First Dragon King

Chapter 35

"In that case, it depends on your ability!"

Su night saw Chen aofei open mouth to agree, pour is full ground to nod.

When dealing with people like Chen aofei, as long as they take advantage of each other's weaknesses, the other side will be obedient step by step.

Wen Wan seemed to see it. She glared at Chen aofei discontentedly and said pointedly, "do you still say that you are here to save me? Now I'm helping him with his letter. Are you helping me or him? "

Chen aofei's face was blue and red. He seemed to feel something was wrong, but he couldn't help it.

"Wan'er, you wait for me. I'll be back soon. I will certainly take you away

Wen Wan didn't buy it at all. She snorted coldly, hugged her chest with her hands, turned her face and didn't want to see more.

Chen aofei wants to talk and stops, sighs, turns his head and leaves.

"Well, it's all right. Let's go and get busy!" Su Ye sees this, let everybody go busy.

Although Chen aofei's identity is not provoking to them, Su Ye doesn't pay attention to Chen aofei at all.

Su Licheng came out from the inside, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and said, "son, if you do this, you are afraid that he will bring people to revenge us."

"Dad, you can rest assured. I'm in control of everything. " Su night comforts to say.

Su Licheng was in a trance when he heard that he was looking at Su Ye's beautiful face and familiar outline. He seemed to think of something. He said with a sigh:

"Well. I can rest assured that you will inherit your mother's intelligence and will be an outstanding person in the future. "

Su Ye just a faint smile, did not answer, but said: "father, our clinic will expand in the future, now it is time to train medical staff. I have two medical books here. You can read them first and then teach them

Su Licheng is a little strange. His son still has a plan, but he can't succeed in one or two days to learn medicine. Even if Su Ye has medical books, he is afraid that most of the folk prescriptions he bought from the Internet are unbelievable.

However, looking at his son's heart, he took it and looked at it.

Less than a minute, Su Licheng suddenly gently "eh?" After a while, he came into contact with traditional Chinese medicine since he was a child. He was nurtured in the "master" family of the Su family. Of course, he has real materials.

He could see at a glance that the symptoms, diagnosis and prescriptions in the medical book were true.

"Son, where did you copy this medical book? This is your handwriting on it. " Su Licheng said in shock.

In order not to let her father worry, Su ye had to say: "whether it's the pills we took before, or the medicine book, it's all given by Qiao's family. The above disease is our most common disease, with these prescriptions can be cured. I also know that they have some pills. I'll get some later. The clinic has been closed these days. Let's redecorate it and wait for the herbs to arrive. "

Su Licheng nodded his head. His mind was all in the medical books. He couldn't imagine that most of the above abbreviations were not even recorded in Su's old house.

"Son, this is not ordinary medical skill! With this medical book, we can be cured as long as we are not terminally ill. There are even such medical books. "

When Su ye saw that his father liked it, he was relieved and said, "Oh, yes. There is also a special treatment of leukemia, as long as there is enough medicine, leukemia can be completely cured

Su Licheng heard the body tremble, shocked to say aloud: "even leukemia can be completely cured?"

After that, Su Licheng found that many shop assistants were surprised to see it. He quickly shut up and put away the medical books. After all, he had to be defensive.

"What is leukemia, AIDS and cancer. Father, let's go in and say Su ye said, her eyes seemed to be inadvertently glancing at the group of shop assistants, and without saying much, she went in first.

The other clerks heard some and looked at each other one by one, but they also felt that it was incredible and not true.

Several shop assistants secretly discussed: "did you hear that? Just now little owner said that can cure leukaemia, cancer? "

"It seems to say so. But it's impossible. If you really have this ability, won't you shock the whole China and stir the whole world? "

"Well, that's right. Even the tangtangshengshou medical center does not have such ability. How can it be said that the treatment of complex diseases can be cured, let alone completely cured. In my opinion, we can find a home. Nanxi clinic has no future at all. I'm going to get off work soon. Today there are two people who want to buy cold medicine. "

The clinic was really deserted. The shop assistants were chatting with each other. After a while, Tong Yaya came back from school.

Along with Tong Yaya came a 40 - or 50 year old male teacher.

To be correct, it was the teacher Lin who sent Tong Yaya back. Tong Yaya looked a little depressed.

Mr. Lin, wearing thick glasses, found Su Licheng and told him to say:

"Are you Tong Yaya's parent?"

"Yes. Miss Lin, what happened to Tong Tong at school? " Su Licheng is afraid of something.

Teacher Lin was also very serious and said: "in fact, there is nothing wrong with her, but now that she is a senior three student, she should not spend too much time on makeup, but should study hard. Usually, I think she is very obedient and attentive. Today, I found that she received more than ten love letters. I hope your parents can talk to her appropriately. "

Su Ye didn't speak. Instead, she took a serious look at Tong Yaya. She found that Tong Yaya was more beautiful than a few days ago after taking the dragon blood pill. There was a aura in her youth. It seemed that even when she looked at her, she would feel that the air was sweet.

No wonder when Tong Yaya came in from the door of the clinic, the shop assistants looked straight.

Su Licheng naturally agreed. After a while, Mr. Lin went back.

At this time, Tong Yaya was aggrieved and said: "in fact, I didn't make up, but they wronged me and said that I must have used good cosmetics when I worked in a bar. There are those boys, I don't know them at all, they put the love letter into my drawer by themselves

Su Ye frowned and said, "there are people who dare to wrongly you. I'll go to school with you tomorrow and beat them all."

Su Licheng immediately stares at Su Ye. He obviously disagrees with Su Ye. He says to Tong Yaya in a caring tone

"Daughter, of course we believe you. You've always been good and obedient. If you really like someone, I don't object, but I hope you can focus on college entrance examination first. You have to be admitted to the University, and it's not too late to talk about the object! Only when you go to college and learn a craft, can you have the ability to live the life you want in the future. "

Hearing this, Tong Yaya couldn't help but feel warm. Finally, a smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Dad, what are you talking about. I don't have the object I like. I gave all those love letters to the teacher. Even if I go to college, I won't talk about it. I want to be with you and my brother all my life. Never part

Su Licheng also laughed and said, "OK, OK. However, you should also remember that there are a lot of sufferings, grievances and unfairness in our lives. Or that is the normal life, you have to learn to bear, learn to fight back, learn to survive

In fact, Tong Yaya has understood this truth for a long time. She has met many kinds of people and many unfair things in her part-time job in a bar.

Su Ye touched Tong Ya's head and said, "don't worry! After the days have me, you do not have to bear a little grievance! I'll go to school with you tomorrow

Tong Yaya's delicate body trembles and looks at Su ye with scarlet face.

Su Licheng said, "son, don't mess around!"

"Don't worry, Dad. In fact, I want to go back to college and try to get a college entrance examination. "

In fact, for Su ye, he doesn't have to study or go to university at all. Even he just wants to find time to practice in the spirit rich forest mountain, but he has his own plan.

What we lost two years ago will be taken back bit by bit.

"Really? Son, are you really going to repeat senior three? OK, great! You must be admitted to university Su Licheng was so excited that he clapped his hands twice.

Tong Yaya also reacted from his surprise. He held Su Ye's arm in one hand and pressed it tightly. He said excitedly:

"Great, I can go to school with my brother later."