Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 203 - Micaela's Frustration

After talking to his grandfather, Mr. M called Samantha. He couldn\'t understand himself. He didn\'t know why he was feeling uneasy after hearing his grandfather\'s warning.

He was not supposed to feel this way. He was not supposed to care about her. Their relationship meant nothing to him.

He was only doing this as part of his plan. Samantha was just like other women whom he could dump as soon as he got bored. He was just enjoying his time, playing with her. That\'s all.

Mr. M was still convincing himself with these thoughts when suddenly the call got connected. He heard Samantha\'s sweet voice on the other line.

Samantha: "Hello, Darling?"

Mr. M\'s lips reflexively stretched out into a gentle smile upon hearing her voice.

Mr. M: "Sweety, where are you?"

Samantha: "Hmm, at my Shop. Why?"

Mr. M: "Oh, it\'s nothing. I\'m just checking on you. I miss you."

He heard Samantha\'s soft giggle.

Samantha: "I miss you too."

Mr. M: "Are you busy?"

Samantha: "Hmm, sort of. I am currently working on a new project. A friend asked for my help."

Mr. M: "Ahem, I\'m getting jealous now. You have time to help your friend, but you don\'t have time to entertain your boyfriend."

Mr. M pretended to be upset. But Samantha knew he was just joking so she let out another soft giggle.

Samantha: "Don\'t be upset. I know you are busy too, not only me. So, we are now even."

This time it was Mr. M\'s turn to burst out laughing.

Mr. M: "Whoa, my girlfriend is being calculative now. Tsk Tsk Tsk. I should teach you a lesson."

Samantha giggled once again. He could imagine Samantha sticking her tongue out at him while her eyes sparkling with humor.

Mr. M: "Don\'t laugh at me. I\'m not bluffing. I will give you a lesson… in bed."

Samantha finally stopped laughing. Mr. M couldn\'t help but visualize Samantha\'s blushing face right now.

Samantha: "You! Naughty and shameless! Hmmph. I should go now. I\'m busy! I\'ll call you later.

Mr. M let out another husky laugh. He knew Samantha was trying to run away from him.

Mr. M: "Okay, bye sweety!"

Samantha: "Bye, darling! … I love you!"

Mr. M was taken aback when he heard those words. He never said those three magic words to Samantha yet. She was always the first one to take the initiative to say those words.

Just like before, he would just pretend he didn\'t hear it. Or sometimes, he would just say, \'Me too!\'

When Samantha asked him why he was not saying those three magic words to her yet, Mr. M\'s alibi was just simple. He was just telling her that he preferred to show his love through action, rather than saying those words.

Mr. M hung up the call. He was planning to go to her shop to see her when another visitor came to his house. It was Micaela.

"You look like you are in a good mood. Is it because of your girlfriend?" Micaela said with a teasing smile. She overheard the last part of their conversation.

"Oh, To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" Mr. M asked Micaela in confusion.

Mr. M didn\'t expect that Micaela would take an initiative to go to his villa without being summoned by him. She hated coming here. Or rather, she hated being alone with Mr. M here.

"Nothing. I\'m just bored staying at the school dorm. We have no class today so I decided to visit you."

Mr. M raised his eyebrow. He could sense that Micaela was acting strangely today.

"Okay, come. Sit down. What do you want to drink!"

"Give me a red wine please," Micaela promptly responded before sitting on the soft couch.

Mr. M frowned after hearing that. It was unusual for her to ask for red wine as early as this morning. Something was bothering her for sure.

Mr. M went to his wine cellar to get her the drink she wanted. When he came back, he was already holding two wine glasses and one bottle of red wine.

He opened it and poured a drink for Micaela.

"Now, tell me. What\'s your problem? You will not come here for no reason."

As expected, Mr. M could tell what\'s going on by just observing her. Micaela took a sip of her wine first before giving him an answer.

"I\'m so pissed off by Renz. I can\'t understand why he is avoiding me, even though I know that he enjoyed my company while pleasuring him."

"Is my charm not working on him anymore? You said seducing him and sleeping with him would work. But now, I don\'t know anymore. Instead of getting closer to him, he is now avoiding me. He is also acting very harsh towards me!" Micaela vented out her frustrations.

Mr. M chuckled after hearing her complaints.

"Maybe he is avoiding you because he knows that if he does not do it, he will not be able to stop himself and finally give in to the temptation."

Micaela rolled her eyes in disbelief. "That is not the case. The way he looks at me, I feel like he is so mad at me that he doesn\'t want me to get near him or Selene."

"Maybe, you just need to change your strategy. I know a man\'s weakness. You can easily attack his vulnerable side. He is just doing this at first since he feels guilty for Selene."

"But once he will do it more frequently then he will get used to it. He will forget the guilt and will be addicted to you."

Micaela raised her eyebrow, still in doubt if it would work on Renz. He was playing hard to get as of this moment.

"Damn! I just hate doing this for nothing! I feel so cheap by seducing an enemy! Selene can\'t do the things I can do for him but still, he is trying his best to avoid me just because of her!"

Mr. M could only shake his head helplessly. This was the first time Micaela opened up to him regarding her feelings. He found it fascinating.