For the King's Douluo adventure

Chapter 44

"What\'s the matter?"

"Did someone attack the college?!"

"Get ready to fight!"

The students in the audience were greatly disturbed by this sudden scene. Many powerful students summoned martial spirits to look around vigilantly.

"Dance teacher, you are well-informed. Do you know what\'s going on?"

On the podium, long Hengxu came to the dance sky and asked.

Wu Changkong nodded and shook his head, spitting out a word: "field."

What Wu Changkong nods is that he knows this is the field, and it is still a very powerful one. Wu Changkong can feel that in this field, except for the dark elements, all elements have disappeared, or assimilated and become a part of the dark elements. In this case, all soul masters except the dark soul masters will be targeted!

What he shook his head was why this field was displayed by the martial soul fusion technology of two great soul masters. He could see the internal situation of Siye, and he could feel that there seemed to be something very powerful recovering in the body of this engraved dragon.

Tianshuang sword appeared in the hands of Wu Changkong. He jumped to the nearest place on the competition platform. If there was any accident, he would stop it immediately.


What is martial spirit?

Why do humans have martial spirits?

This is something that the whole soul division world doubts. It was once thought that the Wu soul may be that when the Ancient Soul division civilization did not appear, human beings drank the blood of soul animals, resulting in human variation, awakened the Wu soul, and future generations inherited this variation.

However, when the Wuhun appeared, this view was overturned.

After all, the ancestors of those Wuhun masters couldn\'t have swallowed a hammer, a sword and a stick?

Therefore, the question of what is the soul of martial arts is finally regarded by mankind as a gift from heaven and earth. Heaven and earth let mankind have the soul of martial arts. Therefore, many religions develop around heaven and earth.

But only some living fossils know the answer to this question.

Although Ye Chen is not a living fossil, he has read the original work and experienced more than 300000 years. Douluo has basically no knowledge he does not understand.

The so-called martial spirits are divided into three kinds: Animal martial spirits, weapon martial spirits and noumenon martial spirits.

Wu soul Ye Chen doesn\'t know.

But the beast spirit is similar to what was written before, but the difference is that the human beings do not accept the spirit beast, but the spirit beast controls the human beings.

For all the human beings of the first generation of animal spirits, their soul essence is not necessarily human beings, but soul beasts. Some soul beasts are not willing to die and will take away human beings. Just like the transformation, the soul determines the soul!

It\'s cruel, isn\'t it? Not to mention, the more cruel is still behind. After the death of the first generation, he does not really die. He will depend on the martial spirits of future generations and wait for an opportunity to recover. As for the original people, he will die. The so-called future generations are not seen by the revived soul animals. In his eyes, it is just his container!

It is precisely because of this that there was a long period of chaos in human history, and people ate people one after another, which was not stable until the intervention of the divine world.

The divine world has wiped out the soul beasts of most humans, and the rest split their souls in a hurry and scattered the soul fragments among several humans. When these humans meet, the soul fragments sleeping in the depths of the human soul will attract each other, and these humans will burst out more powerful forces when they stand together.

And this is called the martial soul fusion technology by human beings!

Ye Chen can see that the bone dragon fused by the souls of Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi has been revived by powerful forces. Now he is planning to devour the souls of Wang Jinxi and Zhang Yangzi and complete the last step of resurrection!

"Ants, thank you for reviving me. I will give you a glorious death!"

The bone dragon roared, and a pair of new wings grew on its back. The only difference is that these wings are bone wings. There is no blood on them. They are perfectly combined with the body of the bone dragon.

The soul in the skull of bone dragon also began to burn again, more prosperous than before!

"Hum! Who wants your gift? Let me give it to you!" although Xie ran didn\'t know how the bone dragon changed so much, he snorted coldly and went up with two daggers in his hand.

"This is disrespectful!"

The bone dragon finally roared, a blue fire spewed out, and the bone claws patted him.

Xie ran ran away from the flame, but the flame attached to him like a tarsal maggot. There was no way. Xie ran had to step back to avoid the claw of the bone opening dragon.

"Ha ha, this is the fire of the soul. It is invisible. It will only burn the soul. The soul of a stranger will attract him. As long as you don\'t die, he won\'t go out." the bone dragon laughed.

The fire of the soul divided into three strands and went to Ye Chen, Gu Yue and Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin summoned the blue silver vine to form a firewall to block the attack of the soul fire. Unfortunately, the soul fire was invisible and pursued Tang Wulin directly through the firewall.

The breath on this boy is familiar. It seems to be the breath of my dragon family. Is it that he is also a fellow Chinese, but he hasn\'t recovered yet? Hehe, just in time, let me devour you and feed myself back.

The soul fire in bone longan moved and greedy for Tang Wulin.


Suddenly, the bone dragon was surprised and found that the other two soul fires heading for the ancient moon and ye Chen were blocked.

The fire of soul was blocked a few meters in front of Ye Chen Gu Yue. There seemed to be a high wall in front of him.

How clever the bone dragon was. He understood the reason in an instant.

"There are two insects good at spirit. In that case, I\'m not polite. If I eat you, my speed of swallowing those two souls in the sea of souls will be greatly increased."

The bone dragon was delighted, and its wings fluttered, which directly violated the aerodynamics, and flew into the air to rush at them.

Outside the court, Wu Changkong holds the Tianshuang sword tightly. Once there is anything wrong, he will take action immediately.

"Shadow swamp!"

"Shadow guard!"

In order not to let Ye Chen escape, the bone dragon launched two soul skills one after another. A dark and muddy swamp appeared under their feet, which bound Gu Yue and ye Chen\'s feet. At the same time, a large number of shadow guards appeared in the swamp. They approached them in armor and weapons.

"Leaf dust!"

Tang Wulin saw that they were in danger and hurriedly shouted to save them. He just separated at such a moment, and the blue soul fire directly attached behind him to burn his soul.

Tang Wulin was caught, and ye Chen was also bad. The smile that had always existed on his face disappeared. His long hair flew in the air without wind, quietly looking at the flying bone dragon.

"Mole ant, your eyes make me very unhappy." the bone dragon roared, opened his mouth and was about to swallow him.

Ye Chen looked at the bone dragon with an expressionless face. His eyes were like killing people. He said coldly: "you don\'t make me happy, so..."

"Go to hell!"

"The creatures of hell should stay in hell and do what else? Eat Xiang!"

Huge mental power gushed out of the body, like an invisible hand strangling the neck of the bone dragon.

"Go back to hell!"

"What! No! I\'m unwilling. I\'ve just been resurrected! I want to visit the mainland!"

The bone dragon didn\'t expect that the creature he had always regarded as a mole ant had such powerful spiritual power. He roared wildly and could only watch death come to him again.

"Ha ha, if I die, then die together! I want you to bury me!"

Suddenly, the bone dragon turned its original roar, and huge energy was brewing in his body. It would explode from the inside out in a short time!


The ancient moon made a cold sound, and the original normal eyes became a pair of vertical pupils. A kind of pressure familiar to the bone dragon came on it.

The bone dragon felt the familiar feeling, even the self explosion stopped, and said strangely: "this... This is... You are... Silver..."


Before he finished, a golden ghost appeared behind the bone dragon.

He has a pair of golden vertical pupils, a huge body with golden scales, two huge claws, strong and sharp, and a thick long tail waving behind him.

Now its vertical pupil is staring at the bone dragon!