Flash Marriage Wife, Can Not Flee

Chapter 784

He was greedy and simple, looking forward to hearing more and longer.

After singing, Cheng Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed.

She looked at Han Junchen shyly, scratched her head and asked, "is it very bad to sing?"

"No, I just think you're strange."


Cheng Xiaoxiao sees Han Junchen looking at herself with complex eyes, which makes her a little nervous.

"You have a good voice. Why didn't you choose to be a singer but an agent at the beginning? Don't you want to be famous and make money? "

Cheng smiled and thought he was going to ask something. It turned out that he was just talking about it.

She smiled, "that's different! I like singing, but I don't want to train day and night in order to make records like those singers. What's more, the entertainment industry is too complicated. I hope I can stay out of it and get out at any time. I don't want to be infected by it. Moreover, being an agent is not what I wanted to do at the beginning, but the opportunity came. As a person, I still like to let it go. "

"Why didn't you find such a side before?"

"What side?"

Cheng smiled and looked at the man in front of him curiously.

Han Junchen: "you don't value fame and wealth, but the clouds are light and the wind is light. This character is really rare in today's society. "

In fact, ah Miao is such a girl.

It's just different from Cheng Xiaoxiao.

Cheng Xiaoxiao's family economic conditions are not very good since childhood, so in Han Junchen's opinion, it is difficult for Cheng Xiaoxiao to have such a character now.

Cheng Xiaoxiao made a face.

"There are too many things you haven't found. What's more, it's not so easy to know a person! "

With that, Cheng Xiaoxiao filled himself another piece of cake.

Han Junchen asked her, "if you eat so much, you're not afraid of getting fat?"

The female artists he met ate and threw every day, and then shouted that they were fat.

Cheng Xiaoxiao took another bite.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not those female stars. What's more, I'm fat. No one cares anyway! By the way, I have to go back and rest early. Tomorrow's public service advertisement will take a bus to Beicheng zoo at 8 a.m. We have to collect scenery and shoot in the zoo. "

Han Junchen has become more and more popular recently, so the company wants him to take two public service advertisements and package his image.

Han Junchen has no problem with this.

Originally, he didn't become a star for money. He just came to be a star for fun.

Now he is happy to use his strength to do something helpful to the public welfare.

"OK. Let's go. I'll send you back first! "

Cheng Xiaoxiao and Han Junchen wrapped up the unfinished food on the beach and took it back to the car.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the people over there sent a car to pick up Han Junchen.

But not just him, but all the people related to the advertisement.

It's a medium-sized bus.

Sister Xuan and Cheng Xiaoxiao are already in their seats.

"These are the two locations we're going to shoot later. One is the lion and Tiger Garden, the other is the giraffe Pavilion. Let's go to the lion and Tiger Park first. "

Public service advertisements are about animals. The theme is that everyone gives a little love, loves wild animals, and uses adoption instead of buying and selling.

Sister Xuan and Xiaoxiao are both girls, so they are still very interested in this advertisement.

The car has already said hello to the internal management of the zoo, so you can drive in directly from the back door.

The front of the lion tiger garden is open to tourists, but its nursery is not open to the outside world because it will be used as the shooting background today. However, many fans of Han Junchen heard the news of the advertising shooting in advance and came to see their idols.

"There are too many people outside. We have to hurry in."

Sister Xuan sees that there are so many people around, and they don't call security, so it's bad if something happens.

So she quickly asked Han Junchen to go to the lion tiger nursery.

"A week ago, angel, the tiger mother in the zoo, just gave birth to two little tigers. Han Shao, wash your hands first and then change into isolation clothes. Later, we're going to shoot the picture of feeding."


According to sister Xuan's words, Han Junchen went to wash his hands and changed his isolation clothes. Then he went to hold the little tiger.

The little tiger just born doesn't like to open his eyes.

But they are very clever. They know to use their mouths to find food, and they are happy to find it.

Cheng Xiaoxiao is helping.

Pass this one later and that one later.

Shooting such advertisements is basically once.

But after shooting, Han Junchen was a little reluctant.

Because the two little tigers seemed to regard him as their mother, and refused to go away in his arms all the time, and then shook the mouth of the bottle all the time.

Han Junchen's eyebrows and eyes were soft: "wait a minute. When they are full, I'm not in a hurry."

Cheng Xiaoxiao didn't expect him to be so careful and was stunned. At this time, Han Junchen suddenly looked back at her: "what have you been staring at me for?"

"I... I didn't stare at you!"

Seems to have been found?

Cheng Xiaoxiao quickly denied it.

But her eyes kept turning.

Han Junchen saw the clue at once.

But he just hooked his lips and smiled, but he didn't continue to talk.

Ten minutes later, Han Junchen and his party left the nursery to go to the giraffe hall, but as soon as they went out, they found that the number of fans who had been watching suddenly tripled.

There were loud screams all around. Especially at the moment Han Junchen appeared, Cheng Xiaoxiao felt that his eardrum was going to be deafened!

She subconsciously covered her ears for fear that if she was really deafened, it would be regarded as an industrial injury.

At this time, there was a girl nearby who suddenly squeezed out of the crowd with great excitement——

"Brother Junchen! Brother Junchen, Hello! I especially like your movies and TV dramas. I'm your super fan! I didn't expect to see real people one day. Wow, you're really handsome. Can we take a picture together? "

"No problem."

Under normal circumstances, Han Junchen will not refuse such an invitation from fans.

The female fan became more excited when she saw Han Junchen promise herself.

"Thank you, brother Junchen! You are really good. I will always support you in the future! "

The female fans are not very old. They are only 18 or 19 years old. They look like high school students. But because sister Xuan and Cheng Xiaoxiao were standing next to Han Junchen respectively, the girl may think they are too much in the way, so she impatiently pushed Cheng Xiaoxiao.

"Hello! Please get out of the way! "

The girl's attitude towards her idol and outsiders suddenly became very different.

Sister Xuan's face was black at that time.

Cheng Xiaoxiao didn't expect that her attitude would change so much. She frowned at once.

When the girl saw that she had finished, they were a little angry before they got up.

"Can't you two understand what I'm saying? Get up! Don't block me from taking a group photo with brother Junchen!! "

The girl then grabbed the nearest smile from her.


It may be that he didn't stand firm. Cheng Xiaoxiao accidentally fell to the ground.

Sister Xuan quickly wants to help Xiaoxiao up.

"Smile, are you okay?"

But as soon as she reached out, someone was one step faster than her.

It's Han Junchen.

The man carefully helped Cheng Xiaoxiao up from the ground. "Did you hurt anything?"

"Hiss, just a little pain in the waist. Maybe it's worn out? Nothing else. "

Cheng Xiaoxiao shook his head. Han Junchen looked coldly at the girl who had just taken a photo with him.

"Apologize to her!"


Although the girl's temper is very bad, maybe Han Junchen is her idol, so she didn't bring the strength of the unruly young lady when she talked to Han Junchen.

Han Junchen said with a gloomy face, "you pushed her and apologize to her!"

"I... I didn't mean it!"

The girl may think she's young, so she's gone.

Therefore, she not only did not admit her mistake, but also secretly made eyes at Han Junchen.

But Han Junchen doesn't eat this at all.

"Apologize. Otherwise, I'll call the police. There are surveillance around the zoo. When the police come, they just have to check it casually to know what's right and wrong. "

Many fans nearby are whispering.

However, I don't speak ill of Han Junchen, but I think his boyfriend is full of strength now.

It must feel good to be protected by him!

When the girl saw Han Junchen, she suddenly looked at her with a very serious expression, and her nose turned red.


She cried sadly.

As if they forced her to do something indescribable.

Cheng Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to look around.

She was about to open her mouth to help the girl say something good, but unexpectedly, the girl suddenly stared at her, and then obviously she was very unwilling, but she opened her mouth and said, "I'm sorry! It was my fault just now. I apologize to you now. Is that ok? "

With that, the girl came to her, but in a second, her voice became another tone——

"I tell you, my father is the vice mayor of Beicheng. If you dare to make a fool of me today, I will never let you go easily!"

With that, the girl smiled and stepped back two steps, as if nothing had happened.

"Is that all right?"

She asked Han Junchen.

Indeed, if it weren't for Han Junchen, she wouldn't apologize at all.

Han Junchen looks at Cheng and smiles.

Just now the girl came to Cheng Xiaoxiao and he saw it when he spoke to her.

He asked Cheng Xiaoxiao, "what did she tell you just now?"

The girl looked at Cheng Xiaoxiao with a smile on her skin. Her eyes with thick makeup were all silent threats