Flash Marriage Wife, Can Not Flee

Chapter 652

Ah Miao smiled and rejected all the words of an Yingying, and then left a natural and clean back.

An Yingying's eyes were gentle at the beginning, but at the moment when ah Miao turned around, he instantly recovered to full cold.

It seemed as if there had just been a snow in her eyes, and now it was cold everywhere.

"Oh, what about you two? Miao, look at it. You'll get out of Shen Yueze's world soon! At that time, he won't even look at you again! "

These days, Shen Yueze has hardly contacted ah Miao again.

Ah Miao didn't go to the apartment Shen Yueze rented her, but booked a hotel room herself.

After knowing this, Xi Ruilin sneaked out to see ah Miao while Royal minister Xi and ledoya were not paying attention.

"Elder sister, what's the matter with you recently?"

"What's going on?"

Ah Miao sat on the sofa, dishevelled, wearing pajamas, holding a watermelon while digging and watching TV.

Xi Ruilin looked at her with disgust, and then sat down next to her: "you used to care about your image. How do you make yourself like this now?"

"I'm too lazy to tidy myself up. Anyway, I have nothing to do these days. It's also good to stay in my room and watch TV every day. "

Ah Miao is in a bad mood recently. It's hard to say that she has abandoned herself.

Although she doesn't want to admit it to outsiders or let people who care about her see her sadness, Xi Ruilin is her brother. Although he often fights with her, he still loves her.

"Do you have any problems? It feels like there's no light in your eyes. "

The bottom of my eyes is a heavy dead spirit. It's very sad to look at it.

Miao glanced at him. His brother really knew himself, but

She dared not let Xi Ruilin know this.

She was afraid that if Xi Ruilin knew, her parents would also know.

So ah Miao said, "what's the problem! I'm fine now. Don't worry! "

"I think so."

Xi Ruilin looked at her carefully again, and then muttered in the dark: "the news about you these days is praising you. Director Feng Yisheng thinks you are good at acting. After you made that micro film, you will be girl Feng!"

Ah Miao's career is going well. This is what Xi Ruilin can see and many people can see.

But her love life

Miao doesn't want to mention it.

She dug another mouthful of watermelon and gave a perfunctory sound.

"By the way, how are your parents at home?"

Although she hasn't been back for so many days, ah Miao still cares about her parents.

"Alas, my father doesn't talk all day, and my mother has been crying. I can see that they miss you very much and let uncle Abu secretly pay attention to your news."

Xi Ruilin stood up and told ah Miao the truth.

Ah Miao handed him a bottle of drink and sipped his mouth without talking.

Xi Ruilin glanced at her and saw that she seemed to be thinking about something, so he said, "don't you miss them? After all, mom and Dad, they are all people with knife mouth and tofu heart. Although what they said at that time was so ugly, they all wanted you to go back! "

"Say it again. Now? I don't want to go back. "

"Why? Just for a Shen Yueze, for a man? He's really good to you. It's worth doing this to your parents for him? "

Xi Ruilin said that these were unintentional, but he didn't know that what he said now was actually a knife stabbing ah Miao's heart.

Is he worth it?

She hasn't spoken to Shen Yueze or seen him for nearly three days.

Hearing that Qiu Lang had something urgent yesterday, he ran to Haicheng again.

But Shen Yueze didn't even say hello about it.

Qiu Lang and an Yingying both know that only she is like a fool. He doesn't want to talk to her about all his whereabouts.

Now another day has passed.

Don't say a phone call, you haven't even received a text message.

Ah Miao sometimes begins to doubt herself. Is she really stupid?

Seeing that she kept her head down and didn't speak, Xi Ruilin thought she still didn't want to go back. He sighed and lay down directly on the sofa.

"Forget it! Maybe I haven't fallen in love yet and don't understand your current mood! But, sister, I don't think you and your parents should continue to be angry anyway. "

"Well, I know. I'll go back if I have a chance. "

Xi Ruilin stared at the spoon she had been digging for watermelon, then suddenly raised his hand and looked at the time: "ah, it's almost noon, sister, don't eat watermelon, let's go out for dinner!"

"I'm not hungry!"

Ah Miao doesn't want to go out.

Xi Ruilin cut and dragged her out of the sofa: "ah, look, you've been eating watermelon. These things are not full! Why, you have to learn from those models to lose weight and eat fruit all the time! "

Xi Ruilin stuffed her into the cloakroom: "change your clothes quickly. I'll wait outside for you to come out!"

Originally, ah Miao, who was always casual, didn't choose much. He changed into a black and white baseball suit, wore a pair of bandaged small white shoes and a pink baseball cap, and went out.

"Two people came to a nearby commercial street, where many restaurants are good and expensive.

But people who come out of the Xi family don't seem to know what is expensive.

Ah Miao and Xi Ruilin chose a noodle restaurant.

"What would you like to eat?"

"I'll have beef noodles, sister. How about you?"

Xi Ruilin looked at the menu and directly clicked the sign here.

Ah Miao thought, "just like you."

"Well, then two signature beef noodles, two glasses of orange juice and two egg tarts."

Xi Ruilin asked the waiter to take the menu away. The waiter was about to place an order for them, but when he turned around, a man came in front of him. The waiter accidentally bumped it, and the woman immediately began to shout——

"Oh, my God! Don't you walk with eyes? I almost fell! "

The woman held a corner of the table to stabilize her body and looked at the waiter fiercely.

The waiter quickly bowed his head and said sorry, but the woman seemed unwilling to accept it.

"What's the use of you apologizing to me now? Look, you just stepped on my shoe! These are the new shoes I just bought! "

A woman has a face that is sharp and mean at first sight, but it is also seductive and poisonous.

Her red fingernails kept pointing to the poor waiter. Ah Miao looked at her casually, and then found that the woman in front of her was a little familiar.

"I'm really sorry. Let me clean it for you!"

The waiter squatted down to help her clean, but the woman not only refused, but also kicked someone else's hand away.

"How many dishes did you serve? How dirty! Why did you touch my shoes? Call out your store manager! "

The woman is aggressive, and the man beside her is a full "local tyrant" in gold and silver.

He put his arms around the woman's shoulder and did not advise her of such behavior. Instead, he always comforted her.

Some people nearby can't see it anymore.

At this time, the store manager hurried over, first fined the waiter a month's salary, and then bowed and bowed to the woman to apologize. This matter was barely over.

Xi Ruilin can't even watch it.

He whispered to Miao, "that woman is not a good person at first sight. Didn't people just accidentally touch her? It's not intentional. Look at her yelling for a pair of 3000 yuan shoes! It's like not wearing shoes like that! "

Ah Miao didn't speak, because she kept thinking about who the woman in front of her was and why she looked so familiar

Until the woman turned her head proudly. When she saw Ah Miao's face, she Shua and froze

"Are you ah Miao?"

"Baby, do you know her?"

The local tyrant next to the woman asked with a smile.

Shen meng'er carefully looked at ah Miao's silent eyes again, and then burst out laughing.

"Ah, it's really ah Miao!"

Shen Menger waved his hand, as if he knew her well.

"Of course I know her! She is my future sister-in-law! "

"Your future sister-in-law?"

"Yes, don't you recognize it now? She is the daughter of the Xi family, ah Miao! "

Shen Menger's voice was loud. Some people heard it and secretly looked at ah Miao's table.

Ah Miao frowned. Now it seemed that she finally remembered the identity of the woman in front of her.


She finally knows where to meet her!

Before she recovered her memory, she met Shen Yueze in a KTV. At that time, Shen Yueze seemed to be in that KTV with Shen Menger. Later, she saw this woman!

Ah Miao suddenly looked different.

Because she didn't like Shen Yueze from beginning to end.

She said to Xi Ruilin, "I can't eat any more. Otherwise, let's go back first."

Xi Ruilin glanced at Shen Menger and heard that it was the eldest lady of the Xi family, and then the middle-aged man with shining eyes seemed to understand something at once.

He nodded and stood up from his chair: "OK, let's go back first!"

Xi Ruilin throws down some big bills and is about to take ah Miao away, but Shen Menger stubbornly stops them.

"What's the matter, sister Miao? I don't think you've served any food on this table. Don't you see me and have to go... "

"Well, you're right."

Ah Miao has never been a hot beat around the bush.

Since Shen Menger said so, she mercifully admitted it.

Shen Menger took a swipe at the corners of his mouth. Unexpectedly, he put himself in the hole.

"You... Miao! You are with my brother now. I may be your sister-in-law in the future. Do you have to be like this to me? "

Ah Miao glanced at Shen Menger. She didn't even want to talk to her. She grabbed Xi Ruilin's hand and left.

Shen Menger didn't expect that ah Miao really didn't give himself the steps, and his whole face turned red.

The highlight next to her narrowed a pair of smart eyes, as if thinking about something secretly.