Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 201 - Surrounded By Beautiful Heavenly Beings

The next morning, Azrael woke up at the knocking sound on his door. He was surprised that he really slept last night for several hours.

Getting punished and tortured by Zaki exhausted him so much. His body took a good rest by sleeping.

Starting today, he would be staying here with Eros. He wondered if Selene would be okay with this.

He was about to get up when the door swung open and Eros emerged from it.

"Good morning," Eros greeted him with a wide smile.

Azrael watched him in puzzlement.

\'He is in a bright mood today… very different from his mood last night.\'

Little did Azrael know, Eros was in good mood because of Selene. Before going to bed, he was able to hug her. Selene allowed it, not pushing him away.

Selene had no idea that Eros never left her side last night. When she fell asleep, Eros entered her room secretly, watching over her.

He wanted to keep her safe so he stayed by her side, just watching her sleep. He never knew Zaki might suddenly appear in her room and harm Selene.

"Why are you smiling like a fool so early this morning?" Azrael asked Eros when he reached the bed.

"Hmm, I\'m just happy because you will be staying here for a while. Go and transform into your human form. We will go downstairs to eat breakfast together with Selene and Sach."

"Eros… did Selene agree? Is she okay, letting me stay here for a while?"

Eros moved his head up and down. "Yep. She said it\'s better to have more people here. The mansion is too large for one person."

"Hmm, Azrael, will you help me protect Selene against Zaki?" Eros asked him expectantly.

"Oh, okay. I will try my best," Azrael responded, scratching his face.

Since he would be staying here, he should also protect the owner of this house. Aside from that, he was upset since Zaki punished him without hearing him out first.

He wouldn\'t allow things to go according to Zaki\'s plan. He wanted to get even at him.

After a few seconds, Azrael transformed into his human form. Eros moved closer and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Now, let\'s put some bandages on your wounds. You might scare the little kid if you allow him to see them," Eros said, pointing his fingers at Azrael\'s wound on his arms, face, and neck.

Azrael could only bob his head in obedience. He had to listen to Eros. Between them, Eros was more well-versed when it came to pretending as human.

In that house, Selene was not the only human he would encounter, but also other humans such as the helpers of the Anderson Family, Selene\'s friends, and the young boy, Sach.

When Eros was done covering his wounds using bandages, Azrael and Eros went downstairs to join Selene and Sach.

Selene had no class today so she would be staying in the house, working on the company project she would be managing.

Selene was done cooking breakfast when the two men arrived at the kitchen. Sach was with her, watching her as she cooked.

"Oh, Uncle Azrael?! You are also here?" Sach asked him with amusement. He didn\'t expect that Azrael would be there.

"I\'m going to stay in this mansion. Do you have a problem with that?" Azrael responded coldly. He didn\'t know why he suddenly felt annoyed with this kid.

Eros and Selene were stupefied by Azrael\'s reaction.

Sach just shrugged his shoulders, not affected by Azrael\'s cold treatment.

"Why are you getting mad, Uncle Azrael? I am just asking you." Sach nonchalantly said before moving his attention back to Selene.

"Oh, sorry. I didn\'t mean to," Azrael said, apologizing to the young boy.

Selene just smiled awkwardly. "Alright, let\'s eat first."

The four of them gathered in the dining area and started eating. They were in the middle of their breakfast when someone arrived.

Aunt Ling escorted a person, who wanted to see Selene and the others.

"Selene, your friend is here, visiting you," Aunt Ling said.

The four of them looked in Aunt Ling\'s direction, only to see a beautiful lady with a princess-like-braided hair standing next to Aunt Ling.

Eros, Selene, and Azrael were surprised to see her in that form.

Azrael: " Sienna?"

Eros: "Mother Angel?"

Selene: "Mother Angel?"

Sienna told them she would drop by today before going back to the Angel\'s Agape Realm, but they didn\'t expect that she would appear in her human form.

Even Sach couldn\'t help but admire the beautiful lady.

"Hello, good morning everyone!" Sienna greeted them with her soft mellow voice.

\'Gosh, she is like a goddess even in her human form,\' Selene thought to herself.

Aunt Ling left after she was done escorting Sienna. Sienna walked over to join them. She chose a vacant seat beside Eros.

Since she was pretending to be a human, they already knew the drill. They had to call her by her first name, Sienna.

Eros stood up to get plates for Sienna. Azrael and Sach were silent, just staring at her intently.

Selene could only smile at their silly expressions. She couldn\'t believe it. She was surrounded by gorgeous and beautiful heavenly beings.

"Sienna, here eat this!" Eros excitedly put some dishes on her plate.

This was the first time he would see Sienna eating human food so he was too excited.

"Thank you, Eros." Sienna tried to taste it.

"How is it? Is it good?" Eros asked her expectantly.

Sienna giggled before nodding her head. "It tastes delicious! I like them!"

Eros was also amazed to see Sienna in her human form. The two interacted very well in front of Azrael, Selene, and Sach. Eros was very accommodating while Sienna was actively responding to him.

As Selene watched the two of them, she realized something.

\'Eros… and Sienna, they look good together. Two beautiful heavenly beings. They match each other well.\'

She was saying those words in her mind, but her heart constricted inside her chest. Was she jealous?

Meanwhile, Not only Selene but Azrael and Sach noticed how close Eros and Sienna were interacting with one another.

Azrael tightened his grip on his spoon and fork with his darkened expression.

\'Damn?! I\'m jealous! So jealous! How dare you, Eros?\'