Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 227 - Do You Want Me To Teach You?

Azrael didn\'t know whether to cry or laugh. Samantha had misunderstood him. He was just curious about the feelings of kissing someone.

He was in doubt whether he would be able to do it or not. He was always telling Eros that he wanted Sienna to be his first kiss but now he was worried.

What if Sienna would not like it? What if he would just ruin the moment since he had no experience in kissing? What if he would disappoint her?

\'Aah! Why am I thinking about kissing?! This is Jackson\'s fault! How could he kiss Samantha in front of me!\'

"Sigh, never mind, Sam," Azrael said with his dejected look.

He thought Samantha would not understand since she was thinking that he wanted to kiss a guy. They still thought that he was Eros\'s boyfriend.

"Hmm, to think about it, you look more innocent than Gabriel. But seriously, Azie?! You haven\'t had a first kiss yet?!"

Azrael could only bob his head.

Samantha tried her best not to laugh since she promised him that she won\'t laugh.

"Azie, kissing someone you love is the best feeling in the world. It feels so good and so… addicting! Your heart is fluttering whenever your face gets closer to your partner, anticipating more." Samantha tried to explain to Azrael using her simple words.

"Honestly, it is hard to describe the feelings in just one or two words or sentences. You have to experience it yourself to understand more."

Azrael nodded his head. He understood here. It\'s just that he didn\'t have the chance and opportunity to experience it yet.

Samantha leaned over and whispered something to him.

"Do you want to kiss someone?"


"Do you want me to teach you?"

Azrael was about to say yes when he realized her words. He turned to look at her with a questioning gaze.

"Teach me? How?"

Seeing the curious expression of Azrael, she had the urge to tease him.

"How about me kissing you?" Samantha said jokingly while winking at Azrael.

Azrael: 0_0

Azrael was stupefied by her bluntness.

Samantha could no longer hold her laughter. Azrael\'s stunned expression was priceless.

"Come and visit me tomorrow. I will teach you how to kiss someone."

Azrael was not able to respond since Selene and Mr. M already arrived at their table.

Mr. M was unhappy seeing Samantha beside Azrael. He signaled her to transfer next to him. Samantha just smiled sheepishly before standing up and going back to her previous seat.

Selene was the one who sat next to Azrael. The four of them started eating when Mr. M suddenly brought Eros up as their topic.

"I wonder where Gabriel is. Why is he not with you?"

Both Selene and Azrael stopped eating their food. They were both missing Eros. They were also worried since they had no news or updates about him. It was almost a week when he left.

"He went on vacation," Azrael said, answering his query.

Mr. M just nodded his head. He was just used to seeing Eros sticking by Selene\'s side. His men always saw them together whenever he would ask them to monitor Selene\'s whereabouts.

Seeing that they were uncomfortable talking about Eros also known as Gabriel, Mr. M didn\'t ask them further. Samantha also changed their topics.

After finishing their snacks, Selene and Azrael said goodbye to Samantha and Mr. M. The couple left the restaurant last. They were on the way back to drop off Samantha in her office when Mr. M asked her about something.

"What do you think about that Azrael?"

"Azrael is a cool guy. He is such a cutie as well," Samantha answered him truthfully, unaware of Mr. M\'s jealous side.

Samantha gazed at him only to see his downcast mood.

"Hey, why are you looking like that? Don\'t tell me you are jealous of him?" Samantha nudged his shoulder as she giggled. She was eyeing him teasingly.

"So what if I am jealous?"

"You don\'t have to! I\'m your girlfriend and Azrael is Gabriel\'s boyfriend. We are just friends!" Samantha tried to console him.

"Are you sure about that? There is something in his eyes whenever he is looking at you."

Samantha stopped walking and faced him. She raised her hands, cupping his face.

"Hmm, don\'t blame him. Maybe your girlfriend is so beautiful that\'s why he couldn\'t help but look at me!" Samantha said, cracking some jokes to lighten his mood.

Deep inside, she was glad to know that Mr. M was capable of getting jealous. This only showed how much she meant to him. She liked it.

Mr. M just shook his head helplessly. Samantha was using her charm to pacify him. In the end, he could only give in to her.

"Alright. I\'m not feeling upset anymore. But I need assurance. Kiss me, Sam. Kiss me!"

Just thinking about Samantha getting closer with another man was driving him nuts. Mr. M was becoming more possessive of her.

To console her man, Samantha kissed him even though they were on the streets. She didn\'t care about public display of affection. She just wanted to pacify his jealous heart.

Meanwhile, Selene and Azrael were walking towards her car. It was parked on the other side of the road. They were crossing the road, Selene walking ahead while Azrael was following her from behind.

Azrael stopped and got distracted for a moment when he saw a member of elite grim reapers standing by the roadside. He recognized him as Gray.

"What is he doing here? Still waiting for the dark soul to approach Selene?"

Azrael was still thinking about the grim reaper\'s purpose of tailing Selene when suddenly he heard a loud horning sound coming from a car.

It was fast approaching Selene who was crossing by the road. The driver seemed to warn them as his car break suddenly malfunctioned.

His car suddenly sped up for some unknown reason. If he couldn\'t stop it then he might hit Selene. He tried maneuvering the car on the other side to avoid hitting Selene but it didn\'t work as if someone was controlling his steering wheel.

The driver could only press the horn to warn Selene. Azrael who saw what was about to happen immediately ran in Selene\'s direction.

"Selene!!! Watch out!!"