Flash Marriage Wife, Can Not Flee

Chapter 734

"The book has come out. Even if you don't let her read it now, people can see it in the future."

Han Junchen heard brother Hu's words, stretched out his hand and gradually took it back.

When ah Miao opened the cover of the book, on the first page, she saw a picture she was most familiar with

On autumn Kifuji Akichi sat as like as two peas dressed in identical clothes.

The girl wears pigtails, the baby's fat little face is fleshy, but it looks cute and beautiful, and the boy's beautiful facial features are also a great handsome man when he grows up.

Between the two, there is a white furry toy rabbit.

The girl's name is small meatball, the boy's name is Glen, and the toy rabbit among them was often used as a prop for their baby when they were young, called Tuanzi.

The photos specially processed by computer software form black and white colors, which seems to be commemorating something. Under this photo, there is a sentence written by Han Junchen himself;

Years are tender and time is desolate.

At that time, she was innocent and ignorant. I fell in love with her at first sight,

I once jokingly asked her, will you marry me when she grows up?

She answered me with a smile and said yes. When I grow up, I will be your most beautiful bride.

Obviously, it's just a joke, but there's always someone who foolishly takes it seriously.

Perhaps, the person reading this book may not know who the person in this photo is, and whether this paragraph is just to match this photo and the pen in this book, or is it purely emotional, but ah Miao knows what Han Junchen was thinking at the moment he wrote.

Her fingers continued to turn back. She thought Han Junchen was writing this book to record his debut journey, but unexpectedly, he was recording a relationship.

He has been buried in the bottom of his heart, never confided with anyone, and deep love.

Ah Miao turned a few pages, and then she didn't dare to read it.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, brother Hu quickly and quietly withdrew first.

Han Junchen sat on the sofa, his body stiff, and he didn't dare to see ah Miao's expression.

After a while, ah Miao suddenly came over with the book.

Her eyes were red, but she didn't let herself cry.

"Han Junchen, you wrote a little story. The hero's name is yuan canlie. Is that man your prototype?"

Han Junchen's book is interspersed with a little story.

In that story, there is a boy named yuan canlie.

He has a childhood friend.

She is the proud apple of each hand and the princess he loves to treat, but he never dared to reveal his feelings until the princess met the real prince charming. He carefully prepared a month's gift for the princess in his hand. Finally, he saw the princess and the prince kissing and embracing under the tree at the door, and then he chose to quit quietly.

The ending of this story seems to sound very bleak, but ah Miao seems to see Han Junchen in this story.

She suddenly remembered that not long ago, she hurried to the hospital to find Shen Yueze. Because she was worried about his accident, she forgot everyone at that time. Even Han Junchen was always around her and cared about her. At that time, it seemed that the name Shen Yueze was the only word left in the world. As for others, she left them behind.

Han Junchen was silent for a long time and stood up from the sofa: "ah Miao."

He shouted ah Miao's name. His deep and beautiful eyes were as affectionate to her as she had seen at the beginning, but at this moment, ah Miao seemed to see something different.

It is the leisure and unrestrained that passes through thousands of rivers and mountains and sees through everything.

"Everything written in this book is about me and you. No, exactly, you in my heart. I know you won't like this marriage very much, but when I saw you when I was a child, I really felt that a soft and cute little ball was too possible and I couldn't put it down. I always thought it was my brother's feelings for my sister. Until you grew up, I saw the boys in your school handing you love letters. I was jealous, I knew I was jealous. Miao, I have loved you for twenty years. "

"Han Junchen..."

Ah Miao used to call him Ge en, but they had forgotten when ah Miao would call his big name instead of chasing his small name.

The man smiled, "I don't say so much to remember the past, but to tell you, ah Miao, we... It's over between me and you. To be exact, I have put down that you in my heart. "

At the moment when he saw Ah Miao rushing to the hospital in such a hurry, Han Junchen understood that ah Miao would never be with him in his life.

In her heart, there is another man.

That man's position, no matter how the years pass, can't be replaced.

"Shen Yueze lied to you before, but Miao, you should calm down and think carefully. Did he really hurt you? Although he did approach you with purpose at the beginning, he didn't really do what he thought at the beginning. Otherwise, Miao, you are so simple, he would have driven everyone of the Shen family into the underworld. "

Ah Miao's body seemed to freeze all of a sudden, not only because of Han Junchen's words, but because he would say these to himself

She always thought that Han Junchen hated Shen Yueze and would not speak for him anyway, but he just

"Don't you hate him very much? Why do you still speak for him now? "

"I'm not helping him, I'm helping you."


"Miao, I know you still have him in your heart. Since you still have him in your heart, don't give up easily. In this month, I saw that you have changed a lot. You used to be a smiling girl, but since you broke up with Shen Yueze, you have fewer and fewer smiles on your face. You like delicious food, but since you broke up, you are not interested in many foods. Miao, don't you find that you have become unlike you before? "

The reason why han Junchen wrote this book is very simple. He put down ah Miao. This is a memorial to his feelings in the past 20 years.

He wants to write down his feelings. Whether he can understand them or not, he thinks it will be the treasure of his life.

Ah Miao as like as two peas close at hand, he smiled at her when he smiled at her.

This is Han Junchen, it's Glen.

She was her best friend from childhood.

Ah Miao thought that if she insisted on saying she was sorry for someone in her life, it must be Han Junchen.

Since childhood, their parents arranged them together. They grew up together. According to everyone's imagination, they should be together. However, she not only didn't, but also hurt Han Junchen's heart again and again.

Miao stretched out her hand and hugged Han Junchen tightly.

"I've always wanted a sister. How about you being my sister in the future?"

Zhou Meng refused to have a second child because she was afraid of pain.

Han Junchen wanted a soft sister since childhood.

It's the same kind as ah Miao when she was a child.

But now, this dream is unlikely to be realized by Zhou Meng.

Han Junchen smiled and touched her head. He saw her squinting and nodding. The sun was just reflected at the end of her hair. Those pictures about the past seemed to have been enchanted and suddenly disappeared.

"Well, from now on, I will be your brother. Miao, you really need to listen to me. Shen Yueze has hurt you before, but he has you in his heart. If you can't let him go in your heart, don't always go against your heart. That will only make you uncomfortable. It won't make you happy. "

Miao bowed her head, because Han Junchen's words suddenly softened her heart.

From the moment she heard about Shen Yueze's accident, she knew she couldn't let him go.

But now, Han Junchen's every word is like a knife, stabbing her hard built heart defense.

Before, ledoya asked her that if she really couldn't let Shen Yueze go, she would talk to Xi Yuchen and give them a chance.

At that time, ah Miao denied it.

She said she would put it down and she would not be with him again.

But now

She can't let go.

"I don't know. I promised my parents before. I don't want to disappoint them now. "

"Ah Miao, feelings are your own business. You shouldn't worry about others. After all, he is the one who will go with you all his life. "

Han Junchen and a Miao have been chatting for a while unconsciously. At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

LAN Yiyi opened the door and came in.

She didn't expect to see Han Junchen holding with ah Miao, and Han Junchen's hand was still on the girl's head.

LAN Yiyi thought of the rumors she had heard before. Her hand stiffened, subconsciously pulled her hand back and closed the door again.

"Han Shao, the signing meeting is about to begin. Mr. Hu is already urging!"

The sound came from outside the door. It sounded very loud.

Han Junchen frowned and loosened ah Miao.

"Who is that woman?"

Ah Miao gave a sound and then reacted.

She thought of just bumping into LAN Yiyi and helping her out, and said with a smile: "that's your new bodyguard captain! It's a very beautiful girl named LAN Yiyi. "

"Bodyguard? Woman? "

Han Junchen hissed and didn't take it seriously.

Seeing that he didn't care, Miao said, "Hey, don't look down on others! I heard from Hu Ge that the girl has won the first place in Taekwondo at the age of 14. Her force is worth fighting with yours. "

"Well, what good did you take from others and speak for her like this?"

Han Junchen really didn't take LAN Yiyi seriously.

At first he heard that the captain of the bodyguard was a woman, which was really ridiculous.

So, he didn't listen to what ah Miao just said. Now, he still thinks that after the signing meeting is over, let brother Hu dismiss her and change her to another person!