First Class Servant

Chapter 247

In search after search and failure after failure, Xu Feng frowned slightly and stopped practicing daoxuan Scripture. The seal knot in his hand began to form the fingerprint of cold sealing technique.

Since you can't find aura under normal circumstances, you can only use the cold sealing technique. It takes aura to perform the cold sealing technique. Xu Feng wants to see where the aura comes from.

At the same time, Xu Feng's mind is integrated into his body. While his strength is pouring into his arm, Xu Feng feels a cool breath in his mind, which also flows into his arm.

This kind of feeling makes Xu Feng's heart happy, and his mind pursues it. At the same time, he makes the knot in his hand more quickly.

When Xu Feng's handprint knot is getting faster and faster, the cool air in his mind is also gradually increasing. This allows Xu Feng to easily capture where the air flow is coming out!

To Xu Feng's surprise, the current was actually from the lotus bud which had not bloomed.

"Aura in purple thunder?" Xu Feng was stunned and thought no wonder he couldn't find it for so long. However, Xu Feng was surprised why the aura that daoxuan devoured every time he practiced would pour into the purple thunder. Couldn't his body contain aura?

Xu Feng of course did not know that, compared with his body, Reiki's resistance to purple thunder was much smaller, or even no resistance at all. This is also the reason why these auras will flow into purple thunder.

Knowing that these auras were in the purple thunder, Xu Feng scattered his cold sealing technique, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly. It's very difficult to infuse aura into strength from purple thunder.

Xu Feng thought for a long time and could not help but imagine whether he could integrate purple thunder into his strength. If he could, the aura contained in him would naturally be integrated into it.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng began to drive up. Driven by Xu Feng, the purple thunder starts to rotate. A purple thunder silk disperses from the purple thunder and spreads towards the force.

Control purple thunder and strength constantly close, Xu Feng holds his breath, mind pays attention to both.


In the fusion of the two, a thunderclap sounded, as if the force met a wild beast, madly get out of the way, dare not contact with purple thunder. Xu Feng in the force of the crazy movement, feel a huge force from the body of his impact, severe pain let his face pale.

Xu Feng tried to hold back the pain, heart a ruthless, again the strength and purple thunder traction together. And just the same is, the strength still dare not touch purple thunder, crazy retreat, with the strength of the impact of Xu Feng, a burst of pain from the inside out.

Holding his tumultuous Qi and blood at the bottom of his heart, Xu Feng took a deep breath and looked at the trace of purple thunder. With his strength just now, he thought that he wanted to integrate purple thunder into it, with little hope.

After stepping into the temptation and confusion of the ten products, Xu Feng was not willing to give up so easily. After thinking about it, he suddenly began to control the dispersion of this ray of purple thunder, and separated it again, drawing out a little invisible purple thunder. , the fastest update of the webnovel!