Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 904

"I\'m here again." Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Step into the "war snake hall", which is a very "familiar" palace.

It\'s not luxurious, it\'s full of antiquity. In the palace, stone carvings of blue eyed snakes, Python and Jiaos can be seen everywhere, lifelike. At the top of the palace, there is a huge blue eyed Snake standing horizontally on the top of the whole hall, which is kilometers long and magnificent!

The pair of blue magic eyes are like two blue bright crystals, sparkling and shining.

Being stared at by him, the whole person seems to be seen through.

The first palace!

No, it should be the 401st war snake hall——

Magic pupil and snake!

"Sure enough, I entered the \'thousand snake cave\' from here, and the different snakes in the thousand snake cave also flew out of here and entered the tianwu continent." Lin Feng said softly. After some contact with Xiaojian, the secret of qiansnake cave is no longer a secret to himself.

As a "primary war snake envoy", Xiaojian knows a lot about the "thousand snake cave".

Including the language here, it is the special language of the "Ophiuchus" warrior.

"Every \'War snake Hall\' has an exit and entrance, but..."

"But it is controlled by the \'War snake\'."

Lin Feng said in his heart that at this time, the blue eyes of the magic pupil and the snake at the top were bright and bright, shooting out the essence of the Tao and falling on the stone carvings. The powerful life force blooms again. Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright and quite familiar.

I have experienced it a hundred times.

"Every once in a while, one of the war snake halls will open a \'space channel\'."

"Release strange snakes, devour all kinds of life energy and supplement the power of fighting snakes. It is difficult to completely \'close\' this space channel." Lin Feng thought in his heart. Unless his strength can destroy the \'space channel\' of tianwu mainland, this\' space channel \'will always exist.

Strange snakes will continue to appear.

Until the "war snake" runs out of energy, or the whole continent is swallowed by different snakes.

No more life!

Either you die or I live.

This is the way of survival of "different snakes".

"Now, there is only one way." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed lightly.

"Like the 402nd and 500th war snake halls, he exhausted all his strength, so..."

"You can temporarily block the space passage."

He clenched his fist and Lin Feng looked firm.

I know very well what I should do to eliminate the "suffering of different snakes".

But knowing is one thing, and being able to do it is another.

This\' magic pupil and snake \'is very strong!

Although it is only the 401st war snake hall, like other war snake halls he has broken through, they are two-star war snakes and are not easy to deal with. In particular, his strongest is the blue demon\'s double pupils. His soul attack is a great threat to himself who has lost the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil.

It\'s hard to defeat him!


"Anyway, try it first." Lin Feng looked firm.

It doesn\'t matter if you are an ordinary opponent, but it\'s related to tianwu mainland——

I have to cross over!


Lin Feng\'s eyes are cold.

The fire of rebirth shines in an instant, and the violent strange snakes bite madly. In an instant, it is a clean and neat solution. Different Boas and different Jiaos appear one by one, but they just turn into nourishing snake gall, which is useless at all.

"Use snake gall to enhance your strength, and fight snake to make your improvement naturally and quickly."

"There are also various descriptions of the \'Tao\' of star technology, which makes it much easier for war snake to break through the star master level and enter the star domain level."

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled and his heart thought.

The "cultivation environment" here is impeccable and perfect.

From the beginning of the star level, you can take "snake gall" until the star level, and there is almost no bottleneck. As long as the qualification and talent are not too poor, it is not difficult to become a primary war snake envoy. Once you cultivate the "secret of snake possession", you can advance to a medium snake envoy.

It can be said to rise step by step.

"Everything has been arranged, how can we pick out the real strong?" Lin Feng thought in his heart.

The so-called perfection, in fact, just temporarily covers up the imperfection.

The heart is thinking, for a moment, the only blue eyed dragon is bright and awake.

烀~ Almost in an instant, the fire of rebirth came.

"Pa!" the snake gall fell into his hand, and Lin Feng looked calm and natural.

These are just a small test.

The real battle, with the killing of the blue eyed dragon——

Just started!!



The violent earthquake appeared again, and there seemed to be an angry dragon roar in my ears. Lin Feng\'s heart trembled fiercely, and there was a thick and silent darkness in front of him. His terrible eyes suddenly flashed in front of him, staring at him like a vicious tiger.

with one \'s hair standing on end!

Pretty scary demon pupil.

The heart seemed to tremble and the head was shocked.

"What a terrible soul attack!" Lin Feng clenched his fists and the rebirth fire spread all around, but it was useless.

This is the attack of the \'soul\', just like the heavenly soul master, which directly enters the depths of his own life and soul! In front of me, a huge snake, which was so huge that it was swallowed up by the sky, came frantically. The body seemed to be bound, and a strong smell came to my nose.

Feel so real!

I can\'t avoid it, and I can\'t avoid it!

"Broken!" Lin Fengmeng drank, but the staggered soul power was completely defeated.

Phoenix\'s chart has strong toughness, and its defense may be endless, but its "attack power" is far from enough. The star dome pupil also has illusion, but the two types are completely different. One is confusing, and the one in front of us is——

It\'s aggressive!

Lin Feng\'s face was ugly. He had a feeling that if he still couldn\'t break the magic, he might really be buried in the belly of the giant snake.


How can you be willing to fail like this!

For a moment, the light of the middle finger of Lin Feng\'s right hand was very bright, shining a strong light.

"Soul devouring skill!" Lin Feng once again aroused his extreme strength, and the look of his eyes burst out in an instant, and the power of life and soul increased sharply in an instant. The sharp pain in the heart, a huge force seemed to be drawn out of his mind. In an instant, Lin Feng clearly felt his soul power.

Rapid growth!

"Break it for me!!" almost exhausted all his strength, and Lin Feng\'s green veins on his forehead were exposed.

In front of me, the roar of the huge snake seemed to still reverberate in my ears, but in front of me, it was a flash of light and returned to the war snake hall. Gasping for breath, Lin Feng looked pale. He didn\'t stop for a moment and galloped away instantly.

Have to return!

This "magic pupil and snake" is more terrible than I expected!

"Ow! ~" the voice of rage rang in my ears.

The soul is constantly attacked, but the farther away it is, the less powerful it will be. With the help of the ring, Lin Feng tried his best to resist. Soon, as the attack power became weaker and weaker, a light mouth appeared in front of him, and Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

I Am Alive!

"Hoo ~ ~" took a long breath, and Lin Feng secretly said that he was lucky.

This time, I\'m afraid I\'m only a short distance from death.

Magic pupil and snake, it\'s terrible!

"I didn\'t expect that the sleeping of xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil would have such a great impact on me." Lin Feng thought in his heart and felt powerless. In the face of the magic attack of magic pupil and snake, his Phoenix life chart just managed to resist.

"The strongest one before, but now it has become the weakest." Lin Fengxiang sighed, feeling helpless.

In Yanling mansion, the strongest one is the life soul. Even in the face of a "heavenly soul master" who is much stronger than himself, he can easily crack it.

But now

"Now I have a headache." Lin Feng\'s breathing is gradually gentle, and his eyebrows are slightly clustered.

His star sky pupil and star dome pupil showed no signs of awakening at all. The "trauma" he suffered last time was quite serious, and his recovery is far from expected. However, the "danger of different snakes" is imminent, and I must face it. Otherwise, things will become more and more troublesome.

What should I do?

"Now even the life soul has been hurt, so we have to put it aside for the time being." Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are light.

"There must be a way to the front of the mountain. There will always be a way."

"Go back to \'zhansnake town\' first."

Heart light Nan, Lin Feng immediately left.

Return to war snake town.

It is still sparsely populated, and few other strong people can be seen in the town.

After all, everyone is busy practicing, especially the "primary war snake envoy", who works hard to compete and become a unique war snake envoy. Therefore, in the town, we often see "star class" strong people. After all, their pressure is undoubtedly much less.

"Wow! ~" the crystal of war snake is bright, and Lin Feng enters an ancient stone house.

It used to be the residence of the frog skin freak, but now it is used by itself.

War snake Town, recognize "war snake crystal" but not people.

"In the long run."

"Restore the power of life and soul first, and then find a way."

Lin Feng\'s face was just right and he didn\'t dare to be careless.

Now he has only one "life soul", and he is very fragile without the protection of the star pupil.

Caution must be exercised.

War snake Town, very quiet.

Basically, everyone is busy. To be exact, the number of "people" is not large.

Everyone either goes back to his "stone house" or practices in the war snake hall. There are not many opportunities to really appear in the "war snake town". Lin Feng is quite a "violent thing" after taking several stars and fruits that can "weakly" restore soul power, but it is a waste.

In the hundred waterfalls, too many star fruits are obtained.

During this period, Lin Feng directly killed his rival "night devil" for Xiaojian.

Night demons who rely on "snake gall" to enter the star domain level are not a level opponent at all.

Combat capability, very poor!

It\'s too weak for star level warriors to rely on the same fighting methods as frog skin freaks.

"Hua Wei, as like as two peas, and white ones, which one is much stronger than him." Lin Feng has absorbed a snake crystal similar to that of a little sword. The fire that he devoured in his hands directly burned the corpse of the night devil to ashes.

His eyes flickered, and Lin Feng couldn\'t help thinking of Shiluo county.

There, the competition between the martial arts is fierce!

"It\'s been almost a year. After dealing with the problem of different snakes, it\'s time to go back." Lin Feng nodded.

I think of my sister Yumo, Wan Mochou, and ah Zhong. Unconsciously, I have many relatives and friends in Shiluo county.

After weighing the war snake crystal in his hand, Lin Feng smiled calmly.

With it, you can completely avoid any attack from the war snake. Like the war snake Town, the war snake hall also recognizes crystal and does not recognize people. Just about to put this bright war snake crystal into his bag, Lin Feng was stunned and his eyes couldn\'t help lighting up.


"If I do..."

Lin Feng clenched his fist and Peng ran moved.

This plan may be tried!