First Dragon King

Chapter 37

How could Tong Yaya and Su ye be so close?

See Tong Yaya that white slender small hand, unexpectedly is fiddling with Su Ye's hair, God, such intimate move.

Is Tong Yaya's school flower and Su ye a man and woman friend? Otherwise, how can we have dinner together? It was said before that Tong Yaya was the coldest one. Even Duan Shao didn't accept it. He hardly said a word to the boys. But now where is Tong Yaya half cold?

All of a sudden, the whole class of boys have issued a burst of wailing, it is not willing to heart ah.

Su ye returned the pen to her deskmate, and then said, "OK, have dinner."

Tong Yaya walked ahead with a smile and led the way. She also took out her meal card and said, "you haven't got the card yet. Brush mine."

They went to the canteen with a smile.

In the canteen, there are many students waiting in line to have dinner. When they see Tong Yaya, they naturally look at him one after another.

Tong Yaya Tiantian said with a smile: "you are a boy, you go to have dinner. I'll take a seat. "

Finish saying also regardless of Su night with don't agree, will meal card into Su night hand, she happily went to occupy a seat.

When Su Ye comes back in line with a meal in one hand, she sees a tall and handsome boy sitting in front of Tong Yaya's position.

Look at his strong body, even if it is March day, it is a dress, which is very prominent.

He tapped one hand gently on the table, as if waiting patiently for something.

Tong Yaya is cold face, do not want to see more.

"Yaya." Su ye walked over and put two meals on the table, which immediately attracted the attention of the students around.

Tong Yaya looked at Su ye with some worry and said in a low voice: "otherwise, let's change seats."

"No, just sit here."

Su ye knew that it was normal to share a table with other students in the canteen, and he would not mind.

"Are you su ye who just transferred to school today?"

All of a sudden, the robust boy in front of him opened his mouth, and his overbearing breath was exposed.

With the pride of separation, he warned: "I'm the leader of the sports training team, Lin Hao! Who are you, Tong Yaya? "

Su Ye just picked up chopsticks, heard such rude words, can't help but gently pick an eyebrow, found that there are several sports training students beside Lin Hao, all of them are Lin Hao's leader.

Su ye said calmly: "it has nothing to do with you!"

"Boy, you drag like this! It seems to have personality! I don't know whose territory this is, do I? If you don't want to be kicked out of school, stay away from Tong Yaya. Do you understand? " Lin Hao's tone suddenly increased a few points, and finally threatened.

Tong Yaya said angrily, "Lin Hao, have you had enough trouble? I said, I won't fall in love in high school. Don't pester me all the time. "

Lin Hao smiles brightly, and his voice is still overbearing: "if you don't talk about high school, you will go to the same university with me. No matter when, you belong to me, Lin Hao!"

Tong Yaya glared and said, "you keep these words, but I'm disgusted. How many times do you want me to repeat them to understand?"

Lin Hao's embarrassment, especially in front of several younger brothers, how can he step down?

He looked at Su Ye next to him. He pointed to Su ye and said, "if you don't fall in love, who is he? What's your relationship? Do you like this little white face? "

Su ye put chopsticks on the table and warned, "you used to harass her like this all the time?"

Lin Hao was very embarrassed at first. When he heard Su Ye's words, he immediately became angry and said harshly:

"Damn white face, when I talk to Tong Yaya, do you dare to interrupt again? Shit! Get out of here now. If you dare to eat with Tong Yaya in the future, I'll kill you! "

"Is that so?"

Su Ye says four words coldly, then slaps Lin Hao in the face.


This slap, hit Lin Hao on the spot on the muddle, even next to the position of a few younger brother is also a surprise.

Lin Hao suddenly felt the burning pain of his whole face, and his ears were buzzing. He never thought that, as the leader of his training team, someone would dare to attack him.


"You want to die!" Lin Hao is furious. He is about to stand up from his position and pounce on Su Ye.

But Su Ye is faster than him. He protects Tong Yaya in front of him with one hand, grabs Lin Hao's hair with the other hand, and then smashes the table.


Lin Hao hit the table with his whole face, making a huge noise. He was full of meat and vegetables, and his nose was bleeding directly.

Su Ye doesn't seem to care at all. She pushes him to the boys next to her.

At this time, Lin Hao can only cry and cry. He can't even say a complete word. Seeing that twisted face, he didn't faint on the spot. He can really resist.

Su Ye's whole body is full of momentum, and her eyes sweep, and the younger brothers of the students dare not come up.

"Remember my name, Suye! Next time, bring enough people to avenge me! "

The younger brothers of several sports training students heard this, and their faces changed again and again. But the noise had already alarmed the teacher in the distance. They hurriedly carried Lin Hao to the school medical room.

Around the students are panic to see Su ye and Tong Ya Ya, they also have a lot of people see Su Ye shot.

I didn't expect that Su Ye's team leader would dare to fight. Such a person can't be easily provoked.

"Scared you?" Su Ye looks at Tong Ya's pale face.

Tong Yaya reacted and moved her lips. She found that her palms were sweating. She had no choice but to smile: "brother, you just come to the student union of the general school. They all help the teacher, check the attendance, register the hygiene, and do the blackboard newspaper.

But this experimental high school is different. It is the best high school in Jiangdu City. Two years ago, there was a provincial champion like Su Changqing. Last year, Yang Xi'er got the second place in the provincial exam. This year, Yang Xi'er's reread can definitely impact the provincial champion.

With these names, many of the implementation of the experimental high school are equipped, naturally need more students to help manage.

"Su ye, Tong Yaya, two classmates. Come with us to the student union office! Now, now She was a girl with short hair. She was angry. Obviously, she heard the news of the fight.

Su Ye glanced at the blood on the table. He stood up and said, "let's go! I want to solve it all at once

Tong Yaya naturally listens to Su Ye. She doesn't have the heart to eat now. What kind of punishment is waiting for them.

But Tong Yaya also made up her mind, Su Ye just shot, that is to protect her, no matter what the consequences, she will bear with Su Ye.

Soon, Su Ye was in the student union office.

There are quite a few students in it, but none of the teachers have seen it. It seems that the student union has even the right to deal with student fights.

Su Ye swept away and found that there was another figure he knew in the student union