Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 199 - The Person Who Made A Wish

Eros was the one who put healing water on Azrael\'s wounds. Sienna and Selene just watched them silently.

Azrael could feel a sting as soon as the healing water got in touch with his burning open wounds. But he tried not to make any sounds or whimper.

He didn\'t want to look weak in front of Sienna so he tried to endure the pain. He already lost his handsome and cool image after appearing in front of Sienna while he was in this sorry state.

Azrael hoped that he could get a chance to redeem himself and impress Sienna.

Meanwhile, Eros could somehow guess what Azrael was thinking right now. With a mischievous smile on his face, Eros intentionally applied roughly the healing water on his wound causing Azrael to let out a surprised whimper.

\'Dang, Eros! It hurts!\' Azrael complained inwardly while giving Eros a sharp glare.

Eros just ignored him, feigning innocence as he fought the urge to laugh at him.

"Are you okay, Azrael? Don\'t worry. It\'s natural to feel some burning sensation on your skin," Sienna said, explaining to Azrael.

Azrael could only smile awkwardly while nodding his head.

Selene smiled inwardly seeing Azrael act shyly and blush in front of Sienna.

They were still tending to Azrael\'s wounds when someone entered the room.

"Uncle Eros, Big sis, what are you two doing?" A sleepy voice of a child was heard.

When they looked at the source of that voice, they saw Sach standing by the door, rubbing his eyes while yawning. He was already wearing his sleeping pajamas.

Everyone fell silent and almost forgot to breathe. No one among them made a sound, wondering if Sach could see Azrael and Sienna.

They almost forgot about his existence. Aside from them, there was a little kid, staying at the house.

Sach walked closer to them. Eros\'s hand stopped midway. He was still holding the healing water in his hand as he watched Sach inching closer and closer to them.

Sach glanced at Selene, moving his gaze to Eros. Then he looked at the bed. He frowned, feeling a little bit puzzled.

Sach could only see Eros, facing the bed while Selene was standing behind him. He wondered what they were doing.

He couldn\'t see Azrael and Sienna who were in their current angel\'s form.

"Uncle Eros, Big Sis, what are you looking at in the bed?" He asked them innocently.

Eros and Selene heaved a sigh of relief. This only meant Sach could only see Eros and Selene, not Azrael and Sienna.

"Oh, we are just cleaning the bedroom!" Eros answered what came to his mind first.

\'Seriously, Eros? Cleaning in the middle of the night?! Can\'t you think of a better excuse?\'

Selene watched him in disbelief. Even Sach looked at Eros suspiciously. Selene just decided to change the topic.

"Baby Sach, why are you still awake? Can\'t sleep well?"

Selene walked over, petting Sach\'s head.

"I want to sleep beside you, big sis. Can I?"

"No!" Eros was the one who responded.

Azrael, Sienna, and Selene gave Eros a questioning look.

\'Why did he have to react like that to a child?\'

"You should be a big kid now. Sleep in your room," Eros added, not minding the strange look the other three were giving him.

Sach just glared at Eros, pouting his lips.

"Hmph! Alright, I\'m a big kid now! I\'m gonna sleep alone in my bed!"

Selene could only giggle, pinching Sach\'s face.

"Good boy. Now go back to your room so that you can grow fast. If you grow fast you will become strong. If you become strong, you will be able to protect your big sis!"

Eros\'s convincing power was effective. Sach didn\'t contradict him anymore.

However, he didn\'t leave the room immediately.

"Sis, come with me! Don\'t stay here…"

"Huh, why?" Selene asked him.

Eros\'s eyebrows were drawn together while looking at Sach.

"A man and a woman should not stay in one room at night or else something might happen to them. So don\'t stay here with Uncle." Sach said matter-of-factly.

Selene\'s face heated up in embarrassment while Eros\'s jaw dropped upon hearing Sach\'s statement.

\'How could he tell that in front of us, together with Azrael and Sienna. What if they misunderstand his statement?\' Eros felt anxious as he turned around to check Azrael\'s and Sienna\'s reactions.

The two of them had amused expressions on their faces as they looked at Sach.

"Cough! Cough!" Selene cleared her throat and pulled Sach going outside the room.

Both Selene and Eros suddenly felt awkward and uncomfortable since they were reminded of how many times they kissed each other on the lips when they were alone.

While Selene and Sach were going out, Sienna couldn\'t help but observe the little boy. She somehow felt a familiar vibe from him but she couldn\'t point it out at the moment.

When Selene and Sach left the room, the three heavenly beings were able to talk about Selene and Zaki.

"Mother angel, can you tell us who made a wish to save Selene?" Eros asked her with eyes filled with curiosity.

Sienna met Eros\'s gaze before giving him an answer.

"Her grandmother… Elysa."

Eros was not that surprised since he already had a feeling that it was Grandma Elysa. It turned out his guess was right. He had seen how Grandma Elysa cared so much about Selene.

After a few seconds, Sienna\'s expression had become serious as well.

"Eros, Azrael… It is better that you will keep this a secret. Don\'t tell Selene about it."

Both Eros and Azrael nodded in agreement.

"Grandma Elysa remained true to her promise that she would always look out for Selene even if she was no longer living in this world," Eros said, feeling a little bit sad.

He began missing Grandma Elysa\'s presence as well. She had a pure and kind heart. She taught and raised Selene very well with her great love and care.

"How about Zaki? What is he planning to do against Selene?"

This question from Azrael put the room in a deafening silence.