Flash Marriage Wife, Can Not Flee

Chapter 333

Nan Wufeng asked him.

The ancient temple doesn't think so at all.

"Not curious."

He grew up like this.

He was indifferent to everything, but this time, nanwufeng couldn't let him go on wantonly.

"They're looking for a boy with a Kirin tattoo on his back. Ancient temple, you know, although the ancient kingdom has just been founded, the king who founded it was originally a hereditary vassal. They take Gu as their surname from generation to generation, and only those who take Gu as their surname can inherit the ownership of the Gu family. I found the name ancient temple on your swaddling clothes. I was surprised at that time. Later, I was more sure when I heard them talk about the back Unicorn today. "

Nan Wufeng is his master. Naturally, he knows that there is a unicorn on the back of the ancient temple.

The ancient temple narrowed its eyes as if it understood something.

"Master, what do you mean?"

"I believe you know something about the history of the ancient country. If you are the first Prince of the ancient country, you will inherit the great unification and become the king of the ancient country in the future. Your mother is from Nanli. Nanli is fighting with Yueyan country recently and needs the support of all countries. Since they are looking for you at this time, I believe you should also understand what it means. Ancient temple, from the moment I adopted you, I knew that your spine is extraordinary and will become a great thing in the future. I don't want you to disappoint me and people all over the world. "

Nanwufeng was a hermit, and the hermits at that time were the most powerful people in the country except those bureaucrats and emperors.

They know astronomy and geography. They have the ability to control millions of troops. They can also fight on the battlefield with a knife. It can be said that they are omnipotent.

However, I don't know what's going on. Since twelve years ago, nanwufeng has suddenly lived in seclusion here. Except for going out occasionally to buy something, he has been resting in Taohua Valley at other times.

However, although the world is too chaotic and nanwufeng has a skill, he has no place to play, but he has a dream in his heart.

A dream greater than a hero.

"Ancient temple, you should go back."

Nan Wufeng looked into the eyes of the ancient temple, which was the heaviest word he said to the ancient temple.

"No! Master, how can you drive away the ancient temple? "

The ancient temple didn't speak and stood in place all the time, but just then, the door was suddenly pushed open and xidie ran in.

She looked at Nan Wufeng with red eyes: "master, I heard what you just said. I don't allow my senior brother to leave. I don't allow him to leave peach blossom Valley! "

Nanwufeng calm face, some unhappy: "don't you want to stay outside?"

"I'm outside, I'm at the door!"

Nan Wufeng choked. He waved his sleeve and was ready to drive, but Xi die rushed up and grabbed Nan Wufeng's arm. She didn't cry, but there were tears in her red eyes.

"Master, the ancient temple lived with us since childhood. You can't drive him to others because of a back totem! What if... What if those people in Nanli country are bad people? Master, I disagree! "

"Xi die, you don't know what's going on outside now. The ancient temple is a person who can achieve great things. You shouldn't leave him here. "

Like a phoenix in a cage.

It can fly high, even comparable to the sun, but now it can only be imprisoned in a place not as big as its wings

This is pain and torture for Phoenix.

Washing didn't know how to tell her master, and she couldn't say anything about what she said.

She turned around and looked at the ancient temple. The tears that had been swirling in her eyes suddenly fell down like a broken line.

"Master, I hate you, ancient temple, and I hate you!"

What Nanli, what ancient Prince

What are these? She doesn't understand.

All she knows is that the ancient temple is leaving.

Xi die ran back to her room crying all the way.

She closed the door and lay on the table, crying.

Ledoya stood behind xidie and saw the little girl crying so sad. She was also very unhappy.

She asked the air around her. She knew that the ancient temple was next to it.

"She seems to like you very much. You should know about it?"

"Yes, I know."

After a long time, the sound of the ancient temple came.

Low, a little depressed.

Ledoya couldn't help sobbing: "I saw your past on the stone wall of the ancient tomb before. Later, you became a general, but you didn't marry for life. I want to know what happened? Aren't you the prince of the ancient country? Normally, you should inherit the unification, but you... "

"Don't ask questions."

Ledoya had many questions to ask, but the ancient temple blocked her.

I... shit!

Ledoya can't see the ancient temple now. She can only imagine that the man is in front of her now, and then she turned her eyes to the southeast and northwest.

ha-ha! I can't turn you over!

Xi die cried in the room all night.

The next morning, she opened the door and found that nanwufeng and the ancient temple were gone.

She seemed to be aware of something and wanted to find someone in a hurry, but as soon as she got to the stream of Taohua Valley, she saw a majestic army standing on the other side, while Nan Wufeng and the ancient temple stood in front of the army. The ancient temple changed into a black green suit today. The whole person watching the stream butterfly was dizzy and dizzy.

"Ancient temple..."

Across the stream, the stream butterfly couldn't help shouting.

The ancient temple that was listening to someone suddenly turned its head. Xidie shed tears all night and her eyes were swollen. Now it should be impossible to shed tears, but I don't know why. Tears fell out like rain.

"Ancient temple, are you leaving?!"

"They can't stay too long or they'll be found, so I'm leaving early this morning."

The sound of the ancient temple sounds faint, but it seems that you have made up your mind.

Xi die's body swayed for a while. Although her movement was subtle, she felt it herself.

"Then... Can't I have dinner with you, compete with you, or... See you?"


The sound of the ancient temple never fluctuated.

Xi die covered her mouth and suddenly shouted, "senior brother!"

The ancient temple's eyes moved and slightly opened his mouth to say something. At this time, Nan Wufeng came over and patted him on the shoulder. A sentence flashed past his mouth.

The stream butterfly is too far away to hear clearly, but the ancient temple heard it.

He looked up at nanwufeng, then suddenly turned his head and got on the horse. He didn't even leave the last goodbye for xidie.

The tears of the stream butterfly fell even more fiercely.

"Senior brother... Senior brother!"

She kept shouting and suddenly thought of the little gift she made for the ancient temple. She hasn't sent it to the ancient temple!

Xidie grabs her purse and wants to go after the ancient temple.

She didn't take care of the stream in front of her, nor did she take care of the slight cold spring water. She stepped on the water and ran forward.

Nanwufengban has a face. Even if he is usually as gentle as jade, he rarely loses his temper at this time.

"Stream butterfly! What are you doing? Hurry back! "

"Master! I still have something for elder martial brother! "

He's leaving. She must send out the small purse in her hand, or she's afraid... He'll forget her!

"Well, don't chase! It's easy for people in other countries to find you! You don't want anything to happen to the ancient temple? "

Xi die was anxious to go after the ancient temple. She saw that he didn't even turn his head back. She walked all the way. She let her shout behind. He never turned his head.

The stream butterfly cried and the tears dried up.

Nanwufeng saw that her struggling movement was much smaller. He lifted her collar with one hand. The movement was very small, but in the blink of an eye, he put his toes on the ground and sent the stream butterfly back to the stream.

One of the butterfly's feet is wet.

The little pink cloth shoes were wet with water and kept flowing down.

"Master... Did the ancient temple go back to be his prince?"

"Yes. He will be a good king in the future. "

Nan Wufeng touched her head: "well, let's go back."

Nan Wufeng took her hand and walked back. Xidie turned back frequently. She wanted to see whether the ancient temple turned back, but... She only saw his back, farther and farther away from her... At first, the troops looked tall and big, and finally became line light spots.

Xi die clenched the purse in her hand. Her pants and shoes were wet, and even her body was splashed with a lot of stream water. Only the purse in her hand was dry and exuded a faint fragrance of lotus leaves. It was still so good.

Ancient temple... Senior brother

I hate you.

After being led back by nanwufeng, xidie became seriously ill.

The disease lasted for two years. After two years, she gradually recovered, but then nanwufeng's enemy came to the door. Nanwufeng broke a leg and hurt half his life in order to protect xidie. He dared not let xidie know. He was more afraid that xidie would be watched by other enemies. So in the middle of the night, he left xidie a lot of silver. He left peach blossom Valley alone, When Xi die woke up the next day, she was about to take the medicine jar to decoct medicine for Nan Wufeng, but when she passed master's room, she saw that the door was wide open and the room was empty

In order to find a teacher, xidie left peach blossom Valley and came to the outside world.

Ledoya didn't know whether she was in a dream or not, but she could clearly see xidie and others, but no one could see and hear her voice.

She seemed to be invisible, following behind xidie and watching the simple little girl cheated again and again.

At the beginning, it was just food, money and a mess, but the last time... She was cheated to Huanyi building.

The so-called Huanyi building is the famous building of all dynasties at that time.

It's hard to say, it's a place for dignitaries to have fun. It's better to say, it's called Huanyi building.

Although Xi die knows martial arts, she is also simple. Although she can protect herself here, she can't protect her all her life.

Before long, xidie was bought by a son of Guan Hao.

"You... Don't touch me! If you dare to touch me, I will fight with you! "

Xidie was taken into the room. She was drugged by the people here. Now she is weak. If Guan Hao's children come hard, she must have no ability to fight back.

The son of Guan Hao looked at her, but he smiled with deep meaning