Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 547

From Yan Nuoqi's confession, the police found sun Jingjing. When the police found sun Jingjing, she was sleeping at home.

Confused, he saw several figures suddenly appear in his room. He was so frightened that sun Jingjing thought that there was a thief in his house.

Taken to the police station, sun Jingjing doesn't know what happened.

Sitting in the interrogation room, no matter what the police said, sun Jingjing shook her head and said she didn't know what the police said.

Seeing sun Jingjing's attitude was not cooperative, the police took out Yan Nuoqi's mobile phone, which was put in the evidence bag. It showed the content of the SMS alone, and the sender was Sun Jingjing's number. Sun Jingjing looked stunned: "the number is mine, but I really didn't send such a message to Yan Nuoqi."

The policeman put down the bag, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number on the text message. Soon, sun Jingjing's mobile phone rang from his pocket. Hanging up the phone, the policeman looked at Sun Jingjing with a serious expression: "you don't want to send it to Yan Nuoqi. You want to send it to an Zichen, but it was mistakenly sent to Yan Nuoqi's mobile phone."

"I didn't!" Sun Jingjing denied it.

The policeman patted the table fiercely: "the mobile phones are ringing, and you deny it!"

Outside the interrogation room, Yan Nuoqi looked at the situation inside through transparent glass. An Zichen held Yan Nuoqi in her arms and looked at Sun Jingjing with a complex expression: "I didn't expect her to be so vicious."

Yannuoqi shook her head: "it can't be her."

Yan Nuoqi's words attracted the attention of the police outside: "why do you say that?"

"According to her status, it is impossible to know the young master of the new China group." Yan Nuoqi explained.

Sure enough, when the police took Huailai to the interrogation room and saw sun Jingjing, Huailai disdained: "how can I know such a woman!"

There was nothing wrong with Yan Nuoqi for the time being. The two came out of the police station. It was five o'clock the next morning. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. At five o'clock in the morning, the sky is still dark. Yan Nuoqi was dressed in an Zichen's coat, and her spirit was much better than when she came to the police station last night.

The two men came out and just met the driver Shifu who was leaving. Yan Nuoqi quickly stopped the other party and wanted to give the other party some money to show her gratitude. However, the other party refused again and again, and the matter was over.

When an Zichen was looking for Yan Nuoqi last night, he took a taxi. At this time, the sky is not bright, and there are too few vehicles coming and going on the roadside. An Zichen and Yan Nuoqi had to obey the driver's master and let him take them home.

Before the taxi engine could open, I saw the police outside knocking on the window. The driver rolled down the window and suddenly got into a car of air conditioner. Yan Nuoqi, who was sitting in the back seat, trembled.

"I said you guys want to go out of the police station and go to the Ministry of transportation?" The police waved the three people off the car.

Pointing to the driver, the policeman said: "I took notes all night. It's just when I'm tired. Do you still drive home? All right, put the car here, go home and sleep, and then come and drive away when you wake up. "

The driver looked at his car reluctantly. His expression was a little embarrassed. Seeing this, the police patted the roof of the taxi: "why, the car was put at the door of our police station and was afraid of being stolen?"

"Let's take a taxi, take a taxi." An Zichen pulled the driver back and said a few words to the police.

Send the police back. An Zichen rubbed his bare hands, and his nose was red with cold: "master, the police comrade is right. What's wrong with tired driving? He's also responsible for us. Let's take a taxi back."

The driver was really sleepy. Even in the cold winter, he couldn't resist the bursts of sleepiness: "let's separate here. You go home early, and I can't see you off."

"It's all right, master. Go back first." Then an Zichen took a taxi on the road and gave it to the taxi master who was waiting for the same car: "master, come and take this car."

Although the driver was sleepy, there was a woman between an Zichen and him. The driver asked an Zichen to take Yan Nuoqi back first.

Although an Zichen loves Yan Nuoqi, he still wants to thank the driver for this today. If he hadn't called the police, I don't know what would happen to Yan Nuoqi today.

Just then, another taxi came behind. He hurried away the driver and paid him several hundred yuan fares, even if it was enough to go out of the suburbs.

Seeing off the driver, an Zichen and Yan Nuoqi just sat in the car that had just stopped. In the rear driver's seat, an Zichen held Yan Nuoqi in his arms and cherished her.

A pair of tender hands had only been put outside for a few minutes, and they had been frozen red and stiff, which made an Zichen love to put them on his mouth and blow again and again.

At an Zichen's apartment in the city, the heat in the room drove away the cold on the two people. Since Yan Nuoqi came out of the police station, she has been silent and rarely spoke. At this time, she came to an Zichen's apartment and looked at the indoor environment without making any evaluation.

I didn't sleep all night. Now I have entered a warm and comfortable room. Both of them want to have a safe sleep and take Yan Nuoqi to their bedroom. The most comfortable bed at home is the bed in the master bedroom an Zichen's room. Although the beds in other guest rooms are also high-grade bedding, they are still slightly inferior to the master bedroom.

Thinking of arranging Yan Nuoqi to rest in the master bedroom, he went to the next room. Who knows, just settled Yan Nuoqi, covered her with a quilt and wanted to leave, Yan Nuoqi grabbed an Zichen's hand.

On the comfortable and soft bed, Yan Nuoqi had a pale face and fog in the corners of her eyes. She looked pathetic and pulled an Zichen's sleeve: "don't go."

Yan Nuoqi has always been very strong in front of her. Even when she is helpless, she will disguise herself as a hedgehog and don't let others close to her.

However, now, Yan Nuoqi pulled her clothes in tears from the corners of her eyes and didn't let herself go. How can an Zichen not be distressed?

"OK, I won't go." An Zichen sat by the bed and held Yan Nuoqi's hand together.

"Come up and sleep together." Yan Nuoqi looked at an Zichen and said.

An Zichen thought he had heard wrong: "you... You have a rest first."

Seeing Yan Nuoqi's expression, an Zichen was wronged immediately. An Zichen couldn't help but lie in the warm quilt with his clothes.

Yan Nuoqi closed her eyes at ease when she felt that someone was with her.

But an Zichen couldn't sleep all the time. Looking at Yan Nuoqi lying beside him, an Zichen wanted to stop the time at this moment.

Recalling what happened last night, thanks to the police rushing into the room in time, it didn't make things worse.

An Zichen knew Huailai, the young master of noel company in Paris, and the frivolous young master who bullied Yan Nuoqi at the banquet. Maybe this thing can make him stay in China's prison for a few more days and learn more about being a man.

Unlike Ouyang Jin, an Zichen's biggest thing at present is to sign the contract. When he received that Huailai was controlled by the police for kidnapping a woman, Ouyang Jin secretly scolded "deserved it".

Scold back to scold, but also think of ways to save people.

Call Shuqi to her office and ask her to pay attention to a phone call from Lenore company. Although those people are not in China, they will never be slow to get news of things.

"Go and make three copies of this contract." Ouyang Jin threw Shu Qi a contract.

Shu Qi picked up the contract on the table and was absent-minded. She called yesterday. I don't know if Wylie will give himself up.

Looking at Shu Qi standing in front of his desk, Ouyang Jin gently tapped his desk with his knuckled fingers. He never liked employees to be distracted at work. However, in the face of Shu Qi, Ouyang Jin's words were mixed with some concern.

Shu Qi heard the speech and knew that she had lost her manners in front of Ouyang Jin. Hurriedly picked up the contract on the desk and fled the office: "I'll do it now."

Ouyang Jin looked at Shu Qi's figure leaving the office and thought deeply. Before he could think of anything, the phone in Ouyang Jin's office suddenly rang.

"Hello." Ouyang Jin answered the phone.

Sure enough, he is the head of noel in Paris. Wylie's father.

Wylie's power is very strong in the United States, but no matter how powerful he is, his tentacles can't touch every bit here in distant China.

Ouyang Jin smiled confidently and answered each other meticulously. Now only he can help them, and all the initiative is in his hand.

Reach a consensus with Noel group, take the three contracts copied by Shuqi and ride to the police station.

Ouyang Jin was in a good mood all the way. He was worried about how to sign the contract. Something happened to Huailai here, giving him an opportunity to take advantage of it.

However, Ouyang Jin's good mood disappeared after he came to the police station. As soon as the car stopped at the door of the police station, Ouyang Jin had seen Huailai standing at the door of the police station with a dark face.

Although it was not clear how Huailai would stand at the door of the police station, he greeted him: "master Huailai, you're all right."

When Huailai saw Ouyang Jin coming up, he immediately came forward and was pulled by the police at the door.

The man was held, but his mouth kept accusing Ouyang Jin: "Ouyang Jin, you sinister villain, design such a despicable trap!"

Ouyang Jin was misted by Huailai. He made a mistake and was detained in the police station. What does it have to do with him.


"Master Huailai, the formalities have been completed. We can go."

Before Ouyang Jin spoke, a familiar figure came out of the door of the police station and stood next to Huailai.

Looking at the familiar person, Ouyang Jin couldn't understand the scene in front of him for a moment: "Why are you here?"

Huailai snorted at Ouyang Jin Leng and said to Liu Feng, who came to bail himself behind him, "Mr. Liu, let's go."

Liu Feng left with Huailai and disdained in front of Ouyang Jin: "I didn't expect that President Ouyang's means were really dirty."

The two men sat in Liu Feng's car and walked away, leaving Ouyang Jin standing alone.