Flash Marriage Wife, Can Not Flee

Chapter 413

"Grandma, did you take your medicine today?"


Mrs. Xi looked at her. As soon as her complexion changed, ledoya quickly waved her hand and said, "no, no, I just asked casually. Grandma, don't worry!"

"I know. You think I care so much about you and your royal ministers all of a sudden. But doya, I just found that without comparison, I really can't tell whether a person is good or bad. You and that woman named Li Xue are really far apart, thousands of miles away! Not only is she inferior to you, she can't catch up with you. The most important thing is that she approaches the Royal minister with purpose! "

Old lady Xi was shocked when she saw Li Xue's background file and found that she was Li Hongzhong's daughter.

Li Hongzhong had an accident with Xi Shi before. Perhaps Xi Yuchen could not remember clearly, but old lady Xi saw him jump off the roof with her own eyes. She was still in a psychological shadow for a while!

Now, Li Hongzhong's daughter finds Xi Yuchen. What good can you do? Not for revenge?

Mrs. Xi originally wanted to tell Xi Yuchen in person, but they were a little embarrassed because of the company. Mrs. Xi was also embarrassed to pull down her old face to find Xi Yuchen, but she was Xi Yuchen's grandmother and cared about her grandson!

So I had no choice but to find ledoya.

After all, now, ledoya is the only person she can pass and contact Xi Yuchen.

"Her father had a holiday with Xi, and he kept saying that he jumped from a building to commit suicide because the company put too much pressure on him. You said, "how dangerous it is for his daughter to be with the Royal minister now?"

When Mrs. Xi told ledoya, she understood.

Oh, no wonder old lady Xi came to her so loudly!

Not that the sun came out from the west, but that she had no choice but to find herself.

After all, she is the most suitable person to send a message to her now.

It has to be said that even a person as vicious and bad as Mrs. Xi is also a tiger poison who doesn't eat his son. Poor parents all over the world!


"Grandma, I've moved out of the villa now... And I'm with the Royal minister.. Grandma, you may not know that he doesn't remember me now. "


Old lady Xi was shocked. She looked at ledoya strangely: "what don't you remember? What's going on? "

Although it is a pity for parents all over the world, Le duoya can't tell old lady Xi Yuchen's plan now. She can only tell old lady Xi one by one according to what happened before.

After listening to this, Mrs. Xi turned sallow.

"It seems that she has done it..."

After Mrs. Xi finished talking, she quickly looked up at Le duoya: "duoya, I know you love the Royal minister very much, so you won't watch him hurt by such a woman, will you?"

"Grandma... Of course I won't. But I haven't been in touch with the Royal minister now, because he... Doesn't remember me at all, and I don't know what to do. "

Although it's bad to cheat, ledoya must help Xi Yuchen protect this secret now.

Although Mrs. Xi loves him from the bottom of her heart, it will be heard by people in the wall.

Mrs. Xi sighed heavily: "I knew Li Hongzhong's daughter would come. I should have sent her abroad in those years!"

Ledoya chatted with Mrs. Xi in the coffee shop for a while. Finally, ledoya could only ensure that she tried her best, so she sent Mrs. Xi back to her old house.

After seeing the old lady into the car, ledoya took out the phone herself. She wanted to call Xi Yuchen, but later she didn't know what she thought. After thinking about it, she planned to go back to Zhou Meng's house first.




After Mrs. Xi returned to her old house, she was very restless.

Mrs. Zhang stewed her a cup of red jujube Sydney soup. After Mrs. Xi drank it, she went to take a nap.

It was getting dark. Unconsciously, an afternoon passed.

Zhang's mother just finished cleaning up from the kitchen. She took a look at the time and planned to go upstairs to ask Mrs. Xi what she planned to eat in the evening, but she knocked on the door for a long time, and there was no response.

"Old lady? Old lady?! "

Zhang's mother knocked several times, but there was no echo inside. She clicked in her heart. She always felt that something had happened and yelled bad. She quickly opened the door with the key.

"Old lady!"

I don't know if I didn't go in. As soon as I went in, I saw the old lady lying on the carpet, with her head on her arm and on the bed, but half of her body fell to the ground, in a coma.

Zhang's mother was so frightened that she hurriedly pushed the old lady.

"Old lady!"

She shouted several times and no one woke up.

Now she was in a panic.

Quickly pick up the next phone and call Xi Yuchen:

"Young master, young master! No, something happened. The old lady fainted! "

Half an hour later, Xi Yuchen and Li Xue rushed to the old hospital nearest to the old house.

Usually, the old lady's physical problems or examination are in this hospital.

Xi Yuchen came to the third floor and saw Zhang's mother spinning back and forth in front of the operating room. Xi Yuchen raised his eyes and saw that three big characters were still hanging on it during the operation.

The man frowned and walked quickly.

"What happened? How can people suddenly enter the hospital? "

"Young master! Forget it! I... I don't know! I just heard from the doctor that the old lady seems to have taken some wrong medicine, which is now oppressing her heart. If the situation is dangerous, it is likely... "

"What took the wrong medicine?"

"I don't know! The old lady went to bed well after she came back from the coffee shop this afternoon! "

"Coffee shop? What does grandma do in the coffee shop? "

Zhang's mother was about to speak, but suddenly she thought of what the old lady had told her before. She bit her teeth and swallowed the words from her mouth.

Li Xue stood by and watched without showing any trace.

I don't know why, she always felt that the close servant of the old lady seemed to have something to say, but it seemed that she didn't say it because of her presence.

Li Xue said actively at this time: "I go downstairs to buy something to eat, so that people can eat something to recover their strength when they wake up."


Xi Yuchen didn't stop her.

Li Xue had just left for a minute. At this time, mother Zhang looked around and confirmed that she had left before she said, "young master, do you know who Li Xue is?! A few days ago, when the old lady knew that you were with Li Xue, she immediately asked me to investigate the background of this woman and found that she was Li Hongzhong's daughter. After the old lady knew that you drove ledoya away, she put down her value and asked her to meet her in the coffee shop to persuade you... However, I didn't follow the old lady when she went, so I don't know what they talked about. In short, after the old lady came back from the coffee shop, she drank some dessert and went to bed. I called her at night and saw her faint in bed! "

Zhang's mother said very vigorously. She told Xi Yuchen everything she knew.

Because she thought Li Xue had left long ago, but who thought there was a figure standing behind the door of the fire passage.

She stood in the dark and silently put all the conversations between Zhang Ma and Xi Yuchen into her ears.

Li Xue's eyes are getting colder and colder

Half an hour later, Mrs. Xi was pushed out of the operating room.

Xi Yuchen had already booked the best VIP ward. With the help of the nurse and mother Zhang, she put Mrs. Xi on the bed.

Xi Yuchen turned and asked the accompanying doctor, "how's my grandmother?"

"Mrs. Xi took the medicine she shouldn't have, which caused her mood to fluctuate too much, her heart couldn't bear it, and her blood almost flowed back. This situation is very dangerous. Fortunately, we just controlled it for her. But because her heart was hit, she must not be stimulated when she woke up. Otherwise, this situation will easily stimulate her and something will happen. "

"You said you took the wrong medicine? Take the wrong medicine? "

Xi Yuchen had remembered the latter words, but the first sentence the doctor said made him a little confused.

"Mrs. Xi has always had heart disease, so her medicine is prescribed by a private doctor in our hospital. We should have taken the medicine to calm Qi and lower blood pressure, but we found that there were residual blood coagulation functional drugs in the corner of Mrs. Xi's mouth. You should also know that coagulation drugs are the most taboo for heart patients. "

The doctor's words have been made clear.

After explaining the matters to be instructed, he asked the nurse to hang a bottle for Mrs. Xi and went out.

Xi Yuchen was originally expressionless, but after hearing what the doctor just said, his eyebrows and eyes suddenly became much colder.

"Where are the drugs the old lady takes? I want to see! "

"I have one in my bag. I carry it with me. It's for first aid! There are two at home! " Mother Zhang has taken out the medicine in her bag.

"Bring it to me now."

I don't know why, Xi Yuchen suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

I always feel that Mrs. Xi's admission to the hospital this time is not as simple and ordinary as it used to be.

Seeing that Xi Yuchen's face was so dignified, Mrs. Zhang dared not delay. Uh huh, she hurried home to get medicine for old lady Xi.

"Well, young master, look here for a while, old lady. I'll go back and get the medicine!"

Xi Yuchen suspected that someone had switched the medicine. Zhang's mother didn't understand at first, but she immediately understood later.

However, not long after Zhang's mother returned, the door of the ward was pushed open——

"Royal minister, how's grandma?"

Li Xue pretended to be very concerned and hurried over with a bowl of porridge in her hand.

When Xi Yuchen saw that she put the things in her hand on the table, he went to the hospital bed worried.

"This man is fine. Why did he suddenly lie in bed? This is too sudden... "

She covered her chest and was sighing. At this time, she only heard the man suddenly say: