Forbidden Forest

53 It Over Now

Nolan didn't want to believe it but Lea expression told it all just an hour before Lea walked into the room. Nolan was trying to figure out how he could keep Lea by his side. There a law that if a runaway slave is found then they must be returned to their owner. Lea was still Vin slave even tho he married her all he would need to do is have some proof.

''Lea did you know that Vin went to talk to the Ambassador about this situation. Lucky been covering up this mess you got us into. I looked up every Law to try to fix this but there are not many choices. You have to go back to vin if he can prove that you are his. ''Nolan said,

''We are having a meeting to see if you will go back with him. If you go back to him we are done i can't protect you from this .if you had told me the truth i could of help you. ''Nolan said,

''I know you're mad but you can't send me back to that monster please "Lea begged

''I am sorry it out of my hands ''Nolan said, sadly

Lea change her mood from begging to being very angry.

''You told me you would always protect me your just a punk. You have always been just a spineless p***y. ''Lea said,

''I can't believe you. I been with you this whole time and spent many years being your love. By the way the sex wasn't even that good. ''Lea said,

Lea went continue to be little Nolan but he didn't say anything his mind went somewhere .He thought about something funny that Ezra said to him about Lea. Nolan couldn't help but smile and laughed out loud about what Ezra said.

Nolan was happy that Lea showed her true colors.Lea was acting crazy by yelling and hiting Nolan with objects.Lea quickly realize that he wasn't paying her any attention .Lea stopped and stare at him with such confusion.

Nolan was smiling and laughing he was completely ignore her.

Nolan stopped laughing then smile at her ''Thank you Lea i just realize something if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have realize. ''Nolan said,

Realize what? ''Lea said,

'' That i am in love with Ezra , you should go back to your husband and i will go back to my wife. ''Nolan said with a smile

Lea slapped Nolan in the face but he just walked right pass her.

She yelled his name numerous times. Nolan went to fine Ezra he founded her helping the farmers .he stood beside a tree for a few mins he watched her.

Then he walked up to Ezra and make small talk everything she said seem to make him smile .After a few mins of talking to Ezra Nolan went back to his being.As he was talking back he saw Willis walking .

It was late at night and Nolan plan to tell her in the morning. The next day Nolan was busy so he didn't tell her that morning .He told. Her in the after noon after they had lunch.Ezra was in disbelief of what nolan told her.After all Nolan didn't like Willis.

Ezra wanted to see for her self ,she leaded over the table they were eating at and. Pat Nolan on the top of the head.Ezra Use her Magic to See WhatHappen .Suddenly Everything That He saw Came Ezra In Her Mind.Ezra was a Little hurt By what she saw Because she was starting to like Willis.

Ezra pulled her hand back and kissed Nolan on the forehead.

"Thank you , You are a good friend " Ezra

Ezra left the lunch and went to talk to Willis about it.Willis denies every thing until Ezra Said she was the one that saw them.Ezra broke it off with Willis.

That same day in the afternoon

Noln had to judge Lea Slave pack.

Vin and Lea stood in front of Nolan and the ambrassors. Nolan sat in the middle He being by saying "We are gather here to judge if Lea belong to Vin.

''Vin if you have Prove please present it now i turn the floor to you. ''Nolan said,

''Thank you King Nolan My Prove is on Leaf Left Arm If i make show you? '' Vin said,

''You may. ''Nolan said,

''Please My Daring Wife show us your left arm. ''Vin kindly said,

Lea refuse to show her arm Vin kept begging her. Nolan then send the guard to grab her arm an shows it to everyone.There was a mark of some kind that was burn into her skin.

'' This is my clan mark when we get married off the wife and the husband bear the same mark.''Vin said,

Vin rolled up his sleeves and they both had the same Mark.

Nolan remember asking Lea what was the mark and she lied to him about it .

Everyone Knew that Lea being to Vin Alot if the Member was upset with Lea. Because before she was with Nolan She would sleep with other High-End Officer.However No One Knew that Lea and Nolan was together because Nolan was very Careful.

Everyone Already Knew she Was a whore the being to whisper about her .

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Everyone shame her with their eyes because she was cheating on her husband.

''Why are you looking at me like that i am not the only one guilty here.''Lea said,

''How are you not guilty? you cheated on your husband ''Ammbrassor said.

Lea looked at Nolan with so much hate in her eyes and she blame him for everything