Flash Marriage Wife, Can Not Flee

Chapter 611

"Put your arms out."

"What are you doing?"

"Apply medicine."

The man's tone is indisputable.

Ah Miao was also confused by his tone.

Silly put his hand out, Shen Yueze took out a bottle of spray in the bag and whispered to her, "it may hurt a little when spraying it. Bear it."

Ah Miao gave a cry, and then she heard the nourishing sound of the liquid medicine.

It does hurt a little, but it's cool and comfortable after the pain.

When his hands were ready, Shen Yueze pointed to her legs again.

"Put your legs up, too."

"Ah?" Legs, too?

The man raised his eyebrows, still his eyes that couldn't be refused.

Miao silently rolled up her trouser legs, and then changed her posture to put her legs on his legs.

Four or five scalded little red spots on the white calf are still obvious.

Because ah Miao's skin is really good. Her whole body is transparent, white and smooth, like silk

Once touched, people will love it.

Shen Yueze sprayed the Potion on her leg, and then took out a roll of gauze from it.

Ah Miao's eyes widened.

"What is this?"

"Save it. You'll scratch it then."

"... so small.. Even if you catch it, it's nothing! "

Ah Miao doesn't think so.

Shen Yueze said, "it will leave a scar. Aren't you girls most afraid of leaving scars? "

"I'm... OK!"

Miao really didn't think it was too much of a fuss that a few little red dots had to be wrapped with gauze, just like being broken.

But Shen Yueze ignored her words and helped her very delicately. After wrapping a circle of gauze around the scalded things on her hands and legs, it was finished.

Miao looked at her hands and legs and couldn't cry or laugh.

"I don't know because I just came back from the scene of the accident!"

"Don't say those two words!"

Shen Yueze was fine, but I don't know why. Suddenly his face changed.

The whole person's surging breath also became very turbid and violent.

Ah Miao was startled by his low voice.

"Ah? Those two words? "

"Car accident!"

Shen Yueze stared into her eyes and said word by word, "don't say those two words in front of me in the future. Don't mention it. "


The man's voice was sonorous and powerful, and ah Miao was frightened.

She said a good thing, and then Shen Yueze continued to drive towards the hotel.

What's the matter?

Isn't everything all right just now?

Ah Miao also looked confused.

"Shall we have dinner together in the evening?"

"I have something to deal with in the evening, so I won't accompany you."

Miao got out of the car, but Shen Yueze sat in the car and didn't come out.

Ah Miao bit her lip. "Are you busy with business?"


It's business.

Shen Yueze felt that it was the biggest thing in his life.

So it can be compared with business.

Ah Miao had to nod.

"Well, be careful when you drive on the road."

Ah Miao waved to him. She watched the dust raised by the car disappear quickly in her eyes, while Shen Yueze's attitude just made her feel cool.

Really... Just be busy with business. Don't you even say goodbye?

She has no appetite for dinner tonight!

Ah Miao muttered and went back to his room.

"Sister Miao!"

Just swiping his card into the door, he was startled by Xiaobai, who was hiding behind the door.

"Ouch! Why are you hiding behind? Scare me to death! "

"Hee hee, sister Miao, why did you come back so soon? Don't you have dinner with your male ticket? "

"Male ticket?"

"It's Shen Yueze, President of Shen Da!"

Xiaobai pulled her to the sofa excitedly: "why didn't you tell me you were boyfriend and girlfriend with him before! Sister Miao, don't you treat me like a friend? "

"No... he and I are actually establishing a relationship recently."

"True or false?!"

Xiaobai doesn't believe it.

Suddenly she stared at the gauze wrapped in a Miao's hand.

It scared her.

"What's the matter, sister Miao?! You were hit by a car?! "


Ah Miao covered her mouth and almost laughed!

Look! Just say it!

Anyone who sees her so wrapped around her arm thinks she came back from the scene of the car accident!

Ah Miao cried and laughed, "someone has to wrap it for me.".. He said he was afraid I would scratch the wound when it itched. "

"Is that President Shen Da? I feel like I don't have to eat tonight! "

Xiaobai looked up and sighed.


Ah Miao asked incomprehensibly.

Xiaobai looked at her sadly: "because I'm full of dog food you feed! Woo woo, I also want a boyfriend who is so good to me! Obviously, he only suffered a small injury, but he was treated so carefully that he took you as the treasure in his palm! "

"How can you exaggerate."

Although ah Miao said so on the surface, she really listened to what Xiao Bai just said.

Yes, Shen Yueze's concern for himself in detail is really touching.


Ah Miao lowered her head and couldn't help thinking of the tone and attitude Shen Yueze had just spoken to her, which made her heart cold.

Shen Yueze's attitude is really strange sometimes!

Bad or good.

And she didn't know where she provoked him, so she was fierce for no reason..

She has never been so angry since she was a child.

But what's terrible is that she's not angry now. She's still here secretly thinking about what she did wrong?!

She's crazy!

Miao felt that her self-esteem had disappeared after she fell in love.

Xiaobai shook her nearby: "sister Miao! What are you thinking? Is it Shen Yueze? Look at you, all you think is crazy! "

"What nonsense!"

Xiaobai deliberately makes fun of her.

Miao patted her hand and stood up from the sofa.

"What would you like to eat tonight? It's my treat. Let's go out to eat! "

"Well, well, I happen to have no task to do tonight! Why don't we invite Luo tianzhe and them out to eat? "

"Well, yes!"

Miao thinks Xiaobai's proposal is good.

Today, if Luo tianzhe hadn't saved her in time, she might be a second degree burn victim lying in the hospital. How could she jump like this?

Therefore, she should be grateful to others.

"Come on, Xiaobai, let's find them together!"

A Miao invited Luo tianzhe, Kiki, Han Junchen, and some people from the director group and the photography group, except Xu Xiaoyu.

Ah Miao has always been a man of revenge.

This is the tradition of the Xi family.

It is clear that Xu Xiaoyu deliberately did this today.

Although she won't do anything now, Xu Xiaoyu will have to pay for her mistakes one day.

It's just a matter of time.

Ah Miao is not an acute person, so she won't care too much about this.

She plans to defeat Xu Xiaoyu little by little from the details.

Just like tonight's dinner.

She invited almost everyone, but missed her.

What does that mean?

Everyone knows it.

A Miao's treat is in the cafeteria on the lower floor of the hotel.

"Everyone has a good meal today. It's my treat! Everyone should have fun! "

Miao booked a big table and sat at least a dozen people.

Miao held up the cup and toasted one by one.

"Ah Miao! It's really dangerous today. Be careful in the future! "

"I know. Tianzhe, thank you very much today. I don't want to say more polite words. Everything is in this wine! If you need my help in the future, just make a noise. If you can help, I will help you! "

Many people present looked at Luo tianzhe with envious eyes.

If ah Miao is an ordinary person, she will say so. It's nothing, but she's the eldest lady of the Xi family!

A Miao's words represent the supreme Xi family.

Luo tianzhe smiled and replied, "only you are safe."

"Wow ~ ~"

That's a little ambiguous!

A lot of people are booing underneath.

Ah Miao was embarrassed to stagger his eyes.

"Come on, everyone is delicious today, or you won't give me face!"

Time goes fast. Unconsciously, time goes into the late night.

The black car stopped at the corner entrance of the alley. The man in a well-tailored suit came down from the car and walked into the dark alley facing the moonlight After about ten minutes, the man came out again.

When he got back to the car, the first time he took out a paper towel to wipe the blood on his hands, and then took off his coat that might also be stained with blood and threw it under his feet.

His movements are very natural and unrestrained, as if he doesn't care at all. This coat is hundreds of thousands of money.

Ding Ling.

Then there was the sound of the telephone.

The man took the vibrating phone out of his pocket and said, "hello."

Qiu Lang: "how's it going? Did you find anyone? What did she say? "

"Man is dead."

The man's tone was faint. It sounded as if there were no waves, but Qiu Lang opposite seemed to be touched by electricity and jumped up from his chair.


He put the glass on the table and asked incredulously, "how is it possible? She was still trying on her wedding dress with her fiance in the wedding dress shop a few days ago. It's less than half a month before they get married. How... "

"Was killed by a professional killer. When I went in, she had been dead for at least three hours. "

"... the woman has a three-month-old baby in her stomach. That killer... Is really crazy. "

Even Qiu Lang, who is unruly, is a little uncomfortable when he hears such news.

He couldn't help sighing, and carefully asked Shen Yueze, "isn't this hard to find clue going to break again?"