Flash Marriage Wife, Can Not Flee

Chapter 152

Ye Dashao, who is directing the barbecue scene not far from the front, is busy. Suddenly he feels his nose itch!

Ah! Who is whispering ill of him behind his back?

Ye Yi rubbed his nose. Don't let him know who is bad mouthing him behind his back. Otherwise, hum, hum, he can't eat that person and walk around!!

"Come on, come on! Put up the barbecue rack quickly. What time is it? Are you still here? The guest will not eat later! "

After ye Yixuan said it secretly in his heart, he soon threw himself into the enthusiasm of barbecue!

However, if he wants to know that it was Xi Dashao who cursed him behind his back, maybe... He will cry and shout and take back what he just said!

When night came, the winery was full of lights.

Everything needed for the barbecue has been prepared, and there are all kinds of barbecue ingredients on the table. It's fun to see ledoya!

Roast corn, roast beef and roast eggplant! Everything, everything she likes!

Ledoya walked over with shining eyes, "is there anything I can do for you?"

"Hee hee, little sister-in-law, yes, yes, for a while, just wait and eat!"

Ye Yixuan patted himself on the chest and said that he was confident. Le duoya smiled brightly after listening: "in that case, I'm not polite!"

Ye Yixuan's personality is not much different from Han Shaorong. After all, they are all rich and noble CHILDES. They are all good at talking and doing things.

Ye Yixuan nodded: "little sister-in-law, it's just as comfortable as your own family in this winery. You don't need to be polite! Xi Dashao is my best friend. His wife is my sister-in-law. You have fun here, just to give me face! "

Ye Yixuan said these words one by one. He said Le duoya giggle and straight music.

Don't say, ye Yixuan and Han Shaorong are still a little different.

Han Shaorong is relaxed and loose, while ye Yixuan is very smart in talking and doing things.

Xi Yuchen came from a distance and gave a cold look at Ye Yixuan, who talked more and more warmly.

"Ye Yixuan, you haven't seen your mouth for a few days. Is it getting sweeter and sweeter? Why, have you seen a lot of comic strips recently and want to find someone to practice single talk? "

This guy, if he's okay, he's always trying to get in front of his woman. What?

Xi Yuchen was a little unhappy, and ye Yixuan was not a blind man. As soon as he heard Xi Yuchen's tone, he immediately knew that Xi Dashuo was a little unhappy.

Oh, hey, did he hear you right?

Is he jealous of his family?

Ye Yixuan winked at him.

"Xi Shao, what you just said sounds delicious! No, I'm jealous of my sister-in-law. "

"Jealous? What vinegar do we have for him to eat? "

Le duoya was so confused that he didn't understand what ye Yixuan had just said.

Xi Yuchen glared at him coldly. He just boasted that he could talk. As a result, he found that this guy didn't have a door keeper and said anything everywhere!

Xi Yuchen said coldly, "wife, ignore him and concentrate on your own food! Today is ye Dashao's treat. We have to give him face and let him have a meal! "

"En en!"

Ledoya is this good. Once there is food in front of you, you can put aside any worries for the time being.

After Xi Yuchen gave Ye Yixuan a warning look, he took his little wife and went to the side to find food.

"Let's have a roast corn first. The corn here is better than ours. It's very sweet."

Xi Yuchen picked up a roasted golden corn from the barbecue rack. Ledoya put the golden corn in front of his nose and smelled it. Oh, hey, it's really delicious!

Ledoya began to bite, not to mention how fragrant it was.

"How is it, sweet or not?"

Xi Dashao looked at the happy and elegant face of eating, and his face was gentle and sweet.

Le duoya nodded uncontrollably, just like a chicken pecking rice.

"Xi Shao, you're right. The foreign corn is really different from the domestic corn. It's super sweet!"

When ledoya spoke, she had eaten one of the corn in her hand, and Xi Dashao brought her a bunch of roast wings.

"Wow! The chicken wings look delicious! "

Ledoya looked at the chicken wings and her eyes glowed.

Xi Yuchen smiled and said, "eat slowly, and no one will tell you!"


Ye Yixuan stood not far away, looking at his once ruthless good brother, suddenly felt that the gap was too big, even a little unacceptable.

Lying in the trough, the man who is looking at the woman in the sea of flowers with a gentle face is really an imperial Minister of Xi?

This is too big a change for him?!

Look at the love in his eyes for ledoya. Even outsiders can see it at a glance almost in a twinkling of an eye.

Ye Yixuan couldn't help sighing that this love came. Even a man like Xi Yuchen can't stop it!


Looking at Xi Dashao's happy life now, it is reasonable that he, as Xi Yuchen's brother, should be very happy for him, but ye Yixuan suddenly frowned, as if something was hidden in the bottom of his heart.

The reason why he invited Xi Yuchen to his winery was not simply to let him visit. The most important thing was that he asked himself to investigate a matter before. When he got the news, he came to tell him about it.

But now, Xi Yuchen and le duoya look very happy. Even Xi Shao, who didn't like to laugh, can't help smiling when he sees Le duoya.

He looks like a normal person! At least, it's not as high, cold and harsh as before!

However, ye Yixuan was a little worried. If he told Xi Yuchen the news, would he turn back to the cold faced king of hell overnight?

If so, he really has to hesitate. Should he tell Xi Yuchen about it

Fresh and fragrant flowers, combined with the strong smell of barbecue, form a perfect match in the night of Santorini.

This barbecue dinner, Le duoya even ate and played, unexpectedly unknowingly, it consumed around nine o'clock.

Ye Yixuan drank a glass of wine, looked at Le duoya with a smile and asked, "little sister-in-law, how are you eating?"

Ledoya was embarrassed to see her round belly at the moment. She nodded hurriedly: "this is really the best barbecue I've ever had! There are beautiful scenery and a sea of flowers. The most important thing is that the taste of food is also very unique. Thank you for your hospitality today. "

Ye Yixuan laughed at the sound.

"Thank you, sister-in-law!"

Xi Yuchen patted him on the shoulder: "OK, it's getting late. We're going to have a rest. What about you? Pack up and go too. We have to go back to the hotel early tomorrow morning! "

"Did you go back to rest so early? There are many interesting things in my winery. You go to rest before you finish visiting. Is it a bit too wasteful? "

Ye Yixuan looked like a loser, but Xi Yuchen interrupted him: "we can stroll slowly by ourselves. Your winery is so big. There must be something you need to worry about. There's no need to accompany us all the time!"

Yo yo!

Xi Dashao thinks he's making a light bulb and wants to drive him away!

Ye Yixuan heard it all at once.

He lifted his lips and smiled.

"OK, OK! I can see that Xi Da Shao has married his daughter-in-law and forgotten his brother. It is typical to see color and forget friends! "

He pointed to Xi Yuchen and looked hurt. Xi Yuchen knew early in the morning that he was deliberately acting with himself, so he didn't even look at it.

However, when ye Yixuan saw that Xi Yuchen and le duoya were leaving, he still had something to say.

Therefore, his immortal who did not leave a trace stopped the imperial Minister of Xi.

"Wait! I know you want to enjoy the world of two quickly, but don't dislike me so much? Come on, Xi Shao, come here. I have something to talk to you about! "

Ye Yixuan quietly took Xi Yuchen aside. Le duoya originally wanted to follow her, but she winked at Xi Yuchen. She had no choice but to stay where she was.

She's a good eyesight.

"What's up?"

Xi Yuchen knew that ye Yixuan suddenly brought himself here. It must not be an insignificant thing.

Ye Yixuan looked at him, but suddenly shook his head and sighed: "I don't know if I should tell you about it."

"Should you tell me, don't you pull me over now? Come on, talk quickly. Don't let my wife stay alone for so long! "

Now, he doesn't want to leave ledoya more than ten centimeters away for a minute!

Ye Yixuan is not in the mood to scold him.

He stared at Xi Yuchen with complex expression for a few seconds, then suddenly lowered his head and pressed his voice, and said such a sentence: "the things you asked me to check before suddenly have eyebrows and eyes today."

As soon as it comes out, Shua!

Xi Da Shao's face changed in an instant!

"What's going on?"

"I just got the news this morning that someone had seen her in Switzerland, and she was accompanied by a man."


What man?

"He is the biggest shareholder behind the scenes of UBS. He plays the role of black and white messenger in European shopping malls. He has a deep water. My people say that she has been very close to this man recently. "

Ye Yixuan spoke in a very light voice for fear of being heard by people who shouldn't have heard.

But Xi Yuchen's face was as cold as ice.

"Brother Yu Chen, are you okay?"

Ye Yixuan usually calls Xi Yuchen Xi Dashao or Xi Shao. Only when something happens will he call him brother Yuchen.

Xi Yuchen waved his hand. His voice was different from that of just now, but if he didn't listen carefully, he still couldn't tell: "I'm fine."

"Well, do I have to continue to check?"

Ye Yixuan looked at Xi Yuchen's face and asked tentatively.


Xi Yuchen stopped talking.

It seems that he was stopped by what he just said.