Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 534

As soon as Ann's front foot left, Yan Nuoqi opened her eyes. Looking at an Zichen guarding by the bed, he made a slight effort to hold his hand with an Zichen.

"Are you awake?" An Zichen looked at Yan Nuoqi in surprise. How could she wake up so quickly.

Yan Nuoqi looked at an Zichen and couldn't help laughing: "fool, I pretended to faint."

"You..." an Zichen said. But in his heart, he also understood why yannuoqi did so.

Yan Nuoqi sat up from the bed: "you and Anne's mother are arguing so much. If I don't pretend to be dizzy, won't I quarrel even more.

Then Yan Nuoqi pushed an Zichen out: "well, it's so late. Go back and have a rest."

An Zichen deliberately tilted his mouth, as if he had been wronged: "you'll drive me away now. I'm afraid you'll be afraid alone at night."

Yan Nuoqi was amused by his words and gently pushed him: "know not to be ashamed!"

An Zichen was laughed by Yan Nuoqi: "then I'll go back and have a rest. You go to bed early."

With that, an Zichen went aside and put away all kinds of food yan Nuoqi had just put on the tea table: "I'll go and see ah Hui."

"Good night." An Zichen turns off the lights in the ward and exits the room.

There was no ah Hui in the corridor. An Zichen returned to his ward. Sure enough, ah Hui was lying on the sofa in his room and sleeping in his coat.

Put things on the tea table. An Zichen hesitated for a moment, but shook the other party up: "ah Hui, wake up."

Ah Hui rubbed his eyes. He didn't adapt to the bright light in the room. He raised his hand a little and blocked the light in front of him.

When he saw it was an Zichen, ah Hui asked, "aunt is gone?"

An Zichen nodded: "did you eat in the evening?"

"Not yet. You two sneaked out. The head nurse scolded me. Where is the mood to eat?" Although ah Hui said so, there was no sense of blame in his tone.

An Zichen opened the lunch box and put it in front of ah Hui: "eat, it's still hot."

Ah Hui broke off the disposable chopsticks and began to eat. An Zichen took out the extra quilt from the cabinet: "it's cold at night. You cover more. Don't freeze. "

"Yes." Ah Hui, who was eating, responded vaguely.

The fiery red sports car crossed a beautiful arc at night in the city, and Ouyang Jin seemed to be making up for Shu Qi. After the conversation, they bought a lot of things for Shu Qi. This sports car is one of them.

Ouyang Jin received the notice at dawn in the second half of the night. The American partner sent a person in charge to the mainland to talk about a project with Ouyang group. The other party named Ouyang Jin and asked him to accompany him.

Ouyang Jin hasn't woken up yet, but when he hears about business, Ouyang Jin's head suddenly wakes up. After hanging up the phone, I went to the bathroom to take a cold bath and change the clothes prepared by the housekeeper. In an instant, I changed from a sleepy Houseman to a capable president.

"Inform Shu Qi to go to work half an hour early today." Ouyang Jin glanced at his watch. It was only three fifty.

I quickly calculated the distance in my heart. It takes 20 minutes from home to the company. And Shu Qi's apartment, he also knew where it was. After a rough calculation, he also accurate the time when the other party arrived at the company to minutes: "give her the time to dress up, but she must appear in my office at 4:35."

"Yes." The housekeeper followed Ouyang Jin out behind him and helped Ouyang Jin open the door.

Seeing Ouyang Jin's car drive out of the door of the villa, the housekeeper quickly called Shu Qi.

Shu Qi, who was also pulled out of the quilt by business, was also full of resentment. She got up and took a shower at the same time. Finally, she put on fine makeup, wore a capable women's suit and looked at herself in the mirror. Shu Qi raised her lips and smiled.

"Why did you leave so early today?" Liu Feng, who slept next to Shu Qi, woke up when he heard the sound from Shu Qi's room. At this time, he was standing at the door of the bedroom, looking at Shu Qi dimly.

Shu Qi stuffed a cup of yogurt and a bag of biscuits into her bag: "partners in the United States want to talk about a project with the company. It's said that it's also a first-class feeling! "

"Then you remember to have a good breakfast." Liu Feng asked Shu Qi,

Shu Qi came forward to hold Liu Feng and quickly left a kiss on each other's forehead: "I'm at work, bye!"

Shu Qi took good things and drove to the company quickly. At three or four o'clock, the road was not so crowded, which made it much more convenient for Shu Qi.

When I came to the company, I just saw Ouyang Jin walking through the door of the company. Shu Qi hurriedly trotted over: "president."

Ouyang Jin looked back and found that it was Shu Qi. The serious expression on his face didn't relax: "you're here. Did you eat in the morning?"

"I had some cookies on the way." Shu Qi answered truthfully.

Shu Qi was puzzled by the enemy's posture. When she received Ouyang Jin's call in the morning, she rushed here quickly, but she didn't even know which partner came to talk about. This is the first time Shu Qi has met in the mall for so many years.

The two men responded with words, but the pace of their feet did not weaken at all. Hearing that Shu Qi only ate some cookies, the speed at her feet stopped a little: "it's hard for you."

The president's special elevator slowly opened to both sides in front of him, and the two people walked in front of each other. I don't know when Shu Qi can use this elevator, which is also the beginning of rumors about the relationship between the two people in the company.

Compared with Ouyang Jin, who is superior and doesn't often go out of the office, Shu Qi has long heard rumors about her relationship with Ouyang Jin from others. Listening to these rumors, Shu Qi didn't talk to Ouyang Jin. At the same time, she didn't suppress it. On the contrary, she was happy.

The elevator soon reached the top floor of the building. There was only one office on the top floor, which was Ouyang Jin's.

At three or four o'clock, except for the gatekeeper, Ouyang Jin and Shu Qi came first.

Walking into the office, Ouyang Jin put his office bag on the desk: "now call several supervisors and department heads, ask them to come now, and then ask them to inform their staff to come to the company as soon as possible. At 6:30 at the latest, I want to see everyone up and down the company. If someone is late, then go directly to the accountant to get this month's salary, and you don't have to come tomorrow. "

"OK." Shu Qi took out her work cell phone from her bag and went out to call everyone on the list.

Ouyang Jin turned on the computer and looked at the information meticulously.

Shu Qi came back from the phone. The first floor gate of Ouyang group was pushed open. A group of people in black supported a man and walked in slowly.

The man was dressed in casual clothes, like a cotton padded suit that was not afraid of cold, revealing the black sweater inside: "Ouyang group, I'm coming."

Without the guidance of the receptionist, the man went directly to the elevator and pressed the elevator button. Following the man in, there are several bodyguards behind him.

"Who is the other party? Why don't you give a notice in advance. Have you chosen such an early time? " There were only two of them in the empty building. Shu Qi didn't hide at all and expressed her true thoughts in her heart.

Shu Qi's doubts are also Ouyang Jin's doubts. When he came, he didn't want to understand how the other Party chose such a time. Was it intentional?

On this issue, Ouyang Jin didn't realize it until he saw the so-called "person in charge".

"It's a pleasure for president Ouyang to come to meet me so early."

Poor Chinese pronunciation sounds funny. Shu Qi, with her back to the door of the president's office, looked back. Although she had never been in contact with each other, she also knew more about Ouyang group's long-term past partners, large and small. Moreover, the two had just had a "one-sided relationship" not long ago.

"It's master Huailai. Nice to meet you." Shu Qi has a professional smile on her face. Her skin, which can be broken by blowing, is more like a high-grade porcelain under the reflection of the light.

Huailai took Shu Qi's hand in a friendly way, but he didn't hold Shu Qi's hand. I saw the generous palms that inherited the white blood turn Shu Qi's slender hand over, the back of the hand up, and the next second, Huailai attached himself and kissed the white hand. Finally, he stuck out his tongue and licked the back of Shu Qi's hand at an angle invisible to everyone.

As if she had been electrocuted, Shu Qi took back her hand. Ouyang Jin on one side could not see Huailai's just move. Seeing this, he quickly whispered Shu Qi's name with reprimand.

Shu Qi also knew that she had lost her manners. With an embarrassed smile on her face, she bowed to Huailai apologetically: "sorry, master Huailai, it's my faux pas."

"It doesn't matter. Beauty's impoliteness, on the other hand, is also a pleasing performance." Huailai stared at Shu Qi with a smile: "I thought the assistant of President Ouyang would be the little woman who let president Ouyang fight in Paris last time. I didn't expect it was someone else. There are really many women of President Ouyang."