touched her heart. The love was so strong… so genuine and sincere. It was selfless and unconditional love.

Mother Angel Sienna tried to fulfill her wish so she sent Eros to negotiate with Azrael. The two worked together in bringing Selene back to life.

The grim reapers had started chasing after the escaped soul. Grandma Elysa had to flee and promised herself that she would follow Selene in her next life.

She had been doing her best, escaping from the grim reapers until she found a way to follow Selene to the time where she was brought back to life. She used the time paradox to follow Selene.

That\'s when she found out Selene was brought back to the past five years, the year before she died from illness.

She watched Selene on the sideline, including her other-self. Because of her presence, everything was bound to change. So Grandma Elysa\'s other self died earlier than Selene\'s previous life.

Her wandering soul was there that was the reason why Grandma Elysa was no longer recorded in the book of death. That was also the reason no grim reaper was assigned to fetch her soul since the soul in that human body was just a portion of her soul.

She took it back and collected her remaining soul essence when her other human body died again.

She had been guiding Selene and she was trying to figure out what Micaela was trying to do. She even met Renz and gave him a warning not to lose Selene ever again because he would regret it just like how he regretted it in Selene\'s previous life.

Grandma Elysa saw how Renz suffered after Selene died in her previous life.. He blamed himself.