Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 858

"How about a temporary truce?" Lin Feng looked at the girl.

"HMM..." Shi Zhi\'s heart sang softly, and her eyes looked forward, very curious, "Okay, but you\'re not allowed to run away. I haven\'t judged you yet!"

Still thinking about trial.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly.

But when they talk to children, they don\'t care.

"Go and have a look." Lin Feng nodded to Shi Zhi\'s heart.

I really can\'t afford to kill the innocent girl in front of me.

"Good!" Shi Zhixin nodded and jumped with joy. But in an instant, the big eyes turned and Shi Zhi\'s heart hummed, "why should I listen to you, a bad man."

Lin Feng smiled and ignored.

As soon as you step on your right foot, you immediately go ahead.

It\'s like a light wind blowing, and the speed is not slow at all.

"Damn it, I ran away!" after all, Shi Zhixin was a child\'s nature. In the twinkling of an eye, she forgot that they had just had a fight. The golden light on her forehead bloomed faintly and her body was light. Catch up quickly, much faster than Lin Feng.

Moreover, this is still her full strength.

Step! Step!

Land one front and one back.

Shi Zhi raised her head and looked at Lin Feng proudly, as if showing off.

Lin Feng smiled.

"Oh?" in front of me, the colorful light condensed, and the earth was still shaking violently. It was like a mirage, but the sky fell like a "Palace", which was strange and bright.

The power is extremely surging and amazing.

Gradually take shape!

Lin Feng stared and didn\'t move.

"Hey, villain, do you think this palace is true?" said Shi Zhi.

"I also want to know." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

It feels strange.

It is clearly formed by five lights in the sky, but it feels like it is really a palace. Every layer and every side seemed to be real, giving people an unspeakable "texture". If it was not true, it would be incredible.


But it\'s hard to say.

Shizhi\'s eyes flashed light, but she couldn\'t restrain her curiosity and drove forward in an instant.

The wind was trembling. Lin Feng immediately noticed it and drank, "be careful!"

Before the voice fell, he heard a stuffy hum. Shi Zhixin\'s body touched the gathering place of the five-color light, as if it had hit a thick wall, with bright stars. The golden light protects the body of Shizhi\'s heart, but it can\'t hide the powerful impact.

"Really impulsive." Lin Feng said.

He moved slightly and caught Shi Zhi\'s heart in the air. The latter was dizzy and ignorant at this time.

If you don\'t catch her, you must fall dizzy.

"Step on!" Lin Feng took off his strength and stood on the ground.

Put Shi Zhi\'s heart lightly on the ground, and the latter\'s face turned red.

It was a big embarrassment.

"Don\'t be rash, wait a minute." Lin Feng looked straight ahead.

"Oh..." Shi Zhi\'s heart answered lightly, lowered her head, and suddenly seemed to think of something. She looked up and said, "why should I listen to you, bad man!"

"If you don\'t want to fall again." Lin Feng opened his mouth faintly and didn\'t look at Shi Zhi\'s heart. Instead, he stared at the \'Palace\' wrapped with five-color light in front of him, giving himself a very comfortable feeling. There was a flame power in it, and there seemed to be a resonance in his heart.

Skimming her small mouth, Shi Zhi\'s heart whispered, "Stinky look."

Lin Feng directly ignored this "children\'s speech and children\'s language". The light ahead is bright and shining, and the five-color light tends to be dim.

It seems that the palace is about to be completed.

But at this time——

"Whoosh!" a strong wind came from a distance.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed brightly and looked straight to the left. He was surprised, "what a fast speed."

Like a flash of lightning, it was a figure covered in black, galloping towards the palace without even sweeping the forest wind. In an instant, Lin Feng saw half a side face of the young man in black. The water caltrop was clear and quite handsome, but there was a ruthlessness in his eyes, just like an eagle.

Not ordinary people!

"Hey, be careful!" Shi Zhixin shouted.

"Zheng!" the sharp blade in his hand stabbed at the light curtain.

The young man in black is much older than Shi Zhixin\'s experience.

It\'s like stabbing on a very hard metal. The blade is slightly curved, and the eyes of the young man in black are cold. With his left foot on the ground, with strong inertia, his left hand clings to the light wall, the strong dark cyan star force is released madly, and the dramatic light flashes on his left hand.

Zi! Zizi~

It\'s like an electric wave touching the light wall.

However, the light wall does not seem to exist, and there is still no change.

The attack of the young man in black is totally useless.

"Hum." the eagle like eyes coagulated a touch of cold light, and the young man in black stepped on his right foot. His body was psychedelic and ghostly.

Time is to fly back and step on the ground.

The whole process was completed at one go without half reluctance.

Compared with the "recklessness" of Shi Zhi\'s heart, it is completely day by day.

"Learn from others." Lin Feng smiled at Shi Zhi\'s heart.

"It\'s not the same failure." Shi Zhi\'s heart raised her small head, skimmed her lips, and suddenly stared at Lin Feng, "are you familiar with you, bad guy!"

Lin Feng laughed in an uproar, but he didn\'t care.

His eyes fell on the young man in black not far away. The latter also looked at him at this time, with a sense of "bad".

That\'s hostility and killing!

However, Yu Guang, a young man in black, swept Shi Zhi\'s heart and didn\'t turn his head in an instant.

"He seems to know this girl." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

I completely felt the killing intention of the young man in black just now, and obviously wanted to kill myself and eradicate potential competitors. But seeing the existence of Shi Zhi\'s heart, the idea was immediately dispelled. It seemed that she was quite afraid of the innocent girl.

"This little girl who wants to judge me has become my amulet." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Aries, one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, is obviously a little girl.

But what scares people is her terrible strength.

"Bad man, what are you laughing at?" Shi Zhi turned her head and stared.

"Do you know him?" Lin Feng\'s eyes gestured to Shi Zhi\'s heart.

"A bad man worse than you is hopeless!" Shi Zhixin raised her head with deep disgust in her eyes. "After entering the wizard of Oz, she has killed more than 300 people."

More than 300?!

Lin Feng was shocked.

The young man in black is really very human.

Now it\'s less than two days. Even if he starts killing from the time he enters, the efficiency is amazing.

"Then don\'t you judge him?" Lin Feng said strangely.

"If you can\'t fight, you\'ll run away. He\'s a coward!" Shi Zhixin\'s voice suddenly became louder, as if he had done it deliberately.

Lin Feng smiled and understood.

No wonder the young man in black was so afraid of the little girl that he obviously suffered a lot from her.

However, it\'s amazing to be able to "escape" from the hands of a young girl. At least you can\'t do it yourself. Glancing at the young man in black, his face was not surprised, like a wolf preying on prey, and his eyes were filled with extreme cold.

Definitely a top assassin!

Lin Feng nodded, his heart clear.

The colorful light gradually faded down.

The light wall gradually became "thin", and the magnificent palace gradually appeared in front of us.

However, the gate of the palace was closed. It was a magnificent five-color gate. It stood tall, as if it had compared everything. It felt that no existence could shake it. Such a shocking scene made Lin Feng three people all shocked.

This palace must have great mysteries!

"Wow!" the young man in black changed his eyes.

Lin Feng was stunned and felt the coming of the same strong breath almost in an instant.

Another strong man is coming!

It\'s not fast, but it\'s steady.

Majestic, and young people in black have the opposite feeling of solitude.

If one is Yin, then the other is Yang.

"He seems to know." Lin Feng saw the eyes of the young man in black flashing like an eagle, and the cold light was exposed.

If it were an ordinary person, how could this top assassin care?

Sharp knife Qi!

Before the man arrives, the sword comes first.

It\'s a sword that doesn\'t seem to have any special characteristics.

But it flies in the air, flashing the blade as if it were clumsy, just like a hidden strong man.

"It\'s really lively." indifferent laughter sounded, and a young man like a lion suddenly came, grabbed the war knife with his right hand and stood upright. He is proud and has a sunny smile. The young man has a big hand. He holds the sabre firmly as if he could control everything.

"Hua Wei!" the young man in black looked cold and bright.

"Long time no see, Zeng Ren." Hua Wei greeted with a light smile.

Then looking at Shi Zhixin, Hua Wei arched his hand slightly, "Hello, Miss Zhixin."

"HMM." nodded, and Shi Zhi smiled politely.

Lin Feng looked in his eyes and understood a lot in his heart.

Obviously, this\' Hua Wei \'is not a bad person. At least Shi Zhixin doesn\'t hate him.

"It turned out that he was Zeng Ren, No. 2." Lin Feng looked at the young man in black and Hua Wei, and smiled lightly in his heart. "Hua Wei, No. 1, the two strong players in the qualification competition gathered together. It seems quite wrong, but there is a good play."

Lin Feng also knows a little about Hua Wei and Zeng Ren.

Even if he didn\'t know his opponent, Guan Zhong had made the pre game intelligence investigation clear.

Two monsters genius!

"Who is this brother?" Hua Wei looked at Lin Feng and asked politely.

"Nobody, it\'s nothing." Lin Feng replied calmly. Hua Wei didn\'t ask much, but he saw the number on Lin Fengxian\'s astrolabe.

"Hide your head and show your tail, and don\'t even dare to say your name." Shi Zhi\'s heart scolded.

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Hua Wei\'s eyes were bright, looking at Shi Zhi\'s heart and Lin Feng.

In my heart, I seem to understand something.

At this time——

"Boom!!" colorful light shines.

In the sky, the light broke out completely and was frantically vented to the palace.

Like a milky way waterfall, it flows down like mercury, as if it gave the whole palace the power of life. The eyes of the four people all converged with a look of surprise, but they had never seen such a wonderful scene and were shocked.



One, one.

Like a meteor shower.

Five colors, exhausted the last light, fell in front of the palace gate.

Turn into five colors of light, form five circular apertures of different colors, and gather together. The luster is shiny and charming.

"Peng!" the light wall burst and the light disappeared completely.

The whole palace, completed!

(third shift ~ ~)